Michiel De Gooijer on LinkedIn: #alzheimer #dementia #elderlycare | 92 comments
"People can't be demented, they may have dementia but they are still a father, sister, friend or aunt. They may forget events, but how they felt sticks... 92 comments on LinkedIn
Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query
Two years ago, I wrote about prefers-reduced-motion, a media query introduced into Safari 10.1 to help people with vestibular and seizure disorders use
Picturing mental health: what sort of images are the right ones?
A blog about responsibility and challenges when using images to communicate mental health research. A blog about responsibilities and challenges of using images to illustrate mental health research.
Jake Abma on LinkedIn: Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Charter Approved; Call for
The WCAG WG is rechartered to create the WCAG 2.2 and the next major iteration of Accessibility Guidelines currently named Silver. Let's continue to improve...
Enligt lag ska du som arbetar inom offentlig sektor och publicerar video på webbplatser göra videon tillgänglig. I ett samtal med Mikael Hellman benas begrepp ut så du kan känna dig trygg.
There is no better way to understand the importance of accessibility and inclusive design than learning from actual users with disabilities. Here’s a collection of our favorite Youtube videos where people showcase how they use assistive technologies like screen readers, eye tracking, zoom and switches. We’ll start off with former BMX star Stephen Murray showing […]
Designing a World for Everyone — Seriously… — Overcast
In 1979, Pattie Moore, a 26-year-old designer in New York was so was so incensed by the way her colleagues ignored the needs of the elderly that she embarked on a daring piece of social research. Disguised as an 85-year-old woman, she took to the streets of America, travelling to over 100 cities, to discover the realities of being old. Her disguise not only looked the part but also simulated the infirmities of old age - prosthetics reduced her hearing, vision and the ability to move with ease. She bound her fingers and wore gloves to simulate arthritis. In this programme, Jeremy Myerson, th...
Many companies haven't made accessibility a priority on their web sites and mobile apps. They consider disabled users an "edge case." But they're wrong.
Many companies haven't made accessibility a priority on their web sites and mobile apps. They consider disabled users an "edge case." But they're wrong.
Transactional Accessibility: when people with disabilities are included only if it’s proven that they have enough money to spend or cost of adaption is low enough to maintain profits https://t.co/jFPae1WKRk— Alastair Somerville (@Acuity_Design) November 10, 2019
Domino’s will ask the Supreme Court to reverse the 9th Circuit decision that their website should be accessible to the blind.In court docs, Domino’s revealed it would’ve cost $38,000 to make it accessible.They’re fighting this.https://t.co/5M8cpAKPWu— Jared Spool (@jmspool) August 1, 2019