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✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. ✨覺得不錯的話,請幫忙點下讚!跟播放數比起來,讚的數量更能當下一支影片的參考!!如果覺得有點意思的話請一定要【訂閱頻道】! ✨我們還會繼續更新哦!感恩您!
Bashar - Healing & Letting Go with Beethoven 8分鐘
Bashar - Healing & Letting Go with Beethoven 8分鐘
Bashar - Healing & Letting Go with Beethoven 8分鐘
巴夏:吸引力法則的實踐, 「平衡」「排毒」「能量」讓你放下過去,放下悲傷,放下痛苦,療癒身心的音樂巴夏的介紹吸引力法則的完美解釋者巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球巴夏所寫的書很多如: Beyond My Wildest Dreams: D...
巴夏:顯化法則,你早已擁有你所需要的一切【Good Day 巴夏】Bashar : The definition of manifestation
巴夏:顯化法則,你早已擁有你所需要的一切【Good Day 巴夏】Bashar : The definition of manifestation
「 顯化不是把你沒有的東西帶給你,而是調整頻率與它匹配,於是看見它。 The definition of manifestation is not bringing something to you you don't have. It's making visible what's already here by matching frequency. 」 「 你已經擁有了你所需要的一切。 You already have everything you need.」 --- 💖 歡迎留言幫影片畫重點,一起幫助更多的心靈充滿「正向的能量」和「希望」! Share us any highlights from video. Together with your sharing could help more souls having "positive energy" and "HOPE"! 💖 --- 巴夏(Bashar) 是來自艾莎莎尼星球(Planet Essassani)的第五維度(地球現在處於第三維度)的外星人。透過通靈在美國的傳訊者——達瑞爾‧安卡(Darryl Anka),與地球進行傳訊已經持續三十多年。 Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. (More information at #顯化法則 #吸引力法則 #巴夏 #Bashar #manifestation
巴夏:顯化法則,你早已擁有你所需要的一切【Good Day 巴夏】Bashar : The definition of manifestation