Completed in 2019 in Osaka, Japan. Images by Katsuya. Taira. This residence sits on a long, narrow property in urban Osaka that will likely become increasingly hemmed in by high-rise buildings in the future....
Completed in 2017 in Japan. Images by Toshiyuki Yano. This small house is located on a narrow street in a dense Osaka neighborhood. We were involved in the project starting with the search for a lot and...
This small site measuring 36.95 sqm is located in a downtown residential area. The slatted, drainboard-like floors on the first through third floors...
Built by ma-style architects in Fujieda, Japan with date 2012. Images by Nacasa & Partners Makoto Yasuda. There was the building site on a gently sloping hill.It is land for sale by the lot made by recent land adjustment he...
Built by Tato Architects in Kobe, Japan with date 2008. Images by Satoshi Shigeta. We are convinced that architecture is a means to find to love the environment and have been in quest for creating arc...
Built by Tato Architects in Itami, Japan with date 2012. Images by Koichi Torimura. Widening interspace to utilize Many of the requests to us for designing a house are accompanied with a prerequisite...
Built by Takuro Yamamoto Architects in Tokyo, Japan H-ORANGE is an independent house featured by the character of its site, which is located next to a small field and la...
Completed in 2010 in Itabashi, Japan. Images by Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners Inc. This is a house for a hearing-impaired couple and two children with no impairment. The site is located in a dense residential area in Itabashi-ku,...
Little House with a Big Terrace / Takuro Yamamoto Architects
Completed in 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. Little House with a Big Terrace is a lucid example of having large external space in small urban residence with limited site area of Tokyo. Through...