AI Versus Arts

AI Versus Arts

Art-istic or Art-ificial? Ownership and copyright concerns in AI-generated artwork - New
Art-istic or Art-ificial? Ownership and copyright concerns in AI-generated artwork - New
By Atreya Mathur Credit: DALL·E 2; text prompts (left to right): painting of a robot holding justice scales; painting of a robot-artist painting flowers; painting of a robot reading a law bookWhat does it take to be an artist in the 21st century? Can one create art with paint brushes, watercolors, or oil pastels? Or can one simply think art into
Art-istic or Art-ificial? Ownership and copyright concerns in AI-generated artwork - New
Artists Opposing AI Image Generators Use Mickey Mouse to Goad Copyright Lawsuits - Slashdot
Artists Opposing AI Image Generators Use Mickey Mouse to Goad Copyright Lawsuits - Slashdot
AI tools like DALL-E 2, Lensa AI, and Midjourney "can be told to create imagery in the style of a particular artist," notes this article in the Daily Dot. Yet "The current legal consensus, much to the chagrin of many artists, concludes that AI-generated art is in the public domain and therefore no...
Artists Opposing AI Image Generators Use Mickey Mouse to Goad Copyright Lawsuits - Slashdot
Copyright laws and artificial intelligence
Copyright laws and artificial intelligence
Recently, a photographer whose camera was used by a monkey to take a selfie settled a two-year legal battle against an animal rights group about copyright over the image. The lower court had denied the monkey a copyright, but the parties decided to settle before facing the appeals court.
Copyright laws and artificial intelligence
150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List
150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List
Where can studying Art or Design take you? What kinds of creative careers exist? A list of 150+ awesome art careers in the modern world.
150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List
What can you do with an art degree?
What can you do with an art degree?
Not sure what to do after your art degree? Discover a range of careers in art, and get tips to improve your employment prospects.
What can you do with an art degree?
Xmind is the most professional and popular mind mapping tool. Millions of people use Xmind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, brainstorming, get work organized, remote and work from home WFH.
10 Types of Design Jobs
10 Types of Design Jobs
We identified ten design jobs that will allow you to make a living while doing the type of creative work you love.
10 Types of Design Jobs
Hayao Miyazaki: la AI CG Animation è 'un insulto alla vita stessa'
Hayao Miyazaki: la AI CG Animation è 'un insulto alla vita stessa'
Come tutti i fan del grande artista Hayao Miyazaki sanno bene, il celebre disegnatore ha costruito negli anni una carriera solidissima tramite lo sviluppo e la realizzazione di magici mondi in pellicole uniche. Ovviamente al suo grande talento si accompagna uno spiccato senso critico che, questa volta, si è scagliato contro l'animazione AI CG.
Hayao Miyazaki: la AI CG Animation è 'un insulto alla vita stessa'
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 03
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 03
Guillermo Del Toro has some strong views on AI Art. I explore what he says what he thinks, and what other artists think about AI, art, including Hayao Miyazaki and Dave McKean. We explore the history of technology and art and what the future might hold.
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 03
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 02
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 02
Guillermo Del Toro has some strong views on AI Art. I explore what he says what he thinks, and what other artists think about AI, art, including Hayao Miyazaki and Dave McKean. We explore the history of technology and art and what the future might hold.
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 02
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 01
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 01
Guillermo Del Toro has some strong views on AI Art. I explore what he says what he thinks, and what other artists think about AI, art, including Hayao Miyazaki and Dave McKean. We explore the history of technology and art and what the future might hold.
Guillermo Del Toro's STRONG Views On AI Art! - clip 01
AI Inspired Web Design is INSANE! - Fast Tutorial
AI Inspired Web Design is INSANE! - Fast Tutorial 👈 Learn UI/UX Today. Use "UI2022" for 22% Off! -- Today, I'm going to show you some awesome AI generated layouts, and also how to use AI as a tool for inspiration when creating UI/UX. 0:00 - Intro 0:25 - AI Layout Examples 1:30 - Tutorial 2:47 - Final Result Let's get started! #ai #uiux - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subscribe for NEW VIDEOS! Learn UI/UX: My personal FB account: Coursetro FB: Coursetro's Twitter: Join my Discord! ^-Chat with me and others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Who is Gary Simon? Well, I'm a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I've created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn,, Pluralsight and Envato Network. Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!
AI Inspired Web Design is INSANE! - Fast Tutorial
Dave McKean on the Impact of AI for Artists - clip 03
Dave McKean on the Impact of AI for Artists - clip 03
"I was either going to retire or respond." When artist Dave McKean (Sandman, Cages, Signal to Noise, Black Dog) realized what AI engines like Midjourney could do, it led to a prolonged panic attack. If an AI can create an unlimited number of quite sophisticated images from a few prompts what is the need for artists anymore? How does this change the landscape for illustration and how we see art and creativity? These are some of the questions McKean asks in his new book PROMPT: Conversations with Artificial Intelligence. Read more at
Dave McKean on the Impact of AI for Artists - clip 03