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OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNIA SOHA- Buddhist Mantra- Chanting Time -Sakyamuni Buddha- 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 - 蒂納・丁
OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNIA SOHA- Buddhist Mantra- Chanting Time -Sakyamuni Buddha- 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 - 蒂納・丁
Album Vol 2. on * Om – this primordial sound it is used at the start of many Sanskrit and Buddhist mantras and can be thought of as opening yourself up to the ultimate truth of what is coming next with the chanting of the mantra; * Muni – this syllable is often translated to mean wise. Furthermore, this syllable is an ancient Indian word commonly linked with silent sages. * Maha – this syllable is typically translated to mean supreme or great; * Muniye – this syllable represents the suffering of subtle illusions; * Soha – this syllable is often translated to mean greeting or hail. This Buddhist mantra could be said to be the essence of the Gautama Buddha, the essence of his enlightenment. The mantra is in no way to separate the mantra from Gautama Buddha himself. Gautama Buddha, also known as Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, or simply the Buddha, was born in what is now Nepal some 2,500 years ago. The word Buddha signifies „the enlightened one” or „awakened one”. Buddha is also used as a title for the first awakened being in a Yuga era (our present time is a Kali Yuga, which started at 3102 BCE). Here’s the meaning of the mantra ‘Om muni muni mahamuniye svaha’: Om – aum – represents the infinite consciousness Muni – learned sage Maha muni – greatest of the great sages Svaha – hail/ absorb   In English it means “In this wide universe, oh greatest of the great sages, I hail and absorb you into me”. When this mantra is chanted in the original Sanskrit language the syllables uttered carry vibrations that can help to bring positivity to the chanting person. Chanting of this mantra can take you into a path of awakening where your mind is rid of any thoughts or actions.   Chanting ‘Om muni muni mahamuniye svaha’ is said to be the essence of Buddha which means enlightenment. Mantras have energy. Copyright © by Tinna Dinhova (Tinna Tinh) all rights reserved
OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNIA SOHA- Buddhist Mantra- Chanting Time -Sakyamuni Buddha- 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 - 蒂納・丁
Vajrasattva Mantra- Cleansing Karma- Relaxing Music | Tinna Tinh
Vajrasattva Mantra- Cleansing Karma- Relaxing Music | Tinna Tinh
金剛薩埵百字明-蒂納・丁 OM Syllable of the most supreme exclamation of praise. BENZAR SATO SA MA YA Vajrasattva’s Samaya MA NU PA LA YA BENZAR SATO O Vajrasattva, protect the samaya. TE NO PA TISHTHA DRI DHO ME BHA WA May you remain firm in me. SU TO KA YO ME BHA WA Grant me complete satisfaction. SU PO KA YO ME BHA WA Grow within me (increase the positive within me). ANU RAKTO ME BHA WA Be loving towards me. SARVA SIDDHI ME PRA YATSA Grant me all the accomplishments, SARVA KARMA SU TSA ME As well as all the activities. TSITTAM SHRE YAM KU RU Make my mind virtuous. HUNG Syllable of the heart essence, the seed syllable of Vajrasattva. HA HA HA HA Syllables of the four immeasurables, the four empowerments, the four joys, and the four kāyas. HO Syllable of joyous laughter in them. BHA GA WAN SARVA TA THA GA TA Bhagawan, who embodies all the Vajra Tathāgatas, BENZRA MA ME MUNTSA Do not abandon me. BENZRI BHA WA Grant me realization of the vajra nature. MA HA SA MA YA SATO O great Samayasattva, AH Make me one with you. Syllable of uniting in non-duality. Artist Tinna Tinh Composer Nguyen Hoang Anh Copyright © Tinna Tinh All Rights Reserved
Vajrasattva Mantra- Cleansing Karma- Relaxing Music | Tinna Tinh
《大准提神咒〔修行版〕☆ Chunte Mantra》(全專輯)1:31:02
《大准提神咒〔修行版〕☆ Chunte Mantra》(全專輯)1:31:02
我最喜歡的版本 奕睆版 專輯共兩曲 稽首皈依蘇悉帝 頭面頂禮七俱胝 我今稱讚大准提 惟願慈悲垂加護 南無颯哆喃三藐三菩陀 俱胝喃恒姪他 唵折戾主戾 准提娑婆訶 「准提神咒」—— 可滅諸罪障、離諸病苦、不墮惡趣,遠離三災八難; 更可圓滿福、智二資糧,隨所生處,得遇善知識以及 諸佛菩薩,並常為諸天、善神、護法之所護念! ■「佛曲唱頌CD」系列37:<大准提神咒.Chunte Mantra>■ 《大准提神咒 ☆ Chunte Mantra》 01. 演唱修行加長版 ☆ Extended Vocal Version 00:00 02. YT特別收錄音樂版 ☆ Extended Music Version(Youtube Only) 1:07:27 ◎ 出版發行: 亞洲唱片有限公司、 諦聽文化事業有限公司 ◎ 音樂總監:王俊雄 ◎ 製作人:奕 睆 ◎ 作詞:傳 統 ◎ 作曲:奕 睆、彩 風 ◎ 編曲、MIDI:蔡志展 ◎ 演唱:奕 睆 ◎ 二胡:楊斯雄 ◎ 笛、笙:羅啟瑞 ◎ 文字編寫:奕 睆 ◎ 行銷企宣:王馨晨 ◎ 平面美術創意:林耕宇 ◎ 錄音、混音工程:周志宏 ◎ 錄音室:高雄亞洲數位錄音室 ◎ 成音製版:Pure Asia工作室 ◎ 發行日期:2007年10月 ◎ 國際錄音著作碼:TWC830706001 ◎ 亞洲全球網站: ◎ 電子服務信箱 ◎ (P)(C) 2007 亞洲唱片有限公司 ◎ (P)(C) 2007 諦聽文化事業有限公司
《大准提神咒〔修行版〕☆ Chunte Mantra》(全專輯)1:31:02
梵音大悲咒 寶鬘覺華
梵音大悲咒 寶鬘覺華
演唱:寶鬘覺華曲:蓮歌子拿摩惹納 達拉雅 雅納摩 阿裡雅 佳納薩嘎拉 貝勒佳納 尤哈拉佳雅 達他嘎達雅阿拉哈爹 桑雅嗓布達雅 拿摩 薩嚕哇達他嘎提唄 阿拉哈達唄 桑雅桑布提唄拿摩阿裡雅 阿哇嚕給爹 秀哇啦雅 布地薩埵哇雅瑪哈薩埵哇雅 瑪哈嘎嚕尼嘎雅 達爹雅他翁達啦達啦 提力提力 吐露吐露易笛威 易笛 加列 加列 ...
梵音大悲咒 寶鬘覺華
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱 「往生净土神咒」大家都知道,他的名字是什么呢?「拔一切业障根本得生净土神咒」也叫「拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼」这个咒语出自小无量寿经,小无...
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\往生神咒\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\往生神咒\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\往生神咒\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱威力无比的“往生咒”咒语名称往生神咒,全称“拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼”,简称往生咒,是汉传佛教寺院《早晚课诵集》中十小咒之一。咒...
往生咒\阿彌陀佛往生咒\拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼\108遍\Rebirth to Pureland Mantra\往生神咒\梵文\梵音\教念\念诵\念法\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\梵唱