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チベタン シンギングボウル 共鳴 ~究極のヒーリングサウンド~ 川の自然音、睡眠用、瞑想用、疲労回復、チャクラ
チベタン シンギングボウル 共鳴 ~究極のヒーリングサウンド~ 川の自然音、睡眠用、瞑想用、疲労回復、チャクラ
シンギングボウルの共鳴音。Singing Bowl Healing.当時のチベットの修道士たちによって、これらは伝統的に、7つの惑星を代表する7つの金属で作られていると、知らされていました。ボウルはモノラルビートとハーモニックな倍音を作り、深いレベルで身体や心に影響を与えます。対応するボウルは、アーユルヴェーダ医...
チベタン シンギングボウル 共鳴 ~究極のヒーリングサウンド~ 川の自然音、睡眠用、瞑想用、疲労回復、チャクラ
チベタン シンギングボウル 共鳴 ~全7chakra開放~ 究極のヒーリングサウンド 川の音 自然音 睡眠用 瞑想用 疲労回復
チベタン シンギングボウル 共鳴 ~全7chakra開放~ 究極のヒーリングサウンド 川の音 自然音 睡眠用 瞑想用 疲労回復
シンギングボウルの共鳴音。Singing Bowl Healing.川のせせらぎと夜の虫の自然音を加え、絶妙な調和が生まれています!また、全7チャクラのセットというコンセプトもあり、大小のボウルが奏でる倍音の波動で、究極に癒される美しい音を体感していただければ幸いです。睡眠用、寝る前、自律神経を整えるための用途に...
チベタン シンギングボウル 共鳴 ~全7chakra開放~ 究極のヒーリングサウンド 川の音 自然音 睡眠用 瞑想用 疲労回復
8小時西藏頌缽大自然睡眠音樂 Tibetan Singing Bowl
8小時西藏頌缽大自然睡眠音樂 Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tibetan Singing Bowl 訂閱我們: ================================================== 睡眠音樂 水療和按摩的音樂 Spa And Massage, Sleep Music ================================================== 深度睡眠音樂視頻已專門組成放鬆身心,並適用於嬰兒,兒童,青少年,以及誰需要緩慢的­­,美麗的,軟的成年人,舒緩的音樂,以幫助他們入睡,或對抗失眠。看到他們睡眠冥想­或­睡眠的催眠輕輕緩解你進入睡眠癒合的那美妙的世界放鬆的一種形式。 我們舒緩的音樂結合了自然的放鬆的聲音來哄你進入一個深刻的,寧靜的睡眠。用我們的音­­樂錄影帶睡眠冥想,讓夢幻般的景觀圖像,移動身體和心靈進入徹底的放鬆狀態。與我們­的­睡眠音樂的優美,舒緩的器樂的聲音充滿你的心,而你的大腦通過的Theta波和D­el­ta波動作,讓你的治療功效的睡眠,你理應得到。 無論你是一個媽媽想輕輕地幫你的嬰兒或幼兒入睡,一個十幾歲的希望減緩,放鬆自己的賽­­車頭腦,行政醒著躺在強調對工作或老年人睡眠失眠作戰與他們放鬆的聲音的視頻會給你­你­需要的深度睡眠。 ================================================== 學習及聚焦音樂 Study And Focus Music =================================================== 學習音樂和音樂濃度是理想的背景音樂,以幫助你學習,專心,專注,更有效地工作。我們­­將強大的阿爾法波浪自然讓你的頭腦,以達到聚焦狀態,非常適合學習該大測試或考試。 ================================================== 靜心,冥想和治療音樂 Meditation Music, Relax Music, Healing Music =================================================== 我們輕鬆的音樂是完美的喬布拉冥想,冥想佛教,禪宗打坐,冥想和克哈特托爾冥想。這音­­樂是由日本冥想音樂,印度冥想音樂,藏族音樂和音樂薩滿影響。一些好處包括潔淨輪,­開­天眼,增加冥想的技巧。拜倫凱蒂,塞多納方法,席爾瓦方法和秘密的工作強調了癒合­後可­出現通過開動腦筋,在“現在”是事實。治療冥想可以使用這個音樂的最佳效果來實­現。 ================================================== Reiki與禪宗音樂 Reiki Music, Tibet Music, New-age Music =================================================== 我們的音樂靈氣和禪宗音樂是理想的靈氣癒合的會議,並鼓勵禪的狀態。讓平靜的,微妙的­­聲音,帶你到更高的意識狀態,並允許您給予和接受靈氣強大震動。 ================================================== 瑜珈音樂 Yoga Music =================================================== 我們平靜的音樂是對瑜伽的初學者,練習瑜伽,印度歌曲,非洲音樂的影響瑜伽聖歌有用的­­,並且是舒緩的音樂可以讓你進入一個恍惚的瑜伽。如果您熟悉Yogscast,克利­須­那,邁克爾弗蘭蒂和Keshna的工作一定要使用它。 ================================================== 大自然音樂 Nature Music =================================================== 我們用大自然的聲音,如小雨,暴雨,打雷的聲音,流淌的河流和瀑布的聲音,在海灘上放­鬆­波,以及歌鳥在林,無論是作為獨立的放鬆的聲音,或以提高我們輕鬆的音樂曲目。 輕音樂 輕快 放鬆音樂 心靈音樂 | 禪修音樂 大自然音樂 森林音樂 | 安靜 純音樂 睡眠音樂 | 輕音樂 輕快 放鬆音樂 純音樂 睡眠輕音樂 | Tibetan Singing Bowl
