Simply enter a prompt and let our tool do the rest. From logos and graphics to digital artwork and more, our tool can generate a wide range of images that are perfect for any project.
L'arte del prompt: come si può guadagnare vendendo idee per l'IA
Sul web nascono i marketplace dedicati a chi vuole vendere (o acquistare) i migliori prompt - ovvero semplici righe di testo - per creare senza fatica immagini…
Serve una scuola intelligente per continuare ad essere riferimento formativo nell'era dell'AI
La crescita delle piattaforme di AI generativa raggiunge il settore della scuola, con azioni che tentano di bloccare l'innovazione con un approccio medioevale. Il futuro chiede ben altro...
You can make this for free with free tools and free trial tools. Davinci and are currently free to use and MidJourney and D-ID you can grab a free trial.
Riley's Video:
Rodrigo's Video:
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DaVinci Resolve:
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#AI #Animation #aiart
Soon, you don't need to write much anymore. Artificial Intelligence will do it for you. With all the free time we will have, we could try to rethink how we learn, work, and how we communicate.
DaVinci for iPad - Blackmagic Design, AI Tools for Creativity
DaVinci Resolve features cutting edge AI processing powered by the DaVinci Neural Engine. Tools such as magic mask need only a single stroke to locate and track people, features and objects in a shot. You can make characters stand out in an under lit shot, or invert the person mask and stylize the background. Smart reframe repurposes footage to dramatically different aspect ratios by recognizing the action in a scene and panning within it so you can quickly create square or vertical versions for posting to social media. Voice isolation lets you easily remove loud, undesirable sounds from interviews and dialogue recordings from noisy locations. AI tools create quick, accurate results saving you hours of time!
DaVinci Neural Engine usa reti neurali e apprendimento automatico d’avanguardia, oltre all’intelligenza artificiale, per potenziare funzioni come riconoscimento facciale, rilevamento degli oggetti, reinquadratura intelligente, calcolo della velocità variabile, ridimensionamento in qualità superiore, e bilanciamento e corrispondenza del colore automatici.
AI-Generated Facial Photos For 3D Human Creation | Headshot Plugin | Character Creator
Headshot - the AI-powered Character Creator plugin generates 3D realtime digital humans from a photo to a complete, fully-rigged 3D character in minutes.
Shutterstock Expands Long-standing Relationship with Meta
/PRNewswire/ -- Shutterstock, Inc. (NYSE: SSTK), the leading global creative platform for transformative brands and media companies, will help fuel Meta's...
We're happy to announce that OpenAI and Microsoft are extending our partnership. This multi-year, multi-billion dollar investment from Microsoft follows their previous investments in 2019 and 2021, and will allow us to continue our independent research and develop AI that is increasingly safe, useful, and powerful. In pursuit of our
After inking its OpenAI deal, Shutterstock rolls out a generative AI toolkit to create images based on text prompts
Customers of Shutterstock's Creative Flow online design platform will now be able to create images based on text prompts, powered by OpenAI and Dall-E 2
Scatena la tua immaginazione con le immagini generate dall'intelligenza artificiale create tramite contenuti concessi in licenza e usate in modo responsabile.