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Full Night All 7 Chakras Opening, Balancing & Healing | 7 Chakra 432Hz Sleep Music & Meditation
Full Night All 7 Chakras Opening, Balancing & Healing | 7 Chakra 432Hz Sleep Music & Meditation
Open and balance your 7 Chakras while you sleep, heal your Root Chakra, your Sacral Chakra, your Solar Plexus Chakra, your Heart Chakra, your Throat Chakra, your Third Eye Chakra (3rd Eye) and your Crown Chakra! This healing meditation sleep music will lovingly accompany you in your recovering sleep. If you enjoy my music and would like to support me, please subscribe to my channel 💖 and hit the 🔔 to turn on notifications and receive the latest Inner Lotus Music! This 432Hz-grid based all 7 Chakras healing meditation and sleep music features shorter versions from the Inner Lotus Music Chakra “Feel” Series and gives you the opportunity to open, balance and heal each of your 7 Chakras - your Root Chakra, your Sacral Chakra, your Solar Plexus Chakra, your Heart Chakra, your Throat Chakra, your Third Eye Chakra (3rd Eye) and your Crown Chakra - during a recovering goodnight sleep. Just as a melody can be composed by the use of the seven notes of an octave, the 7 chakras create the soundtrack of our existence as human beings. And just as the construction of a house begins with the foundation, the work on the chakras starts from the bottom. Therefore, the 7:07:07 all 7 Chakras healing meditation sleep music in this video is composed in the frequencies of all 7 Chakras, based on a 432Hz grid, starting from the lowest chakra frequency and rising successively: Root Chakra (256Hz) - Sacral Chakra (288Hz) - Solar Plexus Chakra (320Hz) - Heart Chakra (352Hz) - Throat Chakra (384Hz) - Third Eye Chakra (432Hz) - Crown Chakra (480Hz) If you want to resonate to a particular of your 7 Chakras, you can access the corresponding chapter of the video directly here: 00:00:00 Root Chakra 01:01:01 Sacral Chakra 02:02:02 Solar Plexus Chakra 03:03:03 Heart Chakra 04:04:04 Throat Chakra 05:05:05 Third Eye Chakra 06:06:06 Crown Chakra If you feel like meditating on a particular Chakra for a longer period, you can access the full length Chakra meditation music from the Chakra “Feel” series here: Root Chakra - Feel Safe Sacral Chakra - Feel Your Body Solar Plexus Chakra - Feel Strong Heart Chakra - Feel Love Throat Chakra - Feel Clear Third Eye Chakra (3rd Eye) - Feel Your Intuition Crown Chakra - Feel Pure Consciousness Feel free to listen to this 432Hz-grid based all 7 Chakra frequency healing meditation and sleep music with headphones or - if you prefer - just let it flow through open space. As long as it is positive for you, it will be positive for your body and soul. Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼 Pierre Ynad Do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment. Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad Copyright ⓒ 2020 Inner Lotus Music ™. All rights reserved. The reuse, event in parts, of any video, image and/or music from this channel is strictly prohibited ! We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use. This all 7 Chakra 432Hz-grid based healing meditation and sleep music for Root Chakra “Muladhara”, Sacral Chakra “Svadhisthana”, Solar Plexus Chakra (or Solarplexus) “Manipura”, Heart Chakra “Anahata”, Throat Chakra “Vishuddha”, Third Eye Chakra “Ajna”, Crown Chakra “Sahasrara” has been composed with Love in frequencies our 7 Chakras resonate with, and can also be used for Root Chakra meditation, Root Chakra sleep music, Sacral Chakra meditation, Sacral Chakra sleep music, Solar Plexus meditation, Solar Plexus sleep music, Heart Chakra meditation, Heart Chakra sleep music, Throat Chakra meditation, Throat Chakra sleep music, Third Eye Chakra meditation, Third Eye Chakra sleep music, 3rd Eye meditation, 3rd Eye Chakra sleep music, Crown Chakra meditation, Crown Chakra sleep music, all 7 Chakras meditation, all 7 Chakra sleep music, all 7 Chakras activation, all 7 Chakras cleansing, all 7 Chakras opening, all 7 Chakras healing, all 7 Chakras balancing, all 7 Chakras frequency, Chakra meditation balancing & healing, all 7 Chakras meditation, as all 7 Chakras healing meditation music, all 7 Chakras meditation music, all 7 Chakras sleep music and/or all 7 Chakras background music. #innerlotusmusic #chakrahealing #chakrahealingmusic chakras sleep meditation, chakras sleep, chakras sleeping, chakra meditation balancing & healing, all 7 chakras healing meditation music, all 7 chakras meditation music, all 7 chakra sleep music, full body aura cleansing
Full Night All 7 Chakras Opening, Balancing & Healing | 7 Chakra 432Hz Sleep Music & Meditation
[脈輪音樂3.0] 一次開啟全脈輪 - 海底輪.臍輪.太陽輪.心輪.喉輪.眉心輪.頂輪|脈輪冥想音樂|睡眠音樂
[脈輪音樂3.0] 一次開啟全脈輪 - 海底輪.臍輪.太陽輪.心輪.喉輪.眉心輪.頂輪|脈輪冥想音樂|睡眠音樂
脈輪冥想音樂 - 七大脈輪全激發,一次開啟全脈輪,增強全部脈輪能量的冥想音樂脈輪是人體能量的中心,位於身體的中軸線上。人身一共有七個脈輪,其主要影響的是人的心理狀態。位於身體底部的數個脈輪主要主導本能部分,身體頂端附近的脈輪則影響我們的思想部分。脈輪有不同的活躍程度。當她們呈現"活躍"狀態時,表示這些脈輪在正常...
