An open letter to @Facebook, @Twitter, @Instagram and @Experian regarding algorithms and my son's birth:— Gillian Brockell (@gbrockell) December 11, 2018
1/ A couple of months ago, I discovered my health insurer was monitoring my sleep and using it to deny me benefits. So I told my colleague @marshall_allen…— Eric Umansky (@ericuman) November 21, 2018
Doing poor stats and presenting misleading results is not just sloppy, it's unethical. h/t @CarlMoons @deeksj— Cecile Janssens (@cecilejanssens) September 21, 2018
This is quietly a major milestone in tech culture. Linus Torvalds, the leader behind Linux, git, and much of open source culture, reflects on how he’s been hostile to community members. I hope he follows through — that would be his biggest commit ever.— Anil Dash 🥭 (@anildash) September 16, 2018
When people translate visual text to Braille without any thought about user centered design.— Alastair Somerville (@Acuity_Design) September 10, 2018
Why #bigdata can do wrong in human centered design. The abstraction can be true but meaningless for any individual human. #data— Alastair Somerville (@Acuity_Design) August 4, 2018
Guillaume Champeau on Twitter: Netiquette guidelines
Fascinating to read the 1995 "Netiquette Guidelines" (RFC 1855). It was written when the Internet began to be mainstream, at a time where IRC channels, newsgroups and so on where the Facebook and Twitter of their times. Wise words.— Guillaume Champeau (@gchampeau) August 3, 2018
I keep thinking things like this - & also how, when Tylenol was tampered with & 7 people were poisoned, they recalled it all, shut the line down until they’d figured out how to do better— Cyd Harrell (@cydharrell) July 25, 2018
"If you think the world is all data you’ll miss how much is too complicated to summarize in a statistic."— Don Richard (@DonaldRichard) July 7, 2018
Having more sales and conversions does NOT mean you have more happy customers. e-commerce teams should have this repeated to them at least once a month just to be sure it sunk in. Figure out how you can best measure the customer's actual experience.— Geoff Wilson (@geoffwilsonUX) June 6, 2018
The thing we do well in Silicon Valley is ignore the very Real problems of the world so we can destroy poor people’s livelihoods instead.— Alan Cooper (@MrAlanCooper) September 13, 2017
the problem with tolerating jerks in your community, friend group, or employees is that all of the nice people quietly drift away— Aeva (𝘢𝘴𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦!) (@ladyaeva) August 6, 2017