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A brainwave journey from epsilon to lambda and back (binaural version with sound of a small stream)
A brainwave journey from epsilon to lambda and back (binaural version with sound of a small stream)
This is a 16 minutes brainwave sound that starts at epsilon 0.5Hz, gradually rise to Lambda 200Hz and then falls back down to epsilon again towards the end. This will guide you on a journey through all the brainwave ranges. There is a bell sound that let you know when the next range of brainwaves. Binaural brainwave sounds require headphones to have an effect. Here is a link to the isochronic version that can be used on any sound system: It can feel like a rebalancing and a kind of resetting through all the layers of brainwave frequencies that we generate in different amounts. It has been suggested to do this only once a day, as it can be too activating to do it more. Start by taking three deep breaths and listen in a meditative state....enjoy!
A brainwave journey from epsilon to lambda and back (binaural version with sound of a small stream)
A brainwave journey from epsilon to lambda and back (binaural version with sound of a small stream)
A brainwave journey from epsilon to lambda and back (binaural version with sound of a small stream)
This is a 16 minutes brainwave sound that starts at epsilon 0.5Hz, gradually rise to Lambda 200Hz and then falls back down to epsilon again towards the end. This will guide you on a journey through all the brainwave ranges. There is a bell sound that let you know when the next range of brainwaves. Binaural brainwave sounds require headphones to have an effect. Here is a link to the isochronic version that can be used on any sound system: It can feel like a rebalancing and a kind of resetting through all the layers of brainwave frequencies that we generate in different amounts. It has been suggested to do this only once a day, as it can be too activating to do it more. Start by taking three deep breaths and listen in a meditative state....enjoy!
A brainwave journey from epsilon to lambda and back (binaural version with sound of a small stream)
巴夏:我那麼聰明,為什麼賺不到錢?巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 Who is Bashar?Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the f...
✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. ✨覺得不錯的話,請幫忙點下讚!跟播放數比起來,讚的數量更能當下一支影片的參考!!如果覺得有點意思的話請一定要【訂閱頻道】! ✨我們還會繼續更新哦!感恩您!
巴夏:什麼是意識?如何與不喜歡的人相處?Bashar:What is consciousness? How to get along with people you don't like
巴夏:什麼是意識?如何與不喜歡的人相處?Bashar:What is consciousness? How to get along with people you don't like
✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. ✨覺得不錯的話,請幫忙點下讚!跟播放數比起來,讚的數量更能當下一支影片的參考!!如果覺得有點意思的話請一定要【訂閱頻道】! ✨我們還會繼續更新哦!感恩您!
巴夏:什麼是意識?如何與不喜歡的人相處?Bashar:What is consciousness? How to get along with people you don't like
✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. ✨覺得不錯的話,請幫忙點下讚!跟播放數比起來,讚的數量更能當下一支影片的參考!!如果覺得有點意思的話請一定要【訂閱頻道】! ✨我們還會繼續更新哦!感恩您!
巴夏:6.20傳訊 被未來的自己影響 Bashar:Influenced by the future self
巴夏:6.20傳訊 被未來的自己影響 Bashar:Influenced by the future self
✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. ✨覺得不錯的話,請幫忙點下讚!跟播放數比起來,讚的數量更能當下一支影片的參考!!如果覺得有點意思的話請一定要【訂閱頻道】! ✨我們還會繼續更新哦!感恩您!
巴夏:6.20傳訊 被未來的自己影響 Bashar:Influenced by the future self
音樂飛碟?地球上振頻最高的樂器之一〜手碟 - 巴夏影片集9 【幽浮奇聞】
音樂飛碟?地球上振頻最高的樂器之一〜手碟 - 巴夏影片集9 【幽浮奇聞】
“巴夏”是自稱來自愛莎莎尼星球的第五密度外星人的意識群體。37年來,巴夏一直通過地球的靈媒:達裡爾·安卡來發表言論,解答關於宇宙和人類的各種問題。本期是他和手碟藝人合作的現場影片。#巴夏 #音樂飛碟 #幽浮奇聞訂閱《幽浮奇聞》頻道:🔔巴夏影片集:EP1:UFO目擊的原...
音樂飛碟?地球上振頻最高的樂器之一〜手碟 - 巴夏影片集9 【幽浮奇聞】
巴夏:神聖回路冥想 (7輪脈平衡)15 mins SIRIAN SACRED CIRCUITRY
巴夏:神聖回路冥想 (7輪脈平衡)15 mins SIRIAN SACRED CIRCUITRY
✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar?Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has s...
巴夏:神聖回路冥想 (7輪脈平衡)15 mins SIRIAN SACRED CIRCUITRY
巴夏:如何冥想 How to meditate
巴夏:如何冥想 How to meditate
💎記得訂閱(開啟小鈴鐺)+點讚+分享唷~~ 💎巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 Who is Bashar? Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. 覺得不錯的話,請幫忙點下讚!跟播放數比起來,讚的數量更能當下一支影片的參考!!如果覺得有點意思的話請一定要【訂閱頻道】! 我們還會繼續更新哦!感恩您!
巴夏:如何冥想 How to meditate
👽 巴夏:全息冥想60分鐘,非常強大的能量,刺激松果體 Bashar:Holographic meditation, powerful, stimulates the pineal gland
👽 巴夏:全息冥想60分鐘,非常強大的能量,刺激松果體 Bashar:Holographic meditation, powerful, stimulates the pineal gland
✨巴夏: 吸引力法則的完美解釋者 巴夏是外星人的傳訊者, 達瑞爾安卡, Darryl Anka, 了解外星人的智慧, 未知文明正傳達資訊來地球 ✨Who is Bashar?Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has s...
👽 巴夏:全息冥想60分鐘,非常強大的能量,刺激松果體 Bashar:Holographic meditation, powerful, stimulates the pineal gland