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All 7 Chakras Crystal Singing Bowls 30 Min. Deep Opening & Balancing Meditation Music | 432Hz based
All 7 Chakras Crystal Singing Bowls 30 Min. Deep Opening & Balancing Meditation Music | 432Hz based
Activate and boost your 7 Chakras in 30 minutes with this 432Hz all 7 Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls Deep Opening & Balancing Meditation Music, based on a 432hz grid and featuring the complete range of frequencies of all 7 Chakras for a full body Chakra Opening, Balancing and Cleansing. If you enjoy this video, you might also resonate with my newly released "All 7 Chakras Full Opening, Cleansing & Balancing | Crystal Singing Bowls 30 Min. | 432Hz Meditation": About this All 7 Chakras Crystal Singing Bowls Deep Opening & Balancing Meditation Music: This powerful and deep 30 minutes Crystal Singing Bowls 432Hz Meditation Music will help you opening and balancing all 7 Chakras, starting from the Root Chakra - also called Muladhara - and successively resonate with your Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana), Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) and finally your Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). Just as a melody can be composed using the seven notes of an octave, the 7 chakras create the soundtrack of our existence as human beings. And just as the construction of a house begins with the foundation, the work on the chakras starts from the roots. Therefore, the music in this video is composed and tuned to the frequencies of the 7 Chakras, based on a 432Hz grid, starting from the lowest frequency and rising successively. If you would like to meditate on a particular chakra, you can refer to this timeline: 0:01:07 Muladhara or Root Chakra - 256Hz 0:05:07 Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra - 288Hz 0:09:07 Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra - 320Hz 0:13:07 Anahata or Heart Chakra - 352Hz 0:17:07 Vishuddha or Throat Chakra - 384Hz 0:21:07 Ajna or Third Eye Chakra - 432Hz 0:25:07 Sahasrara or Crown Chakra - 480 Hz If you would like to support me and receive notifications about forthcoming Inner Lotus Music releases, please subscribe here: and hit the 🔔 Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💖 Respectfully yours, Pierre Ynad This 30 minute deep 432hz based chakrahealing meditation music with crystal singing bowls for Chakra and Chakra meditation has been composed with Love in the seven frequencies our 7 Chakras resonate with, and is based on a 432Hz music grid. It has not been artificially tuned to 432Hz but was originally composed in these frequencies. This 432Hz-grid based music can also be used for Chakra Cleansing, Chakra Healing, Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing and Full Body Aura balancing. Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening. Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment. We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use. The reuse, event in parts, of any video, image and/or music from this channel is strictly prohibited ! Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad Copyright ⓒ 2020 Inner Lotus Music™. All rights reserved. #innerlotusmusic #432hz #chakrahealingmusic chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing
All 7 Chakras Crystal Singing Bowls 30 Min. Deep Opening & Balancing Meditation Music | 432Hz based
冠脈輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
冠脈輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Crown Chakra Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water”- Series 打開,治愈和平衡你的頂輪,打開你的門到純淨的意識,宁靜,快樂和深層的內在和平!這一和平的冥想音樂具有長笛,皇冠脈輪水晶唱歌碗和附近溫和的小溪的平靜的聲音,是為你在這里愛心地幫助你連接到宇宙。
冠脈輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
第三眼、眉心輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
第三眼、眉心輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Third Eye Chakra Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water”- Series 打開、治愈和平衡你的第三眼脈輪,超越心靈和語言!這宁靜的冥想音樂具有長笛,第三眼脈輪水晶歌唱碗和附近溫和的小溪的平靜的聲音,是為你在這里愛心地幫助你找到回到你的自然和內在的直覺。
第三眼、眉心輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
心輪和平治愈冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
心輪和平治愈冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Heart Chakra Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water”- Series 打開、治愈和平衡你的心脈輪,讓愛和和諧流入你和你的生活!這是一個宁靜的冥想音樂長笛,一個心脈輪水晶歌唱碗和附近一個溫柔的小溪的平靜的聲音,是在這里為你愛幫助你放下過去,原諒自己和他人,再次感受愛。
心輪和平治愈冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
太陽神經叢和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛和水” - YouTube
太陽神經叢和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛和水” - YouTube
Solar Plexus Chakra Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water” 打開,治愈和平衡你的太陽叢脈輪,連接到你的個人力量和自尊的自然中心!這一和平的冥想音樂具有長笛,太陽叢脈輪水晶歌唱碗和附近溫和的小溪的平靜的聲音,是為你在這里愛心地幫助你重新連接你固有的意志力和自信。
