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Lovemotives Meditation Music|Youtube
Lovemotives Meditation Music|Youtube
Lovemotives Meditation Music is different than any other channel out there because our main goal is to provide to you, the very best of the best present moment manifestation, through the very best selection of specific frequencies that are proven to work on many different levels of your well-being, and to allow you to unlock your highest potential, combining 369 Manifestation, with tuning and melodies that play on the chakra notes, and frequencies that work on all your layers and levels of your body mind and soul composition. These contain specific frequencies that are tuned to the best vibrational frequency energy to enhance your highest potential of your Higher Self and connection to the supreme wisdom knowledge and experience of the universe inside of you. You will find hundreds of hours of the best music for your Highest Good.
Lovemotives Meditation Music|Youtube
Music for Body and Spirit - Meditation Music
Music for Body and Spirit - Meditation Music
Music for Body and Spirit - Meditation Music comes from professional musicians who have decided to use their skills for the production of music for the spirit. We chose spiritual music because we believe in its power on body and spirit. In the channel you can find music to practice Reiki, Meditation, Yoga. Furthermore, tracks for Relaxation, Sleeping, and compositions with Binaural Beats. We underline that our music cannot cure a health condition nor does it want to replace the advice of a doctor or health care provider. Moreover, never listen to our music whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind. Enjoy your listening! ℗ 2014 - 2022 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Our music is not currently licensed for commercial and non-commercial use. Anyway you can find free download tracks on our website Email:
Music for Body and Spirit - Meditation Music
Emptitation - 冥想、脈輪、睡眠音樂頻道
Emptitation - 冥想、脈輪、睡眠音樂頻道
Emptitation是一個心靈音樂頻道,為你製作深度睡眠音樂、冥想音樂、瑜伽音樂、脈輪音樂、雙腦同步音樂。透過頻率提升你的睡眠質素、讓你放鬆身心,淨化心靈。調整你的腦波,提升你的直覺力、集中力、創造力、記憶力,表達能力和學習能力,開啟第三眼(松果體),連結更高意識。 宇宙萬物都是振頻。根據量子物理學和吸引力法則,調整你的頻率,能助你吸引戀愛、幸福、財富、成功、健康和一切美好事物。每天15-30分鐘頻率音樂,能改善你的振頻。睡眠時播放,使身體更放鬆,快速進入深度睡眠。瑜伽和冥想時作為背景音樂,讓你達致更好效果。 請訂閱我們的頻道,再按一下🔔,讓我們為你送上最新的作品。 喜歡的話請點讚和分享,是給我們最好的支持 你也可以透過贊助支持我們 ------------------------------------------ 音樂與影片 製作:Emptitation音樂頻道 歡迎公開廣播和分享。不允許下載和重新上傳。 如有任何合作,請與我們聯絡。 版權所有 © 2019 Emptitation
Emptitation - 冥想、脈輪、睡眠音樂頻道