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頌缽脈輪療癒音樂|七脈輪療癒.海底輪、臍輪、太陽輪、心輪、喉輪、眉心輪、頂輪淨化|6小時脈輪睡眠/冥想BGM 脈輪是人體能量的中心,位於身體的中軸線上。人身一共有七個脈輪,其主要影響的是人的心理狀態。位於身體底部的數個脈輪主要主導本能部分,身體頂端附近的脈輪則影響我們的思想部分。脈輪有不同的活躍程度。當她們呈現"活躍"狀態時,表示這些脈輪在正常運作狀態中。 理想狀態下,所有脈輪都會對我們情緒和感覺發揮正面作用。但實際上,通常部分脈輪會不夠活躍以致於無法發揮作用,或部分脈輪過度活躍。理理想狀態是所有的脈輪呈現平衡狀態。 按此收聽更多心靈音樂: ► - 冥想音樂 - ► - 放鬆舒壓音樂 - ► - 脈輪音樂 - ► - 寵物療癒音樂 - ► - 深度睡眠療癒 - ► - 528Hz DNA再生 - ► - 能力開發音樂 - ► - 雙腦同步 - ► - 瑜伽導師精選音樂 - ► - 音頻治療 - ► - 寶寶睡眠音樂 - ► - 吸引力法則音樂 - ► - 另類療癒聲音 - ► - Emptitation 特選心靈音樂 - ► ================================================ Emptitation是一個心靈音樂頻道,為你製作深度睡眠音樂、冥想音樂、瑜伽音樂、脈輪音樂、雙腦同步音樂。透過頻率提升你的睡眠質素、讓你放鬆身心,淨化心靈。調整你的腦波,提升你的直覺力、集中力、創造力、記憶力,表達能力和學習能力,開啟第三眼(松果體),連結更高意識。 宇宙萬物都是振頻。根據量子物理學和吸引力法則,調整你的頻率,能助你吸引戀愛、幸福、財富、成功、健康和一切美好事物。每天15-30分鐘頻率音樂,能改善你的振頻。睡眠時播放,使身體更放鬆,快速進入深度睡眠。瑜伽和冥想時作為背景音樂,讓你達致更好效果。 請按一下喜歡,並將我們的頻道分享。 請訂閱我們的頻道,再按一下🔔,讓我們為你送上最新的作品。📌📌 你亦可以捐助方式支持我們: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Emptitation #ChakraMusic #MeditationMusic #SleepMusic #HealingMusic
HEAL ALL 7 CHAKRAS | Powerful Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music
HEAL ALL 7 CHAKRAS | Powerful Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music
HEAL ALL 7 CHAKRAS | Powerful Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation This 7 Chakras Healing Video features powerful sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls tuned to the frequency of each chakra. We start our meditation with 1st and fundamental chakra - the root chakra and move all the way up to the crown chakra. Get it on iTunes : Get Deluxe Edition : ☀ SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KNOW MORE ABOUT ALL 7 CHAKRAS BELOW Subscribe for your Daily Meditations - ♡ ♡ ♡ Smile & Cultivate Mindfulness LIKE this Music? Support us by sharing it with Others. ✜ KNOW ABOUT 7 CHAKRAS or ENERGY CENTERS 1. Root Chakra :Healing Meditation Music Starts at 00:00 Sanskrit Name - Muladhara Associated Raag - Shyam Kalyan Root Note Frequency - 256Hz Color - Red Location - Base of the Spine Function - It governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves. 2. Sacral Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 26:12 Sanskrit Name - Svadhishthana Associated Raag - Yaman Root Note Frequency - 288Hz Color - Orange Location - In your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. Function - The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 52:24 Sanskrit Name - Manipura Associated Raag - Bhimpalasi Root Note Frequency - 320Hz Color - Yellow Location - At the navel or slightly above the solar plexus Function - Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, energy, willpower, and achievement (Itcha shakti), which radiates prana(the life energy) throughout the entire human body. 4. Heart Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 1:19:12 Sanskrit Name - Anahata Associated Raag - Ahir Bhairav Root Note Frequency - 341Hz Color - Green Location - In the central channel of the spine at the heart Function - It is associated with the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. In Anahata one makes decisions or follows one's heart based on one's higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. 5. Throat Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 1:45:25 Sanskrit Name - Vishuddha Associated Raag - Desh Root Note Frequency - 384Hz Color - Sky Blue Location - At the throat region, near the spine Function - It is known as the purification center of our body and is associated with creativity and self-expression. 6. Third Eye Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 2:11:33 Sanskrit Name - Ajna Associated Raag - Bhupali Root Note Frequency - 448Hz Color - Indigo Location - Directly behind the center of the forehead Function - Ajna translates as "command", and is considered the eye of intuition and intellect. When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being seen by Ajna 7. Crown Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 2:37:45 Sanskrit Name - Sahasrara Associated Raag - Darbari Root Note Frequency - 480Hz Color - Violet Location - Either at or slightly above the top of the head. Function - The Sahasrara Chakra symbolises detachment from illusion; an essential element in obtaining higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one. ♡ THANK YOU FROM BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS ♡ Everyone at Meditative Mind would like to Thank all you Beautiful Souls, who support us by listening to our meditations and healing music, giving us their feedback, sending us their love and blessings and buy our meditations, solfeggio music, chakra chants and healing music. This all helps us to continue on our journey, on our mission. MISSION to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music, Meditation and Chants. And you make this journey more beautiful for us, everyday, by joining in these sessions. Thank You All from the bottom of our Hearts. ♡ Meditative Mind Website: BEST OF MEDITATIVE MIND MUSIC AND CHANTS COLLECTION ☯Chakra Healing Meditations - Playlist ☯Healing Frequencies Music - Playlist ☯Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras - Playlist ☯Healing Camp - Playlist ☯30 Days of Chants - Playlist ☯Mantra Chanting Meditation Music - Playlist ☯Gurbani Meditation Music - Playlist
HEAL ALL 7 CHAKRAS | Powerful Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music