I Am a New Part 107 Pilot. Was it a Mistake to Buy The Mavic Air 2?

I Am a New Part 107 Pilot. Was it a Mistake to Buy The Mavic Air 2?
I Am a New Part 107 Pilot. Was it a Mistake to Buy The Mavic Air 2?
Our caller for today, John is a new drone pilot who has recently invested in the DJI Mavic Mini 2. John is facing buyerⳠremorse as he feels that he should have gone for a more powerful, sophisticated drone instead.⦮..Read more #Videos #askdroneU #commercialdronelicense #Commercialdronetest #djimavicair2 #dronelicense #dronetraining #droneU #droneU #faacertificate #Faadronelicense #howtoflyadrone #howtoflydronescommercially #howtogetyourdronelicense #Howtostartadronebusiness #Learntoflyadrone #learntoflydrones #Makingmoneywithadrone #newdjidrone #part107 #Part107dronetest #Part107exam #remotepilot #remotepilot101 #Startadronebusiness
I Am a New Part 107 Pilot. Was it a Mistake to Buy The Mavic Air 2?