[脈輪音樂3.0] 一次開啟全脈輪 - 海底輪.臍輪.太陽輪.心輪.喉輪.眉心輪.頂輪|脈輪冥想音樂|睡眠音樂
脈輪淨化音樂 - 頂輪淨化音樂.消除精神迷霧、釋除欵惑|172.06Hz脈輪音樂
脈輪淨化音樂 - 頂輪淨化音樂.消除精神迷霧、釋除欵惑|172.06Hz脈輪音樂
脈輪淨化音樂 - 頂輪淨化音樂.消除精神迷霧、釋除欵惑|172.06Hz脈輪音樂 脈輪是人體能量的中心,位於身體的中軸線上。人身一共有七個脈輪,其主要影響的是人的心理狀態。位於身體底部的數個脈輪主要主導本能部分,身體頂端附近的脈輪則影響我們的思想部分。脈輪有不同的活躍程度。當她們呈現"活躍"狀態時,表示這些脈輪在正常運作狀態中。 理想狀態下,所有脈輪都會對我們情緒和感覺發揮正面作用。但實際上,通常部分脈輪會不夠活躍以致於無法發揮作用,或部分脈輪過度活躍。理理想狀態是所有的脈輪呈現平衡狀態。 按此收聽更多心靈音樂: ► - 冥想音樂 - ► - 放鬆舒壓音樂 - ► - 脈輪音樂 - ► - 寵物療癒音樂 - ► - 深度睡眠療癒 - ► - 528Hz DNA再生 - ► - 能力開發音樂 - ► - 雙腦同步 - ► - 瑜伽導師精選音樂 - ► - 音頻治療 - ► - 寶寶睡眠音樂 - ► - 吸引力法則音樂 - ► - 另類療癒聲音 - ► - Emptitation 特選心靈音樂 - ► ================================================ Emptitation是一個心靈音樂頻道,為你製作深度睡眠音樂、冥想音樂、瑜伽音樂、脈輪音樂、雙腦同步音樂。透過頻率提升你的睡眠質素、讓你放鬆身心,淨化心靈。調整你的腦波,提升你的直覺力、集中力、創造力、記憶力,表達能力和學習能力,開啟第三眼(松果體),連結更高意識。 宇宙萬物都是振頻。根據量子物理學和吸引力法則,調整你的頻率,能助你吸引戀愛、幸福、財富、成功、健康和一切美好事物。每天15-30分鐘頻率音樂,能改善你的振頻。睡眠時播放,使身體更放鬆,快速進入深度睡眠。瑜伽和冥想時作為背景音樂,讓你達致更好效果。 請按一下喜歡,並將我們的頻道分享。 請訂閱我們的頻道,再按一下🔔,讓我們為你送上最新的作品。📌📌 你亦可以捐助方式支持我們: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Emptitation #ChakraMusic #MeditationMusic #SleepMusic #HealingMusic
脈輪淨化音樂 - 頂輪淨化音樂.消除精神迷霧、釋除欵惑|172.06Hz脈輪音樂
脈輪淨化音樂 - 眉心輪淨化音樂.零壓力,焦慮,憂慮|221.23Hz脈輪音樂
脈輪淨化音樂 - 眉心輪淨化音樂.零壓力,焦慮,憂慮|221.23Hz脈輪音樂
脈輪淨化音樂 - 眉心輪淨化音樂.零壓力,焦慮,憂慮|221.23Hz脈輪音樂 脈輪是人體能量的中心,位於身體的中軸線上。人身一共有七個脈輪,其主要影響的是人的心理狀態。位於身體底部的數個脈輪主要主導本能部分,身體頂端附近的脈輪則影響我們的思想部分。脈輪有不同的活躍程度。當她們呈現"活躍"狀態時,表示這些脈輪在正常運作狀態中。 理想狀態下,所有脈輪都會對我們情緒和感覺發揮正面作用。但實際上,通常部分脈輪會不夠活躍以致於無法發揮作用,或部分脈輪過度活躍。理理想狀態是所有的脈輪呈現平衡狀態。 按此收聽更多心靈音樂: ► - 冥想音樂 - ► - 放鬆舒壓音樂 - ► - 脈輪音樂 - ► - 寵物療癒音樂 - ► - 深度睡眠療癒 - ► - 528Hz DNA再生 - ► - 能力開發音樂 - ► - 雙腦同步 - ► - 瑜伽導師精選音樂 - ► - 音頻治療 - ► - 寶寶睡眠音樂 - ► - 吸引力法則音樂 - ► - 另類療癒聲音 - ► - Emptitation 特選心靈音樂 - ► ================================================ Emptitation是一個心靈音樂頻道,為你製作深度睡眠音樂、冥想音樂、瑜伽音樂、脈輪音樂、雙腦同步音樂。透過頻率提升你的睡眠質素、讓你放鬆身心,淨化心靈。調整你的腦波,提升你的直覺力、集中力、創造力、記憶力,表達能力和學習能力,開啟第三眼(松果體),連結更高意識。 宇宙萬物都是振頻。根據量子物理學和吸引力法則,調整你的頻率,能助你吸引戀愛、幸福、財富、成功、健康和一切美好事物。每天15-30分鐘頻率音樂,能改善你的振頻。睡眠時播放,使身體更放鬆,快速進入深度睡眠。瑜伽和冥想時作為背景音樂,讓你達致更好效果。 請按一下喜歡,並將我們的頻道分享。 請訂閱我們的頻道,再按一下🔔,讓我們為你送上最新的作品。📌📌 你亦可以捐助方式支持我們: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Emptitation #ChakraMusic #MeditationMusic #SleepMusic #HealingMusic
脈輪淨化音樂 - 眉心輪淨化音樂.零壓力,焦慮,憂慮|221.23Hz脈輪音樂