8小時西藏頌缽大自然睡眠音樂 Tibetan Singing Bowl
一小時|冥想和療癒|頌缽|冥想音樂|大自然音樂 60 min. Singing Bowl, Nature Music, Meditation Music, Relax Music, Spa Music
一小時|冥想和療癒|頌缽|冥想音樂|大自然音樂 60 min. Singing Bowl, Nature Music, Meditation Music, Relax Music, Spa Music
一小時|冥想和療癒|頌缽|冥想音樂|大自然音樂 60 min. Meditation Music, Nature Music, Tiebetan Singing Bowl #冥想 #療癒音樂 #頌缽 #meditation #singingbowl
一小時|冥想和療癒|頌缽|冥想音樂|大自然音樂 60 min. Singing Bowl, Nature Music, Meditation Music, Relax Music, Spa Music
15分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂 15 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music
15分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂 15 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music
15分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂 15 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music --- 💖頌缽冥想 Singing Bowl Meditation 頌缽(Singing Bowl)是聲音治療的一種,可以幫助身體進入冥想狀態,透過聲音的震動(Vibration),將自己自覺性提高的過程,將自己帶到當下和放鬆身心、肌肉和整個身體,令情緒變得平靜。 💖15分鐘冥想 15 min. Meditation #冥想 #頌缽 #meditation #singingbowl #chakra #healing
15分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂 15 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music
30分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂|脈輪清理 30 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music Chakra Healing
30分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂|脈輪清理 30 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music Chakra Healing
頌缽|冥想音樂|脈輪清理 Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Chakra Healing Music --- 💖頌缽冥想 Singing Bowl Meditation 頌缽(Singing Bowl)是聲音治療的一種,可以幫助身體進入冥想狀態,透過聲音的震動(Vibration),將自己自覺性提高的過程,將自己帶到當下和放鬆身心、肌肉和整個身體,令情緒變得平靜。 💖30分鐘冥想 30 min. Meditation 24分鐘 頌缽音樂 06分鐘 全然安靜,請保持靜坐直到結尾的頌缽 #冥想 #頌缽 #meditation #singingbowl #chakra #healing
30分鐘|頌缽|冥想音樂|脈輪清理 30 min. Tiebetan Singing Bowl Meditation Music Chakra Healing
此時此地此刻,如果你身心感到疲備、混亂不堪,別害怕,你並不孤單,因為我們還有彼此,你的靜心伴侶,我們一起來經曆 30分鐘打坐冥想靜心。讓我們在未明的日子,用頌缽聲來淨化、清空、重整身心,整裝成最好的自己再出發。🛍 網店:https://singingbowls-expert.com💁🏻‍♀聲頻療法網上預約﹕...
