

Kick-off training accessibility
Kick-off training accessibility
In this kick-off training you will learn the basics of accessibility. You will receive a certificate upon completion. The training takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Kick-off training accessibility
Web: How to document the screen reader user experience - Accessibility, Your Team and You
Web: How to document the screen reader user experience - Accessibility, Your Team and You
User experience designers guide - How to document the screen reader user experience for web content. Using your visual as a starting point, we’ll take you step by step through how to document the screen reader UX introducing concepts along the way.
Web: How to document the screen reader user experience - Accessibility, Your Team and You
Web Accessibility for Designers: checklist & documentation kit
Web Accessibility for Designers: checklist & documentation kit
A lot of accessibility issues can get caught already in the design phase. Great documentation helps teams implement accessibility and interaction requirements the right way. This kit is based on my article and conference "A Designer’s Guide to Docume...
Web Accessibility for Designers: checklist & documentation kit
Accessible overlays aren’t accessible
Accessible overlays aren’t accessible
You can’t solve accessibility with a single line of code. Overlays are deceitful and undermine inclusive design practices.
Accessible overlays aren’t accessible
CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
Usually. I originally titled this InacCSS-onlyible. I even made this typographically, er, distinct image. Then I realized it was silly and will instead use the neologism in a talk so I can hear the groans IRL. Interactive widgets powered with only CSS are relatively common as people are playing with…
CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
Learn Accessibility
Learn Accessibility
An evergreen accessibility course and reference to level up your web development.
Learn Accessibility
Accessibility vs emojis
Accessibility vs emojis
At an emojis best, they can add fun and context to a post or message. At their worst, they can cause frustration and abandonment.
Accessibility vs emojis
Do emojis and accessibility work together?
Do emojis and accessibility work together?
Emojis could be affecting your content - but do you know how? In this article, we explore how emojis influence your content and what you can do to maximize accessibility.
Do emojis and accessibility work together?
Chasing rainbows
Chasing rainbows
Pro tip: when you meet a colorblind person, don’t repeatedly point to things and ask what color they are.
Chasing rainbows
Effective Photography Opt-Out Policies for Events
Effective Photography Opt-Out Policies for Events
At Abstractions, we tried a new method for allowing attendees to opt-out of photography. I will explain the reasoning behind our decisions…
Effective Photography Opt-Out Policies for Events
accessiBe and the false David vs. Goliath narrative
accessiBe and the false David vs. Goliath narrative
This isn’t a case of some grandiose Machiavellian, mafioso consortium gleefully separating companies from their money over the the threat of ADA lawsuits.…
accessiBe and the false David vs. Goliath narrative
Confronting journalism's data viz accessibility problem
Confronting journalism's data viz accessibility problem
BBC journalist Johny Cassidy researched how newsrooms could make charts and graphs more accessible to blind audiences.
Confronting journalism's data viz accessibility problem
Confronting journalism's data viz accessibility problem
Confronting journalism's data viz accessibility problem
BBC journalist Johny Cassidy researched how newsrooms could make charts and graphs more accessible to blind audiences.
Confronting journalism's data viz accessibility problem
Do No Harm Guide: Centering Accessibility in Data Visualization
Do No Harm Guide: Centering Accessibility in Data Visualization
This third volume in the Do No Harm Guide series from the Urban Institute seeks to provide in-depth lessons on how to create visualization products that are more accessible to disabled people.
Do No Harm Guide: Centering Accessibility in Data Visualization
Download the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
Download the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
A new typeface – greater legibility and readability for low vision readers Atkinson Hyperlegible font is named after Braille Institute founder, J. Robert Atkinson.  What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability.  We are making it free for anyone to use!
Download the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
Kort historik | Nordiska museet
Kort historik | Nordiska museet
Ord och synsätt Idiot, imbecill, sinnesslö, efterbliven, dåre, vanför, krympling, invalid, kroniker, handikappad. Orden har skiftat och orden har också signalerat att problemen legat hos individen själv. Numera talar man om funktionshinder, funktionsnedsättning eller nedsatt funktionsförmåga. Idag är det huvudsakligen samhällets utformning som avgör om en funktionsnedsättning blir ett hinder – om det leder till ett funktionshinder. Det betyder att funktionshinderbegreppet är miljörelaterat.
Kort historik | Nordiska museet
GUIDE: Krav på tillgänglighet i några olika lagar och författningar
GUIDE: Krav på tillgänglighet i några olika lagar och författningar
Diskrimineringslagens bestämmelse om bristande tillgänglighet (1 kap. 4§ p3) kompletterar och stärker de krav på tillgänglighet som finns i andra lagar och  författningar.  Vad som är diskriminerin…
GUIDE: Krav på tillgänglighet i några olika lagar och författningar
Designing accessible color systems
Designing accessible color systems
How we designed a color system with hand-picked, vibrant colors that also met standards for accessibility and contrast.
Designing accessible color systems
Tap to Dismiss
Tap to Dismiss
Let’s talk great escapes. Not magical like Houdini’s handcuffs or Thor’s bifrost, instead very commonplace — an interactive icon to remove…
Tap to Dismiss
The key difference between a website and a web app is… highly contested. On the whole, I'd say the more links there are, the more site-like, and the more buttons, the more app-like. If it includes a page with a form, it's probably a kind of site. If it