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Die seltsamen Fehlleistungen neuronaler Netze
Die seltsamen Fehlleistungen neuronaler Netze
Die Großtat, für die Adi Shamir berühmt wurde, ist schon eine ganze Weile her. Im Jahr 1977 erfand er, gerade mal 25 Jahre alt, gemeinsam mit Ron Rivest und Leonard Adleman das asymmetrische Kryptosystem, das nach den Anfangsbuchstaben seiner Erfinder RSA-Chiffre heißt und bis heute, wenn auch mit Modifikationen, beim Verschlüsseln von Nachrichten eine – jawohl – Schlüsselrolle spielt. Read more
Die seltsamen Fehlleistungen neuronaler Netze
ibis | SoekiaGPT - ein didaktisches Sprachmodell
ibis | SoekiaGPT - ein didaktisches Sprachmodell
"ibis" ist die einzige deutschsprachige Zeitschrift im Kontext des Informatikunterrichts in Schulen, insbesondere zur Verbreitung von Erfahrungen, Best Practices und Leuchtturmbeispielen.
ibis | SoekiaGPT - ein didaktisches Sprachmodell
Thoughts on "generative AI Art"
Thoughts on "generative AI Art"
When I was a kid / teenager I wanted to play the guitar. Like many people that age. Got myself a guitar and everything but never really practiced at all in any meaningful way. I didn’t so much want to play the guitar but I wanted the reward I associated with the output, the cultural […]
Thoughts on "generative AI Art"
Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula
Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula
If you’ve been involved and constantly learning about AIs for some time now, you understand that prompt management is a very important…
Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula
tante (
tante (
I really like's point here, very well put. But I think there's something to add (that Meredith added in another segment as well): This true analysis comes from an output perspective. "Generative AI" produces "plausible" text and "passable though somewhat off" imagery so these systems are not that useful in serious contexts. 100% But these systems are massively useful to undermine labor. To burden a decreasing amount of employees with the work of fixing the output of these systems (probably for bad pay because "you are just fixing it a bit"). And to repeat the last automation cycles of producing a lot more stuff for a lot less cost per unit which only works by reducing quality. You know how bad fast fashion is quality-wise? That is what "generative AI" does to text, image, media. But that fact that fast fashion is bad doesn't stop it because the cost argument wins. And that is what "generative AI" is useful for. "Useful" is a word that only makes sense when adding for *whom* and for *what purposes and goals*.
tante (
Here’s How AI Can Determine The Taste Of Coffee Beans
Here’s How AI Can Determine The Taste Of Coffee Beans
This Colombian startup is using artificial intelligence to taste coffee and gives producers, farmers and roasters new insight into how to grow, harvest and optimize flavor.
Here’s How AI Can Determine The Taste Of Coffee Beans
Inject My PDF: Prompt Injection for your Resume
Inject My PDF: Prompt Injection for your Resume
To escape a deluge of generated content, companies are screening your resumes and documents using AI. But there is a way you can still stand out and get your dream job: Prompt Injection. This website allows you to inject invisible text into your PDF that will make any AI language model think you are the perfect candidate for the job. You can also use this tool to get a language model to give you an arbitrary summary of your document.
Inject My PDF: Prompt Injection for your Resume
GPT-4 Vision Prompt Injection
GPT-4 Vision Prompt Injection
In this article, we explore what prompt injection is and the techniques people have been using to perform prompt injection attacks on GPT-4.
GPT-4 Vision Prompt Injection
I built a Plane Spotter for my son in 120 seconds
I built a Plane Spotter for my son in 120 seconds
My son is 18 months old, and he loves spotting planes in the sky. Every time he hears a plane engine sound, he starts looking up. The moment he spots it, he usually points his finger at it, and says something like “Hmm!” or “Pane!” So since he likes them so much, and I know that plane positions are publicly available data, I figured it’d be a fun Sunday hack to make a script that gives us an alert every time a plane is overhead, so we can run out and find it.
I built a Plane Spotter for my son in 120 seconds
Prompt injection explained, with video, slides, and a transcript
Prompt injection explained, with video, slides, and a transcript
I participated in a webinar this morning about prompt injection, organized by LangChain and hosted by Harrison Chase, with Willem Pienaar, Kojin Oshiba (Robust Intelligence), and Jonathan Cohen and Christopher …
Prompt injection explained, with video, slides, and a transcript
😃 Basics | Learn Prompting: Your Guide to Communicating with AI
😃 Basics | Learn Prompting: Your Guide to Communicating with AI
Learn Prompting is the largest and most comprehensive course in prompt engineering available on the internet, with over 60 content modules, translated into 9 languages, and a thriving community.
😃 Basics | Learn Prompting: Your Guide to Communicating with AI
Baldur Bjarnason (
Baldur Bjarnason (
So, a little bit of warning for folks following me: I have no patience for any talk about "AI" being close to, on the verge of, or displaying sparks of Artificial General Intelligence. The AI researchers making these claims are *severely* underestimating what even animal-level reasoning and problem-solving involves, and seem to be utterly clueless about what human level capabilities involve It's bullshit sci-fi that's designed to sell you stuff.
Baldur Bjarnason (
Linksammlung Künstliche Intelligenz
Linksammlung Künstliche Intelligenz
Hier finden Lehrkräfte und weitere Interessierte Lehr-Lern-Materialien, um Kindern und Jugendlichen informatische Kompetenzen rund um das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz zu vermitteln. Daneben können …
Linksammlung Künstliche Intelligenz
Michael Seemann (
Michael Seemann (
ok. es wird jetzt mal zeit für einen qualitäts-thread hier! ich habe die letzten wochen einige explainer zu llms gelesen und manche haben mir wirklich gut weitergeholfen, in das sehr schwierige und abstrakte thema einzusteigen. hier ein thread über die besten explainer. protipp: am besten in genau der reihenfolge lesen.
Michael Seemann (