

8 Hours Deep Sleep Music | Chakra Cleansing Meditation Music | Peaceful Sleep Meditation Music This track lasts for little more than 8 hours and music has been designed to cleanse and heal our 7 Chakras (Energy Centers) The frequencies are a combination of vibrational frequencies for 7 chakras Chakras. Its perfect to help you drift in deep sleep and let the delicate sound vibrations work to cleanse chakras. And it also helps in stress relief and reducing insomnia. You can also use this music as background music for your meditation practice. for 1 Hour Meditation Music press here 07:07:07 for 30 Mins of Meditation Music press here 07:38:07 Infinite Love and Gratitude.
TODA LA MÚSICA SANADORA DE LOS 7 CHAKRAS Limpieza de Aura de Cuerpo Completo 🎵 Información de seguimiento: Título: Soft Relaxation Compositor: Jack DT Sigue Dream Musicoterapia en ... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1hoVM3kiu8W27YQ1f6g3m8 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/vn/album/1582425318 Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/album/253577892 Música para relajarse, meditar, estudiar, leer, masajes, spa o dormir. Esta música es perfecta para combatir la ansiedad, el stress o el insomnio ya que facilita la relajación y nos ayuda a eliminar las malas vibraciones. También pueden utilizar esta música como fondo para clases de meditaciones guiadas o relajaciones para dormir. Bienvenidos a un nuevo directo de música relajante en el canal de Dream Relax Música. Pueden dejar el vídeo a poco volumen y empezar a realizar cualquier tarea como estudiar, trabajar, leer.. o simplemente relajarse o dormir profundamente. Si les gustó el directo y quieren más contenido de música relajante, no olviden darle a me gusta. Namaste Música para: Relajación y Meditación. Meditaciones guiadas. Relajaciones para dormir. Calmar y controlar la ansiedad. Conciliar el sueño y dormir mejor. Estudiar. Sesiones de yoga, reiki, spa, masajes.. Realizar tareas. Bienestar. Suscríbete para estar al día de todas nuestras publicaciones: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8V9JtSe1SKgLCJYpiGrZzg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal? - En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudiar y concentrarse... Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta. También podrás trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que contamos con música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,.... No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones.
斯瓦迪斯塔納,脾脈輪或水脈輪。 它是骶脈輪,位於生殖器的高度,在腹部的下部,肚臍正下方。 它的能量代表情感、自發性、慾望、愉悅、性慾和身體創造力。 它的顏色是橙色:象徵著積極的情緒、成功和內心的和諧。 當水脈輪受阻時,對情緒有直接作用。 它可能會關閉生活的“感性”,導致難以體驗快樂。 內疚感和羞恥感、未實現的和強迫性的慾望、強烈的情緒波動、恐懼和嫉妒也在第二脈輪水平阻塞信號。 合十禮 激活通知,以便您可以及時了解最新消息。我們在星期一和星期三發布。 ℗ 2021 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Music for Body and Spirit頻道還包括: 冥想和瑜伽音樂 在進行短期和長期冥想或瑜伽練習時,可以平衡您的身體和精神。在這裡,您可以找到適合自己口味的音樂。 雙耳節拍和視唱練耳頻率音樂 已針對特定情況(如睡眠或焦慮症)或冥想選擇了這些音軌的頻率。 我們強調,這些曲目無法治愈健康狀況,也不希望取代醫生或醫療保健提供者的建議。此外,在駕駛或操作任何類型的機械時,切勿聽我們的音樂。 睡眠音樂 睡眠對一個人的健康非常重要。這些組合物旨在陪伴您整個睡眠時間或入睡。 靈氣音樂 在這裡,您可以每3分鐘響鈴一次或不響鈴時,找到Reiki療法的音樂。帶有鈴鐺的音軌會隨著每個旋律和和聲而變化到每個位置,並對其進行了詳細研究以幫助治療。 輕鬆的音樂 這些曲目可在任何情況下使用:在工作中作為背景,在緊張的一天后放鬆或只是在您喜歡的時候放鬆。 冥想的聲音 此播放列表中的音樂具有共同的特徵,即沒有和聲變化和非常精緻的旋律,這使這些歌曲非常適合深度冥想。 我們強調我們的音樂無法治愈健康狀況,也無法取代醫生或健康護理提供者的建議。此外,切勿收聽我們駕駛或操作任何種類機器的音樂。 ℗ 2014 - 2021 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Buy our music: Amazon: https://goo.gl/y9Dvag iTunes: https://apple.co/31nqBy1 7 Digital: https://bit.ly/38qQFLh Streaming music: Spotify: https://goo.gl/3p2Rme Deezer: https://goo.gl/FeJfXz YouTube Music: http://bit.ly/37nR5zT Napster: http://bit.ly/2GgexmN Tidal: http://bit.ly/2RJBCUf Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit” ℗ 2014 - 2021 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved. Our site: https://www.musicforbodyandspirit.com/ Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musicforbodyandspirit/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/musicforbodyandspirit/?hl=it Twitter: https://twitter.com/musicbodyspirit Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.it/3ebaafd872bfd93/ For business enquiries: info@musicforbodyandspirit.com #脈輪 #冥想 #治療
音樂在睡覺時清理光環並對齊脈輪| 緩解壓力,鎮定心情
音樂在睡覺時清理光環並對齊脈輪| 緩解壓力,鎮定心情
音樂在睡覺時清理光環並對齊脈輪| 緩解壓力,鎮定心情 🎵跟踪信息: 標題:放鬆身心的冥想 作曲:尼克 from作曲家和Dream RelaxMúsica的創作者寄語: “我是尼克,我製作美麗的音樂來放鬆,睡眠,冥想,學習,瑜伽和音樂,以深度睡眠,入睡,冥想。 希望我的工作能幫助您放鬆身心並激發靈感。 謝謝你的理解和支持 ” -尼克,音樂夢想家的作曲家 ©版權所有: 尼克創作的音樂。 影片/照片的授權來源: •尼克的動畫 版權所有ⓒ2020DreamMusicoterapia®。 版權所有。 #緩解壓力 #睡眠音樂 #平靜的音樂
音樂在睡覺時清理光環並對齊脈輪| 緩解壓力,鎮定心情
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 頂輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - CROWN Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 頂輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - CROWN Chakra meditation music
