Digital Ethics

Digital Ethics

#video #ethics
Algorithms are opinions, not truth machines, and demand the application of ethics | Aeon Videos
Algorithms are opinions, not truth machines, and demand the application of ethics | Aeon Videos
It can be easy to simply accept algorithms as indisputable mathematic truths. After all, who wants to spend their spare time deconstructing complex equations? But make no mistake: algorithms are limited tools for understanding the world, frequently as flawed and biased as the humans who create and interpret them. In this brief animation, which was adapted from a 2017 presentation at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in London, the US data scientist Cathy O’Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction (2016), argues that algorithms can be useful tools when thoughtfully deployed. However, their ...
Algorithms are opinions, not truth machines, and demand the application of ethics | Aeon Videos