Spirited Away - lofi/chill mix
My first lofi playlist that isn't about a video game since the Bojack Horseman one! It's been a while, huh?
There are only two works of art out there that give me a certain special feeling - those being Chrono Trigger for the SNES, and Spirited Away, my favorite game and movie, respectively.
Something about Chihiro's journey is just so beautiful to me. A film layered with commentary and talent in every area, with especially incredible artwork and music.
The songs here were originally composed by Joe Hisaishi, and the film of course is created by Studio Ghibli.
Artists Featured:
Dani Pimen: https://www.youtube.com/user/darromacomw
luvbyrd: https://www.youtube.com/c/imluvbyrd
Celestial Aeon Project: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVhdvFh636Bajc45jyeeOPQ
Hetalia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJyMLGGRbA1tLP7BGajdXvQ
Mewmore: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mewmore
frog coat records: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP4BxO_FrjQkny2UNS7nCKA
NotFab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA4BW5ZQ_8-IeGPLkjQ_u6g
Yay Pancakes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_gP_6Zu6HA4YO7VWxc2sQ
Warm Tea and Vinyls: https://www.youtube.com/c/WarmTeaandVinylsBeto00
Matt Tapley: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUsB8WwV3Jw8dE8BXV5Ybg
SadNbeats: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTb3bT8cGi_znFPW4oXX5xQ
Just A Dolphin: https://www.youtube.com/c/JustADolphin
ButtonBasher: https://www.youtube.com/user/samielsabri
0:00 - The Name of Life (Dani Pimen)
I've thought about making a playlist like this for a while, seeing as this is my favorite movie and all. This song is also equally magical - melancholy and motivating all in one, just like lofi should be!
4:19 - Always With Me (luvbyrd)
Just like the movie, it gets better the more times you enjoy it!
6:34 - The Sixth Station (Celestial Aeon Project)
The Sixth Station is my favorite song in the movie. It's no surprise that its comforting melancholy feelings are translated perfectly into lofi.
10:04 - Spirited Away Made Lofi (Hetalia)
The Name of Life/One Summer's Day sure is a popular song to cover in lofi! I do say it makes me wonder how this video will do considering its differences from my usual output.
13:54 - Dragon Boy (Mewmore)
Something a little different never hurts! I hope this upbeat banger helps get you through your work and studies.
17:03 - One Summer's Day (frog coat records)
Another chill one, quite fitting for a summer day I feel!
21:35 - Procession of the Spirits (frog coat records)
Relistening to these songs just brings back the great memories of the scenes they played in!
25:22 - Eternal Love (NotFab)
For some reason while listening to this I think of a big lofi playlist, not centered on any game but just a chill song collection. Maybe I'll have to make something like that someday!
27:58 - sixth station (Yay Pancakes)
I could listen to this for hours and not get bored. These playlists will surely come in handy while I work on my next game!
31:28 - Name of Life (Warm Tea and Vinyls)
The first song on the mix, but with some nice crackling. Honestly I felt it would fit nice as a sort of break in the middle of the mix!
35:58 - Itsumo Nando Demo (Matt Tapley)
I will say this playlist makes me interested in doing more of these not just for games, but movies and similar stuff. As I also stated earlier I might start making longer mixes not tied to any particular game or subject. What an inspiring song this is!
41:09 - The Sixth Station (frog coat records)
It's nice and sunny today but this song makes me wish for rain.
45:19 - Reprise (frog coat records)
This one's just a total relaxing vibe. Almost holiday-like with joy, even!
49:37 - The Sixth Station (SadNbeats)
I adore all the sixth station remixes here but this may be my favorite. It's just too perfect!
51:38 - Spirited Away but it's lofi (Just A Dolphin)
Everyone really has put their all into these mixes, huh? I hope you check out these great artists for yourself!
54:55 - Return (frog coat records)
What a journey both the movie and playlist are! An absolute delight to dig into, and fun to vibe to all the same. I'm quite pumped to put out more stuff like this in the future.
58:48 - don't forget my name (ButtonBasher)
This song makes me happy to live.
And if you ever want to support me, feel free to check out my own game, The Liminal, on Steam! It's probably not very much like a Studio Ghibli work, but by supporting me you'll allow me to focus on creating a much more Ghibli-inspired world in my next game.