Completed in 2019 in Osaka, Japan. Images by Katsuya. Taira. This residence sits on a long, narrow property in urban Osaka that will likely become increasingly hemmed in by high-rise buildings in the future....
This small site measuring 36.95 sqm is located in a downtown residential area. The slatted, drainboard-like floors on the first through third floors...
Built by Takuro Yamamoto Architects in Tokyo, Japan H-ORANGE is an independent house featured by the character of its site, which is located next to a small field and la...
Completed in 2010 in Itabashi, Japan. Images by Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners Inc. This is a house for a hearing-impaired couple and two children with no impairment. The site is located in a dense residential area in Itabashi-ku,...