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Le "nuove" tre leggi della robotica nell'era della AI - Gravita Zero: comunicazione scientifica e istituzionale
Le "nuove" tre leggi della robotica nell'era della AI - Gravita Zero: comunicazione scientifica e istituzionale
Negli ultimi decenni, il mondo della robotica ha visto enormi cambiamenti, portando alla nascita di nuove tecnologie e, soprattutto, di nuove sfide etiche e legali. Isaac Asimov, celebre scrittore di fantascienza, aveva anticipato queste problematiche negli anni ’40, quando formulò le sue tre leggi della robotica. Queste leggi immaginate da Asimov, nonostante siano state sviluppate …
Le "nuove" tre leggi della robotica nell'era della AI - Gravita Zero: comunicazione scientifica e istituzionale
AI generates covertly racist decisions about people based on their dialect
AI generates covertly racist decisions about people based on their dialect
Nature - Despite efforts to remove overt racial prejudice, language models using artificial intelligence still show covert racism against speakers of African American English that is triggered by...
AI generates covertly racist decisions about people based on their dialect
Productivity gains in Software Development through AI
Productivity gains in Software Development through AI
Especially in IT and software development numbers keep popping up about “savings” through AI. Amazon for example claims to have “saved” 4500 person years of work. These numbers have to be taken with a grain of salt and shouldn’t be interpreted as “oh, we will save massive amounts of work by using AI, let’s fire […]
Productivity gains in Software Development through AI
To Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past
To Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past
A schism lies at the heart of the field of artificial intelligence. Since its inception, the field has been defined by an intellectual tug-of-war between two opposing philosophies: connectionism and symbolism. These two camps have deeply divergent visions as to how to "solve" intelligence, with differing research agendas and sometimes bitter relations.
To Understand The Future of AI, Study Its Past
The era of predictive AI Is almost over
The era of predictive AI Is almost over
“Language models are just glorified autocomplete” has been the critics’ refrain — but reinforcement learning is proving them wrong. New breakthroughs could follow.
The era of predictive AI Is almost over
KI: Kollaps droht wegen KI-generierter Trainingsdaten
KI: Kollaps droht wegen KI-generierter Trainingsdaten
Forscher fanden heraus, dass sich KI-Modelle selbst sabotieren, indem sie KI-generierte Daten zum Training verwenden. Sie produzieren dann immer mehr Müll.
KI: Kollaps droht wegen KI-generierter Trainingsdaten
The “ChatGPT and Friends” Collection
The “ChatGPT and Friends” Collection
This page contains an annotated list of my publications/explanations about the 2023 surge of attention (hype is not always a wrong word here) society paid to Artificial Intelligence, mostly because…
The “ChatGPT and Friends” Collection
When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the kind.
When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the kind.
One of the use cases I thought was reasonable to expect from ChatGPT and Friends (LLMs) was summarising. It turns out I was wrong. What ChatGPT isn’t summarising at all, it only looks like it…
When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the kind.
Making AI Less "Thirsty": Uncovering and Addressing the Secret Water Footprint of AI Models
Making AI Less "Thirsty": Uncovering and Addressing the Secret Water Footprint of AI Models
The growing carbon footprint of artificial intelligence (AI) models, especially large ones such as GPT-3, has been undergoing public scrutiny. Unfortunately, however, the equally important and enormous water (withdrawal and consumption) footprint of AI models has remained under the radar. For example, training GPT-3 in Microsoft's state-of-the-art U.S. data centers can directly evaporate 700,000 liters of clean freshwater, but such information has been kept a secret. More critically, the global AI demand may be accountable for 4.2 -- 6.6 billion cubic meters of water withdrawal in 2027, which is more than the total annual water withdrawal of 4 -- 6 Denmark or half of the United Kingdom. This is very concerning, as freshwater scarcity has become one of the most pressing challenges shared by all of us in the wake of the rapidly growing population, depleting water resources, and aging water infrastructures. To respond to the global water challenges, AI models can, and also must, take social responsibility and lead by example by addressing their own water footprint. In this paper, we provide a principled methodology to estimate the water footprint of AI models, and also discuss the unique spatial-temporal diversities of AI models' runtime water efficiency. Finally, we highlight the necessity of holistically addressing water footprint along with carbon footprint to enable truly sustainable AI.
Making AI Less "Thirsty": Uncovering and Addressing the Secret Water Footprint of AI Models
LLMs can solve any word problem! As long as they can crib the answer
LLMs can solve any word problem! As long as they can crib the answer
AI companies keep claiming that LLMs do reasoning. The AI can think! The AI can figure out word puzzles! The AI can pass the LSAT! You’re fired! So our good friend Diz tested this by throwing logic…
LLMs can solve any word problem! As long as they can crib the answer
Data Workers‘ Inquiry: Die versteckten Arbeitskräfte hinter der KI erzählen ihre Geschichten
Data Workers‘ Inquiry: Die versteckten Arbeitskräfte hinter der KI erzählen ihre Geschichten
Ohne Millionen Datenarbeiter:innen würden weder sogenannte Künstliche Intelligenz noch Content-Moderation funktionieren. In einem neuen Projekt erzählen sie ihre Geschichten: von Plattformarbeiter:innen in Venezuela und Syrien über Angestellte von Outsourcing-Firmen in Kenia bis zu Content-Moderator:innen in Deutschland.
Data Workers‘ Inquiry: Die versteckten Arbeitskräfte hinter der KI erzählen ihre Geschichten
Bianca Kastl (
Bianca Kastl (
Wichtiger Beitrag über die digitale Drecksarbeit von Content-Moderator*innen.
Bianca Kastl (
AI scaling myths
AI scaling myths
Scaling will run out. The question is when.
AI scaling myths
There are three Rs! - interrogation post - Imgur
There are three Rs! - interrogation post - Imgur
Discover topics like interrogation, picard, chatgpt, and the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like zenoshogun.
There are three Rs! - interrogation post - Imgur
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Attached: 1 image #Strawberry 🍓 #AI #KI 💩 ( )
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