Digital Ethics

Digital Ethics

Metafoundry 75: Resilience, Abundance, Decentralization
Metafoundry 75: Resilience, Abundance, Decentralization
This is the view of our home planet from Earth-Sun Lagrange point 1, about a million miles away, courtesy of the EPIC instrument on the DSCOVR spacecraft. From this di...
Metafoundry 75: Resilience, Abundance, Decentralization
A Web Renaissance
A Web Renaissance
Thanks to the mistrust of big tech, the creation of better tools for developers, and the weird and wonderful creativity of ordinary people, we’re seeing an incredibly unlikely comeback: the web is thriving again. If you had to pick the unexpected breakout consumer tech hit of 2022, you could
A Web Renaissance
Codesign as strategy?
Codesign as strategy?
I’m preparing a couple of new workshops on codesign (or participatory design) and Indigenous Research methods for a client.
Codesign as strategy?
Eva on Twitter
Eva on Twitter
So, what should companies do about physical trackers like AirTags and Tiles now? They should agree on and publish a standard that allows detection of physical trackers to be built into apps and operating systems.— Eva (@evacide) April 6, 2022
Eva on Twitter
Teresa Torres on Twitter
Teresa Torres on Twitter
False Discovery in A/B Testing the statistics in this paper are over your head, jump to the conclusion. There are many important takeaways in this paper about the role of a/b testing in our work. I'll highlight a few below.— Teresa Torres (@ttorres) January 5, 2022
Teresa Torres on Twitter
Songpinganq on Twitter
Songpinganq on Twitter
Shanghai'' Wear your mask Wash your hands Disinfect yourself regularly Social distance yourself more Be well ventilated ...''— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) March 29, 2022
Songpinganq on Twitter
Songpinganq on Twitter
Songpinganq on Twitter
Beijingomicron arrived.Loudspeaker on the drone saying'' This community is in lockdown now! When It's your turn to do daily mandatory covid test, take your ID card and go down stairs to test immediately! Otherwise stay in your room!''2022/1/15— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) January 15, 2022
Songpinganq on Twitter
Marcin 🌈✨🖤 on Twitter
Marcin 🌈✨🖤 on Twitter
När jag förra helgen försökte få tag på Covid-test sa butikspersonalen att de slutat ta in det pga "Covid är slut nu". Samtidigt i Shanghai:— Marcin 🌈✨🖤 (@dekaminski) April 10, 2022
Marcin 🌈✨🖤 on Twitter
Digital Ethics Summit: Innovation needs regulation to be ethical
Digital Ethics Summit: Innovation needs regulation to be ethical
Experts attending the 2021 Digital Ethics Summit spoke out against the idea that regulation will stifle technological innovation, arguing that setting clear rules will produce more ethical innovation.
Digital Ethics Summit: Innovation needs regulation to be ethical
Kolombiken on Twitter
Kolombiken on Twitter
Different kinds of people are necessary everywhere but maybe especially in the UX field. Only hiring people with very high IQ is a really bad strategy. Also: so ableist. 😣Here is a direct link to the ad:— Kolombiken (@kolombiken) April 2, 2022
Kolombiken on Twitter
Face scanner Clearview AI aims to branch out beyond police
Face scanner Clearview AI aims to branch out beyond police
NEW YORK (AP) — A controversial face recognition company that's built a massive photographic dossier of the world's people for use by police, national governments and — most recently — the Ukrainian military is now planning to offer its technology to banks and other private businesses.
Face scanner Clearview AI aims to branch out beyond police
Alastair Somerville on LinkedIn: #CarPlay
Alastair Somerville on LinkedIn: #CarPlay
BBC Sounds have changed their app branding. This may seem trivial but that means the appearance of the #CarPlay user interface changes. The middle button...
Alastair Somerville on LinkedIn: #CarPlay
How China surveils the world
How China surveils the world
The government taps into a vast global array of data sources through partnerships with both foreign and domestic firms.
How China surveils the world
Hazard Mapping
Hazard Mapping
The information architecture of ethics
Hazard Mapping
Is Saying "Dark" to Mean "Bad" an Offensive, Racist Metaphor?
Is Saying "Dark" to Mean "Bad" an Offensive, Racist Metaphor?
Is it racist or problematic to use the metaphor "dark" or "darkness" to describe something that is bad, sad, evil, or negative? Examples and arguments for why.
Is Saying "Dark" to Mean "Bad" an Offensive, Racist Metaphor?