Digital Ethics

Digital Ethics

Scott Berkun on Twitter
Scott Berkun on Twitter
1. The elephant in the room for #designethics is if you design things for a corporation you inherit their ethics, or lack their-of, whether you notice it or not.— Scott Berkun (@berkun) February 27, 2018
Scott Berkun on Twitter
Startups Embroiled in Debate Over Ethics of Facial Recognition
Startups Embroiled in Debate Over Ethics of Facial Recognition
The controversy that swept up leading tech companies last year over whether facial recognition software is accurate enough to be sold to law enforcement agencies shows no signs of abating. Last week, a group of Amazon shareholders demanded that it stop selling the technology to police, and ...
Startups Embroiled in Debate Over Ethics of Facial Recognition
Bursting The Bubble: Teal Ain't Real
Bursting The Bubble: Teal Ain't Real
Once in a while we feel the need to write about an uncomfortable feeling that's been niggling us. This post is one. It expresses a discomfort we have about so-called
Bursting The Bubble: Teal Ain't Real
258: Design Ethics
258: Design Ethics
We’ve got Robyn Kanner and Mike Monteiro on the show to talk about ethics in design. When and, more importantly, how should you stand up to a manager when they tell you to design something in…
258: Design Ethics
Ethics and Production
Ethics and Production
Ethics in production is a subset of business ethic that is meant to ensure that the production function or activities are not damaging to the consumer or the society.
Ethics and Production