♫ 乾淨無廣告 ♫ 純缽聲冥想~ 治癒自我 Pure Tone Singing Bowls ~ Deep Meditation Self Healing
♫ 乾淨無廣告 ♫ 純缽聲冥想~ 治癒自我 Pure Tone Singing Bowls ~ Deep Meditation Self Healing
歌曲中間不安插廣告, 請安心聆聽~ 如果喜歡我的音樂可以請我喝一杯咖啡 / (NO ADS IN BETWEEN VIDEO) if you like my music, you can buy me a cup of coffee ☕ https://ko-fi.com/bestmusic Namaste! ★ Enjoy this music when you doing your meditation ★ ✍ Contact us ► info@dharma-soul.com The music/audio is produced by us (all yoga Instructors). Images/video are either filmed by us or we've collaborated with another video creator, which is always transformed into something new & unique. Our videos are currently filmed with a Blackmagic & iPhoneX. We edit, mix, & master the audio in Protools & create the video in Premiere Pro. We started this channel with a simple vision: to create a place that you can visit in order to relax & feel inspired. If you think we have accomplished that, I would be very happy if you decide to subscribe. Label : Dharma Soul This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. #冥想 # 純缽聲 #靜心
♫ 乾淨無廣告 ♫ 純缽聲冥想~ 治癒自我 Pure Tone Singing Bowls ~ Deep Meditation Self Healing
西藏頌缽|從您的家庭空間、臥室和辦公室中淨化負能量 l 能量淨化頻率|Peace of Mind
西藏頌缽|從您的家庭空間、臥室和辦公室中淨化負能量 l 能量淨化頻率|Peace of Mind
西藏頌缽|從您的家庭空間、臥室和辦公室中淨化負能量 l 能量淨化頻率|Peace of Mind
#唱歌碗#康復音樂#冥想音樂#失眠治療 如果您可以訂閱,喜歡並設置通知,我將不勝感激。 另外,如果您留下反饋意見,這可能會啟發我更加努力地進行內容製作活動。 -西藏唱歌碗 它已經存在了2400年。 藏族唱歌碗被稱為唱歌冥想法。 在西藏,尼泊爾和印度,它已被用作傳統的治療方法。 有兩種方法可以通過摩擦敲打的外部來播放內部聲音。 唱歌碗聲被稱為“治愈聲”,它通過使人進入深沉的冥想狀態來最大化自然癒合。 -內容提示 1.定期設置時間很重要。 等等)每天一小時,在睡覺前進行冥想。 2.建議降低音量。 等)嬰兒,老年人和體弱者,戴上耳機時 -如何創建內容 1.使用使用自然聲音和天然材料製成的工具(樂器)製作內容。 (電子音樂NO) 2.從包含人體有益頻率的聲音中提取聲音。 3.所製作的內容是參考有關聲音,頻率,大腦,人體,康復等方面的學術期刊和論文的統計數據而製成的。 聲音和頻率的第一個故事 1.在遠古時代,幾何圖形是通過聲頻使用的。 2.根據細胞動力學,它可以根據頻率對人體產生正面或負面影響。 *動力學:研究聲納現象和聲音振動 1930年,皇家雷蒙德·里夫(Royal Raymond Rife)博士製造了一台頻率治療機,對所有16名晚期癌症患者進行了70天的治療。 4.視唱練耳是人體的有益頻段。貝多芬等古典音樂為公眾所熟知。 2010年,電子能源專家John Hutchinson使用528 Hz和其他Solfeggio頻率淨化了被油污染的水。 @論文,期刊和書籍的參考
消除家中負能量的音樂,417赫茲,藏族頌缽 Music to Remove Negative Energy from Home, 417 Hz, Tibetan Singing Bowls
消除家中負能量的音樂,417赫茲,藏族頌缽 Music to Remove Negative Energy from Home, 417 Hz, Tibetan Singing Bowls
We often do not think about it, but unhealthy and negative energies stagnate in our home. Walls and objects contained in it absorb energies and vibrations created by thoughts and actions of those who live in or visit it. Deep purification helps us to live more comfortably at home and to prevent these energies from threatening our health. We advise you to let the music run for its entire duration. Namaste You can download this track with the title “417Hz Remove Negative Energy from Home" here : Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wea5TV 7 Digital: https://bit.ly/2VieNJw or listen to it on: Spotify: https://spoti.fi/37jyBzS YouTube Music: http://bit.ly/37nR5zT Deezer: http://bit.ly/3bwZKSZ Napster: http://bit.ly/2UMB8Qv Akazoo: http://bit.ly/39vxTB4 Tidal: http://bit.ly/2UMSX1S Activate notifications so you can stay up to date on the latest news. We publish on Monday and Wednesday. "Music for Body and Spirit" channel includes also: Reiki Music Here you can find the music for your Reiki treatments with bell every 3 minutes, or without bell. Tracks with bell change to every position with melodies and harmonies studied in detail to help the treatment. Meditation and Yoga music For your short or long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste. Meditation Sounds The music in this playlist has as common characteristic the absence of harmonic changes and very