Altri tools AI - archivio

Altri tools AI - archivio

Home2022 - ARitize 3D
Home2022 - ARitize 3D
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Home2022 - ARitize 3D
Generative Art Machine
Generative Art Machine
Tinkersynth is an experimental art project. Create unique designs by manipulating whimsical machines and making serendipitous discoveries.
Generative Art Machine
DeepFakes, Can You Spot Them?
DeepFakes, Can You Spot Them?
Can you spot the DeepFake? Detect Fakes challenges you to discern AI-manipulated videos from real videos. Can you do better than an algorithm?
DeepFakes, Can You Spot Them?
Fast drawing for everyone. AutoDraw pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help you draw stuff fast.
Quick, Draw! by Google Creative Lab - Experiments with Google
Quick, Draw! by Google Creative Lab - Experiments with Google
Since 2009, coders have created thousands of amazing experiments using Chrome, Android, AI, WebVR, AR and more. We're showcasing projects here, along with helpful tools and resources, to inspire others to create new experiments.
Quick, Draw! by Google Creative Lab - Experiments with Google