Welcome to The CROWN chakra, it is the seventh chakra, and it sits at the very top of your head. This particular chakra’s meaning is all about spiritual connectivity. Often referred to as the “thousand petal lotus” chakra, it is the highest chakra and its openness can impact on (or be influenced by) anything on the following list: How much beauty you can see in the world around you Your excitement levels Motivation to reach goals Whether you have a restful sleep Your ability to find peace Your self-worth This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on CROWN Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.thelawofattraction.com/crown-chakra-healing/ ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 頂輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - CROWN Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 眉心輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - THIRD EYE Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 眉心輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - THIRD EYE Chakra meditation music
Welcome to The Third Eye chakra, is known as “the seat of intuition.” Translations of the Sanskrit name include, “perceive,” “beyond wisdom,” and “command.” Located in the center of the forehead, it acts as the individual’s center of wisdom, conscience, and higher consciousness. This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on Third Eye Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.healthline.com/health/throat-chakra-healing ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 眉心輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - THIRD EYE Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 喉輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - THROAT Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 喉輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - THROAT Chakra meditation music
Welcome to The Throat chakra, this chakra plays an essential role in communication, creativity, and self-expression. When there’s an imbalance in this chakra, you may notice you have a harder time communicating effectively. This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on Throat Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.healthline.com/health/throat-chakra-healing ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 喉輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - THROAT Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 心輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - HEART Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 心輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - HEART Chakra meditation music
Welcome to The Heart chakra, it is the fourth primary chakra and serves as our center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. The Heart (Anahata) chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on Heart Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/chakras-yoga-for-beginners/intro-heart-chakra-anahata/ ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 心輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - HEART Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 太陽神經叢 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 太陽神經叢 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra meditation music
Welcome to The SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, which translates to, “City of Jewels.” This chakra governs personality, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity. This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on Solar Plexus Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.bemytravelmuse.com/solar-plexus-chakra/ ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 太陽神經叢 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 臍輪 性輪 生殖輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - SACRAL Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 臍輪 性輪 生殖輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - SACRAL Chakra meditation music
Welcome to the second chakra in the body – the center of our creativity, sexuality, and inspiration, the SACRAL Chakra. This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on Sacral Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.bemytravelmuse.com/sacral-chakra/ ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 臍輪 性輪 生殖輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效 Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - SACRAL Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 海底輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - ROOT Chakra meditation music
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 海底輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - ROOT Chakra meditation music
Your most fundamental chakra cleansing begins here, the Root Chakra. This is an original CHAKRA SERIES BINAURAL BEATS MUSIC ONLY by our healing music production team. If you are looking for a GUIDED chakra meditation please check out our other video here: Chakra Meditation CLEAR ALL 7 CHAKRAS - Mother Earth Energy https://youtu.be/T894YPKARNg MeditTime original FULL CHAKRA music PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJVhvDymhCvofnsthfM3JBQSMY7YHAVx If you want more information on Root Chakra feel free to check out here : https://www.chakras.info/root-chakra/ ©️MeditTime all rights reserved
脈輪能量清理療育冥想音樂 | 淨化開啟 海底輪 | 30分鐘純音樂 快速有效Chakra Binaural Beat ORIGINAL series - ROOT Chakra meditation music