delicate melodies, which make these songs ideal for deep meditation. Chakra meditation music with tibetan bowls We have created a new playlist that collects chakra meditation tracks. Special feature of these tracks is that they were composed only with Tibetan bells. The sound is absolutely natural, you will feel them next to you. We suggest you to listen to this track at low volume. Relaxing Music These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you want. Short meditation and relaxing track Short tracks from 4 to 10 minutes for short meditation or for relaxation. They can be listened in succession to get a long and varied track as desired. Binaural beats This is definitely the most special playlist. Each track is composed for a specific purpose. Sleep music Sleep is very important to a person's health. These compositions are designed to accompany you for the duration of your sleep or just to fall asleep. WE UNDERLINE THAT OUR MUSIC CANNOT CURE A HEALTH CONDITION NOR DOES IT WANT TO REPLACE THE ADVICE OF A DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. MOREOVER, NEVER LISTEN TO OUR MUSIC WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY OF ANY KIND. ℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Buy our music: Amazon: https://goo.gl/y9Dvag iTunes: https://apple.co/31nqBy1 7 Digital: http://bit.ly/2RkItUZ Streaming music: Spotify: https://goo.gl/3p2Rme Deezer: https://goo.gl/FeJfXz YouTube Music: http://bit.ly/37nR5zT Napster: http://bit.ly/2GgexmN Akazoo: http://bit.ly/2sWG49W Tidal: http://bit.ly/2RJBCUf Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit” ℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved. Our site: http://www.musicforbodyandspirit.com/ Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musicforbodyandspirit/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/musicforbodyandspirit/?hl=it Twitter: https://twitter.com/musicbodyspirit Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.it/3ebaafd872bfd93/ For business enquiries: info@musicforbodyandspirit.com #417hz #tibetanbowls #positiveenergy
消除家中負能量的音樂,417赫茲,藏族頌缽 Music to Remove Negative Energy from Home, 417 Hz, Tibetan Singing Bowls
西藏碗治療冥想,純粹的積極共鳴,提升你的氣場,放鬆的音樂,冥想 Tibetan Bowls Healing Meditation, Pure Positive Vibes, Boost Your Aura, Relaxing Music, Meditation
西藏碗治療冥想,純粹的積極共鳴,提升你的氣場,放鬆的音樂,冥想 Tibetan Bowls Healing Meditation, Pure Positive Vibes, Boost Your Aura, Relaxing Music, Meditation
To create this track we have used 12 Tibetan bowls. The sound has been kept pure with no audio manipulation. For the taking 4 microphones (Neumann U87Ai) hav...
西藏碗治療冥想,純粹的積極共鳴,提升你的氣場,放鬆的音樂,冥想 Tibetan Bowls Healing Meditation, Pure Positive Vibes, Boost Your Aura, Relaxing Music, Meditation
消除家庭負能量的音樂,417 Hz,藏族碗,純正振動
消除家庭負能量的音樂,417 Hz,藏族碗,純正振動
視視頻率417 hz有助於釋放家庭或工作場所的負能量。這種音樂增強了心靈消除過去的創傷經歷和負面影響的能力。 您可以在日常冥想和正念練習期間使用它,也可以僅使它在整個曲目過程中以中高音量產生共鳴。 這種音樂必須在環境中引起共鳴。 我們通常不會考慮它,但是不健康和消極的能量會在家裡停滯不前。裡面的牆壁和物體吸收了居住或參觀它的人的思想和行動所產生的能量和振動。 深層淨化可幫助我們在家中舒適生活,並防止這些能量威脅我們的健康。 我們建議您讓音樂一直播放。 那馬斯特 You can download this track with the title “417 Hz Remove Negative Energy from Home” here: Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Lxjvlm 7 Digital: https://bit.ly/3AYEFN9 Streaming music: Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3oFdMbv Deezer: http://bit.ly/3nNbfdY YouTube Music: http://bit.ly/3qnY0Cu Napster: http://bit.ly/3ihFgl1 Tidal: http://bit.ly/39BgqZk 激活通知,以便您可以及時了解最新消息。我們在星期一和星期三發布。 “Music for Body and Spirit”頻道還包括: 靈氣音樂 在這裡,您可以每3分鐘響鈴一次或不響鈴時,找到靈氣療法的音樂。