

Calming Bed Time Meditation Pure Brainwave Sleep Meditation Binaural Beat | Alpha to Theta 30 min
Calming Bed Time Meditation Pure Brainwave Sleep Meditation Binaural Beat | Alpha to Theta 30 min
Enjoy a calming brainwave binaural beat, for your preparation to sleep. Study shows that people experience better sleep quality when they build a habit of meditating before bed. It can be a quick 5 min. meditation or longer if you can. We've designed a binaural beat, begins at Alpha and slow bringing you to Theta. It is designed at lower Base Frequencies, so it is calming to the ears and the brain to better prepare you for bed. Please put on your earphones, make yourself comfortable in a sitting position, and happy meditation. Namaste
Calming Bed Time Meditation Pure Brainwave Sleep Meditation Binaural Beat | Alpha to Theta 30 min
A special creation from the composer, this is a gentle brainwave combo that starts at our normal wake state of BETA, and slowly takes you down to ALPHA, then THETA. ENTER WITH AN OPEN MIND: We have received many messages through our audiences regarding their experience with this brainwave track. Please keep note that you are completely safe, and whatever you experience is a journey of awakening. Do feel free to reach out if you'd like to share you're experience in the comments below, help yourself and help others. 30Min PURE BRAINWAVE COMBO - BETA | ALPHA | THETA, perfect for expert meditations PLEASE USE HEADPHONES/EARPHONES, otherwise this experiment will not work. A special creation from the composer, this is a gentle brainwave combo that starts at our normal wake state of BETA, and slowly takes you down to ALPHA, then THETA. Allowing you to meditate, and then gradually takes you back from THETA to ALPHA, and then back to BETA. Once you've finished, you will hear a calming music with birds singing. Congratulations, you've now finished you're 30 min meditation session. MEDIT TIME | Change your mindset Change your life | Namasté MeditTime ©️ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED #brainwave #brainwavecombo #combinedbrainwave
6 hrs Binaural Beats SLEEP HEAL and REPAIR MIND and BODY, Black Screen, Delta waves 高段位「療育放空」方式 | 神奇的雙耳拍頻 | 腦波調節音樂 — Binaural Beats 幫助你的腦波自然降至 DELTA 波 | 腦波放鬆 | 幫助入眠 | 提升冥想狀態 | 6小時 無廣告
6 hrs Binaural Beats SLEEP HEAL and REPAIR MIND and BODY, Black Screen, Delta waves 高段位「療育放空」方式 | 神奇的雙耳拍頻 | 腦波調節音樂 — Binaural Beats 幫助你的腦波自然降至 DELTA 波 | 腦波放鬆 | 幫助入眠 | 提升冥想狀態 | 6小時 無廣告
"Sleeping healing music for the Mind and the Body" HOW TO ACHIEVE FULL EFFECTIVENESS OF BINAURAL BEATS SLEEP MUSIC? BEST RESULTS BY USING WITH EARPHONES!!! This video will only show BLACK SCREEN after a few min. Great for your sleep, and great for your device. If you like this video please click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more! We have more exciting and powerful Binaural Beats coming out! If you want to hear our new Binaural Beats, check out our playlist below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uK9tkkJ5DQ&list=PLaJVhvDymhCvPWI9ELw8RjXnOQz3TlmQU RELAX the core of your brain What you’re listening to: Delta waves (1-4 Hz) are the slowest waves and associated with deep sleep, meditation, and healing. The deeply relaxing delta binaural beats are the perfect accompaniment for sleep. Enjoy~! MeditTime ©️ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
6 hrs Binaural Beats SLEEP HEAL and REPAIR MIND and BODY, Black Screen, Delta waves 高段位「療育放空」方式 | 神奇的雙耳拍頻 | 腦波調節音樂 — Binaural Beats 幫助你的腦波自然降至 DELTA 波 | 腦波放鬆 | 幫助入眠 | 提升冥想狀態 | 6小時 無廣告
Binaural Beats Beta (12-38 Hz) AWAKE your SENSES STUDY CONCENTRATION with MUSIC
Binaural Beats Beta (12-38 Hz) AWAKE your SENSES STUDY CONCENTRATION with MUSIC
β 波(英文:beta wave)是腦電波的一種。這種波是人類當中是指頻率處於 12.5 至 30 Hz 之間的腦電波,有的再細分為三種:低 Beta 波(12.5 至 16 Hz;或者叫「Beta 1」)、Beta 波(16.5 至 20 Hz;或者叫「Beta 2」)、同理高 Beta 波(20.5 至 28 Hz;或者叫「Beta 3」)。 If you like this video please click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more! We have more exciting and powerful Binaural Beats coming out! AWAKEN the core of your brain What you’re listening to: Beta (12-38 Hz) is the active thinking and waking state. Beta waves are associated with the problem solving, complex thinking, motor skills, excitement, and reasoning of daily life. Beta binaural beats are also shown to improve mood and performance and to improve long-term memory. So if you want to rev up your workout or feel more enthusiastic while working, then beta binaural beats are for you! Thanks! MeditTime ©️ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Binaural Beats Beta (12-38 Hz) AWAKE your SENSES STUDY CONCENTRATION with MUSIC
3 hrs PURE Brainwave sound: THETA wave
3 hrs PURE Brainwave sound: THETA wave
θ波 (Theta band)(英文:theta wave)是腦電波的一種,指頻率處於 4 至 6 Hz 之間的腦電波。 是一種適於測量低焦慮、低恐懼狀態下的連續性專注指標,也是自我需求管理的內部神經指標。 因此,θ波對於觸發深層記憶、強化長期記憶等幫助極大。 HOW TO ACHIEVE FULL EFFECTIVENESS OF BINAURAL BEATS and BRAINWAVE SOUNDS? BEST USE WITH EARPHONES!!! If you like this video please click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more! We have more exciting and powerful Binaural Beats coming out! If you want to hear different brainwaves with background music, check out our playlist below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uK9tkkJ5DQ&list=PLaJVhvDymhCvPWI9ELw8RjXnOQz3TlmQU RELAX the core of your brain What you’re listening to: Theta (3 TO 8 HZ) This brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory, and intuition. In Theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is that twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we wake or drift off to sleep. In theta we are in a dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness. It’s where we hold our ‘stuff’, our fears, troubled history, and nightmares. Enjoy~! MeditTime ©️ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
3 hrs PURE Brainwave sound: THETA wave