太陽神經叢和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛和水” - YouTube
臍輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
臍輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Sacral Chakra Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water”- Series 打開,治愈和平衡你的臍輪,放開剝奪,自我犧牲和界限!這一和平的冥想音樂具有長笛,一個神聖脈輪水晶歌唱碗和附近溫和的小溪的平靜的聲音,將再次愛地幫助你連接到你的身體,你的創造力和你的感官。
臍輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
根脈輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
根脈輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Root Chakra Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water”- Series 開放,癒合和平衡您的根脈輪,連接到您的身體,內心安全和自然自信! 這種寧靜的冥想音樂特色,一個根脈輪水晶唱歌碗和附近溫柔的小溪的鎮靜聲音將靈活地幫助您放棄恐懼,焦慮和擔憂,以便安全和自信。
根脈輪和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “長笛與水”系列 - YouTube
下脈輪(下三輪)和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “笛與水”系列 - YouTube
下脈輪(下三輪)和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Lower Chakras Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water” Series 開放和平衡你的根脈輪骶脈輪李和太陽叢脈輪這和平愈合冥想音樂,長笛,脈輪水晶唱歌碗和附近的一個平靜的聲音溫柔的小溪,將地陪伴你在你的較低的脈輪冥想,從你的根脈輪開始,无縫地引導你一直到你的太陽叢脈輪。
下脈輪(下三輪)和平治療冥想音樂|水晶歌唱碗 | “笛與水”系列 - YouTube
更高的脈輪(上四輪)和平治療冥想音樂|水晶頌缽 | “笛與水”系列 - YouTube
更高的脈輪(上四輪)和平治療冥想音樂|水晶頌缽 | “笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Higher Chakras Peaceful Healing Meditation Music | Crystal Singing Bowl | “Flute & Water” Series 開放和平衡您的較高脈輪:您的心齒輪,喉嚨脈輪,您的第三隻眼睛脈輪和皇冠Chakra! 這種寧靜的治療冥想音樂,具有一塊長笛,Chakra水晶歌唱碗和附近的溫柔溪流的平靜聲,將在您的較高的Chakra冥想中陪伴您,從您的心臟脈輪開始,並無縫地指導您一直到冠脈輪 。
更高的脈輪(上四輪)和平治療冥想音樂|水晶頌缽 | “笛與水”系列 - YouTube
Pure Frequency Specific Sound Baths | 30 Minutes Each Chakra | Singing Bowl Meditation Music | Relax
Pure Frequency Specific Sound Baths | 30 Minutes Each Chakra | Singing Bowl Meditation Music | Relax
Welcome to Healing Vibrations! We highly recommend listening with headphones 🎧 for the best sound therapy experience 🎶💆‍♀️💆‍♂️🎶 Watch a guided version of this video here 👉 Instagram 📸 Spotify 🎧 iTunes 🔊 PayPal 🎁 Patreon ❤️ Amazon Music, website, & More 👉 We've compiled our 7 Chakra sound bath series into one long, luxurious, sound healing experience designed to move vibrations through each of your 7 Chakras for a full body, mind and spirit cleanse. We encourage you to observe the effects that each of these singing bowls have on your body, where you feel them and what they caused the surface inside of you as you listen. We never know what emotions or feelings might surface within us while listening to the singing bowls and we hope that you enjoy your experience as you explore each of these frequencies individually! 00:00:00 Root 00:30:00 Sacral 01:00:00 Solar Plexus 01:30:00 Heart 02:00:00 Throat 02:30:00 Third Eye 03:00:00 Crown Ways to Support Our Channel ❤️ 1. Comment 🗣, Like 👍, Share 📫, Subscribe ✅, & click the 🔔 to enable those notifications 🙌 2. Donate or Contribute 💸 Instrument Fund 🎺 Become a member on YouTube 3. 👇Links to our instruments and equipment👇 Use the links below & a tiny portion of the sale 💰 goes toward funding this channel 💸 👇Instruments👇🥣🎶 Crystal Singing Bowls Tibetan Singing Bowls ➡️ Planetary Tuning Fork Chakra Set 7-Peice Planetary Tuned Chimes 32 inch Symphonic Gong Thunder Tube Rain Sticks: 30 Inch Chilean Cactus Rainstick 20 Inch Chilean Cactus Rainstick Sea Drum / Wave Drum Quartz Crystal Singing Pyramid 👇Design👇 🕯🏮 Bamboo Floor Mat Salt Lamp Singing Bowl Waterproof LEDs Ocean Wave Projector Diffuser Lighted Willow Vine Moon Lamp Lava Lamp 👇Camera & Audio👇 🎥💡🎤 Audio 🎤 Audio-Technica Hypercardiod Mic Mic Stand - Pop Filter - Audio Recorders ⏺ - H4N Pro - Zoom H6 Cameras 🎥 - Sony a7iii - GoPro 7 Black - Mavic 2 Pro Drone 4K SD Cards - Highspeed Micro SD for GoPro & Drone - Sony Highspeed SD Card Lenses 📸 - Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS - Sony FE 16-35mm F2.8 G Master Tripods - eImage GH05 - Joby JB01507 GorillaPod Video Monitor -Bestview S7 4K Lights 💡🏮 - Aputure 120D mark ii - Apature 300D mark ii - Neewar LED Panel (more affordable mini lights) - Panel Lights - LED Light Strip Diffusion & Filters -Aputure Light Dome II -Gels / Color Filters for Lights - Visit our website for inquiries, bookings, and events *Disclaimer* Healing Vibrations products and experiences are in no way a replacement for traditional medicine. We seek to facilitate mental and physical healing through techniques that are designed to calm and relax the body and create a state of mindfulness and reflection. Through relaxation and mindfulness, the human body’s natural healing processes are strengthened and accelerated. Learn more at: American Psychological Association - Mayo Clinic -
Pure Frequency Specific Sound Baths | 30 Minutes Each Chakra | Singing Bowl Meditation Music | Relax