帶有鈴鐺的音軌會隨著每個旋律和和聲而變化到每個位置,並進行了詳細研究以幫助治療。 冥想和瑜伽音樂 在進行短期或長期冥想或瑜伽練習時,可以平衡身體和精神。在這裡,您可以找到適合自己口味的音樂。 冥想的聲音 此播放列表中的音樂具有共同的特徵,即沒有諧波變化和非常精緻的旋律,這使這些歌曲非常適合沉思。 藏缽的查克拉冥想音樂 我們創建了一個新的播放列表,用於收集脈輪冥想曲目。這些曲目的特殊之處在於它們僅由藏鐘組成。聲音絕對自然,您會在您身邊感受到它們。 我們建議您以小音量收聽此曲目。 輕鬆的音樂 這些音軌可以在任何情況下使用:在工作中作為背景,在緊張的一天后或只是想要放鬆時放鬆。 短暫的冥想和輕鬆的軌道 從4到10分鐘的簡短曲目,可以進行短暫的冥想或放鬆。可以連續聆聽他們的聲音,以根據需要獲得漫長而多樣的音軌。 雙耳節拍 這絕對是最特別的播放列表。每個軌道都是為特定目的而組成的。 睡眠音樂 睡眠對一個人的健康非常重要。這些組合物旨在陪伴您進入睡眠或入睡。 我們強調我們的音樂無法治愈健康狀況,也無法取代醫生或健康護理提供者的建議。此外,切勿收聽我們駕駛或操作任何種類機器的音樂。 ℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Buy our music: Amazon: https://goo.gl/y9Dvag iTunes: https://apple.co/31nqBy1 7 Digital: http://bit.ly/2RkItUZ Streaming music: Spotify: https://goo.gl/3p2Rme Deezer: https://goo.gl/FeJfXz YouTube Music: http://bit.ly/37nR5zT Napster: http://bit.ly/2GgexmN Akazoo: http://bit.ly/2sWG49W Tidal: http://bit.ly/2RJBCUf Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit” ℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved. Our site: http://www.musicforbodyandspirit.com/ Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musicforbodyandspirit/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/musicforbodyandspirit/?hl=it Twitter: https://twitter.com/musicbodyspirit Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.it/3ebaafd872bfd93/ For business enquiries: info@musicforbodyandspirit.com #tibetanbowls #removenegativity #meditation
消除家庭負能量的音樂,417 Hz,藏族碗,純正振動
Black Screen Rain in Woods + Tibetan Bowls | Relax, Study or Sleep with White Noise Music
Black Screen Rain in Woods + Tibetan Bowls | Relax, Study or Sleep with White Noise Music
By popular request, here is a black screen version of our popular rain in woods with Tibetan bowls. The soothing sounds of forest rain, combined with the music of Tibetan singing bowls, creates a calming ambience. Relax, study, meditate or sleep as you listen to the music and rainstorm. Feel more relaxed already? Check out the original Tibetan Singing Bowls video with Rain Sounds: https://youtu.be/ujyu7tkyxtw With the fade to black screen you'll reduce your exposure to blue light, which can have an impact on quality sleep. Having a dark bedroom is another key ingredient to getting deep sleep. The dark screen will also reduce data usage on your phone and drain less battery and with no risk of screen burn in. Give yourself and your phone a well-deserved break! For more Tibetan Singing Bowls soundtracks, please check out: Tibetan Bowls + Epic Thunder & Rain: https://youtu.be/ah8sojaDIZY Bamboo Water Fountain + Tibetan Bowls: https://youtu.be/x5zGL9q8BZ0 Tibetan Bowls + Ocean Waves: https://youtu.be/LTmXmskEMas #raining #tibetanbowls #rainsounds #blackscreen *** Relaxing White Noise is the number one destination on YouTube for white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby. Please subscribe to our channel for more black screen sleep sounds: https://www.youtube.com/relaxingwhitenoise DISCLAIMER: Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our videos, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby’s ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician. The sounds provided by this Youtube channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician. Rain in Woods + Tibetan Bowls audio © Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2017. All rights reserved. Black Screen Rain in Woods + Tibetan Bowls © Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2020. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.
