Digital Ethics
A.R. Moxon on Twitter
If the only answer to abusive people is successfully persuading them not to be abusive...Then the abuse becomes everyone else’s fault, for not catering to the abuser sufficiently enough to persuade him.Which is exactly the way an abusive person wants you to think.So, don’t.— A.R. Moxon (@JuliusGoat) December 5, 2020
Cory Doctorow #BLM on Twitter
The Shitty Tech Adoption Curve describes the process by which oppressive technology is normalized and distributed through all levels of society. The more privilege someone has, the harder it is to coerce them to use dehumanizing tech, so it starts with marginalized people.1/ pic.twitter.com/9saW0H95OI— Cory Doctorow #BLM (@doctorow) November 25, 2020
Can deepfake tech be used for good? Artist creates 'imaginary reckoning' for public figures | CBC Radio
Deepfake technology can make it seem like people are saying and doing things they aren't. Can it be used for good? Deep Reckonings, a series created by artist Stephanie Lepp, imagines controversial public figures having reckonings using synthetic videos.
Open letter from content moderators re: pandemic
Foxglove is supporting social media content moderators in their fights for fair treatment from the platforms they work for, and for safe working conditions during the pandemic. Here is the full text of an open letter which over 200 Facebook content moderators from across the world have just addres
Amazon’s new ‘Care Hub’ lets Alexa owners keep tabs on aging family members
Amazon today announced a set of new features aimed at making its Alexa devices more useful to aging adults. With the launch of “Care Hub,” an added option in the Alexa mobile app, family members can keep an eye on older parents and loved ones, with their permission, in order to receive general information about […]
The Correspondent on Twitter
Next time you're stuck in traffic because of roadworks and your frustration starts to bubble, change your perspective:Those roadworks could save someone's life – that's worth the wait. https://t.co/4p0DZN0KiW— The Correspondent (@The_Corres) November 10, 2020