Black Screen Rain in Woods + Tibetan Bowls | Relax, Study or Sleep with White Noise Music
Black Screen Rain in Woods + Tibetan Bowls | Relax, Study or Sleep with White Noise Music By popular request, here is a black screen version of our popular rain in woods with Tibetan bowls. The soothing sounds of forest rain, combined with the mus...
『頌缽音療+水声』深度放鬆淨化心靈。改善睡眠 静心安神 缓解压力 消除疲劳 - 缽療癒音樂
『頌缽音療+水声』深度放鬆淨化心靈。改善睡眠 静心安神 缓解压力 消除疲劳 - 缽療癒音樂
『頌缽音療+水声』深度放鬆淨化心靈。改善睡眠 静心安神 缓解压力 消除疲劳 - 缽療癒音樂 https://youtu.be/SlyAP7-zvtI 欢迎来到我们的第一个西藏碗音浴!我们很高兴能将这个新会议推向世界,也很高兴这一刻终于到来了! YouTube 上有许多不同的西藏颂钵视频,尽管我们这次真的很想创造一些新的和独特的东西,不仅在我们演奏的风格上,而且在我们的布景上。我们使用双耳麦克风录制歌唱碗,这样我们就可以真正捕捉双耳的声音,这为完全身临其境的体验打开了大门,将您带入了声音的世界。我们还希望视觉效果让您感觉就像和我们一起在一座神圣的寺庙里,蜡烛柔和的橙色光芒营造出一种温暖和安全的感觉,有助于让您的身心平静下来。 藏族颂钵的起源可以追溯到公元前3000年,美索不达米亚和西藏的古代文化都在实践中使用颂钵。最初由僧侣和喇嘛在私人仪式中使用的颂钵在世界范围内越来越受欢迎,为更多人体验其强大的治疗功效打开了大门。这个声音浴是向那些为世界带来如此美妙礼物的文化致敬,让我们有机会与我们的社区分享这美妙的音乐。我们希望你喜欢它! Become a member on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJl41bRObT5lFVrPpUAItUg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 冥想音樂,冥想,音樂治療,瑜珈放鬆音樂,睡眠音樂,音樂,靜心音樂,靜坐音樂,心靈音樂,冥想音乐,水晶音樂,放鬆音樂,冥想音樂無廣告,528hz,瑜珈音樂,脈輪音樂,松果體音樂,睡眠音樂無廣告,靜坐冥想音樂,能量音樂,放鬆音樂 療癒音樂,瑜伽音樂,脈輪能量音樂,冥想音乐 睡眠,多巴胺分泌音樂,吸引力法則音樂,療癒音樂,冥想睡眠,靜坐,大腦修復,能量音樂中心,輕音樂,脈輪,多巴胺,打坐音樂,正能量音樂,治療音樂,修復音樂,吸引力法則,靜心 冥想和治療音樂,自律神經失調音樂,432hz,大腦放鬆音樂,432hz音樂,多巴胺音樂,禪修音樂,瑜珈音樂無廣告,心靈音樂大自然,舒眠音樂,松果體,輕音樂 放鬆,助眠音樂,大自然音樂,多巴胺排毒,禪定音樂,冥想引導,瑜珈音樂 大自然,活化腦部音樂,多巴胺睡眠,大腦音樂,消除負能量,脈輪音樂 睡眠,海底輪,七輪脈,多巴胺 睡觉,松果体唤醒,睡覺音樂,高頻率聲音,瑜伽音乐,瑜珈音樂.印度 梵唱,睡眠,自然音樂,靜心,頌缽療癒音樂
『頌缽音療+水声』深度放鬆淨化心靈。改善睡眠 静心安神 缓解压力 消除疲劳 - 缽療癒音樂
雙耳節拍使用藏式唱碗深度睡眠 ॐ 治愈靈魂,放鬆心靈 #ASMR
雙耳節拍使用藏式唱碗深度睡眠 ॐ 治愈靈魂,放鬆心靈 #ASMR
Binaural Beats Using Tibetan Singing Bowls To Deep Sleep ॐ Heal The Soul And Relax The Mind #ASMR #binauralbeats #tibetansingingbowlsBinaural Beats Using Tibetan Singing Bowls To Deep Sleep ॐ Heal The Soul And Relax The Mind #ASMRReduce your stress with T...
雙耳節拍使用藏式唱碗深度睡眠 ॐ 治愈靈魂,放鬆心靈 #ASMR
"Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6
"Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6
"Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6 Tibetan singing bowls: There are various ancient equipment and techniques which are still used and practiced in the present world as the techniques are proven to be beneficial for the mankind.Tibetan Singing bowl techniques are one of the ancient techniques which are practiced in the healing and meditation processes. There are some kind of sound and music which have positive impact on our brain cells causing changes in brain waves.Similarly the vibrating sound of the singing bowl are used as the as a authentic medium for meditation and chakra healing. Generally made from a bronze alloy containing copper, tin, zinc, iron, silver, gold and nickel; Tibetan singing bowl is a kind of standing bell played by rubbing or striking its rim with a wooden or a leather-wrapped mallet.This causes the sides and rim of the bowl to vibrate, producing a rich sound which is beneficial for healing and meditation processes. Authentically singing bowls have inherently connection with Asia, singing bowls were historically made throughout Asia especially in Nepal,Tibet, China India and Japan. Uses of Tibetan singing bowl: Tibetan singing bowls are used for Meditation-mindfulness Spiritual practice Holistic healing, Chakra healing/balancing, Intercultural music, Stress reduction, Deep relaxation and, Reiki- ( a healing technique in which the therapist or healer channels his or her energy into patients body). The vibrating sound of Tibetan singing bowl reduces stress, physical and emotional strain. Singing bowls are said to be beneficial for mind, body and soul. Singing bowl meditation: Singing bowl meditation is a kind of passive meditation.Singing bowls vibrate to produce sounds that initiate deep sate of relaxation which subordinates one in interning into meditation.Singing bowls provides reinforcement for sheer delightful meditation. Singing bowls are used in meditation process as their unusual sustained sound can be used as a focus for mindfulness.The various frequencies produced from different sizes of singing bowls are said to affect different parts of the body and chakras in a positive way. How does singing bowl work on meditation and healing processes? Harmonics of the singing bowl helps to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the diseased parts of the mind, body and soul. The vibrating sound from Tibetan singing bowls reinforces brain to move into the Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative states. The sound of the singing bowls affects the brain wave pattern which is beneficial for the brain cells which reinforces relaxation and mindfulness. The nervous system gets impacted due to the sound vibrations of the singing bowl which engages relaxation reflex inhibiting the stress or pain response. The dynamic vibrating sound of the singing bowl can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in treatment of any medical disorder healing all seven chakras. Images Licenced from: DepositPhotos. Footages Licenced from: Videoblocks/ Storyblocks. © Peace of Mind - All Right Reserved
"Removing Negative Energy From Your Bed Room" - Energy Healing Vibration, Singing Bowl - TB 0005 A 6
史上最強催眠神曲 The Most Soporific Song Ever! Hush, Just Listen
史上最強催眠神曲 The Most Soporific Song Ever! Hush, Just Listen
【頌缽催眠神曲演奏完整版!聽一次,如睡十年】頌缽演奏者曾文通:所謂頌缽,原來只是盛放食物的器皿,作為樂器進行演奏,只有近二十年的時間。它的聲音,就像是時間的延伸、空間的擴展。它產生的聲響和共振會延續很久。讓聽者好像被一個空間包圍,就像一條路,引你進入另一個環境。 一条視頻,每日更新,請記得開啟YouTube🔔通知!(字幕點擊視頻右下角設置即可找到) 🎥本週最熱門視頻 ▶【台灣最豪華的大學宿舍 】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDZrqT0u_wI 🎥一条最熱門視頻 ▶【東京市中心18㎡的夫妻之家】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOyM1DqZOuo&t=110s ▶ 【7個閨蜜在廣州造房同住:老了後,我們才是彼此的依靠】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqt2rZ99X4U&t=26s ▶ 【他賣掉別墅去住山洞,一年約會20個女生,引爆爭議】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5J98CRbKE0&t=40s 🔼上一部影片:【攝影師塔可花10年尋遍《詩經》裡的中國】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OcKQa-Dapw 🔽下一部影片,明天見! 其他連結🔗 facebook:https://www.facebook.com/yitiaotv/ 如果你有微信,記得關注我們的微信公眾號【一条(ID:yitiaotv)】在那裡,你將第一時間收到精彩內容。
史上最強催眠神曲 The Most Soporific Song Ever! Hush, Just Listen