El Mahdi El Mhamdi | mastodon.social/@elmahdi on Twitter
Unsurprisingly, after the pre-mature release of #ChatGPT, and the race to the bottom in terms of safety caused by Microsoft, Google or Facebook, GPT-4 is out.It claims to "solve" a physics @polytechnique entry exam. This will make it harder to calm down the hype in France… pic.twitter.com/dG47v4Rr8N— El Mahdi El Mhamdi | mastodon.social/@elmahdi (@L_badikho) March 14, 2023
New AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators
The Elon Musk-backed nonprofit company OpenAI declines to release research publicly for fear of misuse
A neuroscientist explains: teaching morality to robots – podcast — The Guardian's Science Weekly
Dr Daniel Glaser delves into the murky world of Artificial Intelligence and asks whether true intelligence can exist without an understanding of morality
Artificial Intelligence Hits the Barrier of Meaning
Machine learning algorithms don’t yet understand things the way humans do — with sometimes disastrous consequences
The Age of the Algorithm
On April 9, 2017, United Airlines flight 3411 was preparing to take off from Chicago when flight attendants discovered the plane was overbooked. They tried to get volunteers to give up their seats with promises of travel vouchers and hotel accommodations, but not enough people were willing to get off the flight. So United ended up
Should a Self-Driving Car Kill the Baby or the Grandma? Depends on Where You’re From
The infamous “trolley problem” was put to millions of people in a global study, revealing how much ethics diverge across cultures
The Moral Machine experiment
Responses from more than two million people to an internet-based survey of attitudes towards moral dilemmas that might be faced by autonomous vehicles shed light on similarities and variations in ethical preferences among different populations.
Who should AI kill in a driverless car crash? It depends who you ask
Responses vary around the world when you ask the public who an out-of-control self-driving car should hit
YANSS 115 – How we transferred our biases into our machines and what we can do about it
Now that algorithms are everywhere, helping us to both run and make sense of the world, a strange question has emerged among artificial intelligence researchers: When is it ok to predict the future…
Technology Is Biased Too. How Do We Fix It?
Algorithms were supposed to free us from our unconscious mistakes. But now there’s a new set of problems to solve.
Explainable Machine Learning for Healthcare | KenSci
Explainable models help move away from the black box nature. Providing accountability for the outcomes provided by machine learning models.
Giving algorithms a sense of uncertainty could make them more ethical
Algorithms are best at pursuing a single mathematical objective—but humans often want multiple incompatible things.
Asking the Right Questions About AI – Yonatan Zunger
In the past few years, we’ve been deluged with discussions of how artificial intelligence (AI) will either save or destroy the world…
Genevieve Bell on moving from human-computer interactions to human-computer relationships
The O’Reilly Radar Podcast: AI on the hype curve, imagining nurturing technology, and gaps in the AI conversation.
How algorithms are pushing the tech giants into the danger zone
The algorithms Facebook and other tech companies use to boost engagement – and increase profits – have led to spectacular failures of sensitivity and worse…
Humanising Autonomy | ustwo
User research and a human centred design approach form the basis of ustwo’s thinking on autonomy and driverless cars.
Build a Better Monster: Morality, Machine Learning, and Mass Surveillance
Fairness: Types of Bias | Machine Learning Crash Course
Google AI Principles updates, six months in
An update on Google's AI principles.
Algorithms are opinions, not truth machines, and demand the application of ethics | Aeon Videos
It can be easy to simply accept algorithms as indisputable mathematic truths. After all, who wants to spend their spare time deconstructing complex equations? But make no mistake: algorithms are limited tools for understanding the world, frequently as flawed and biased as the humans who create and interpret them. In this brief animation, which was adapted from a 2017 presentation at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in London, the US data scientist Cathy O’Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction (2016), argues that algorithms can be useful tools when thoughtfully deployed. However, their ...
Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women | Re
Amazon.com Inc's machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women.
How AI can be a force for good
Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a new technology that requires regulation. It is a powerful force that is reshaping daily practices, personal and professional interactions, and environments. For the well-being of humanity it is crucial that this power is used as a force of good. Ethics plays a key role in this process by ensuring that regulations of AI harness its potential while mitigating its risks. AI may be defined in many ways. Get its definition wrong, and any assessment of the ethical challenges of AI becomes science fiction at best or an irresponsible distraction at worst, ...
Ethics and Diversity in AI - Tess Posner
Artificial intelligence is powering the fourth industrial revolution and has been called the "new electricity." The global economic impact of AI applications...
CXI - Council on Extended Intelligence | IEEE-SA & MIT Media Lab
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) and the MIT Media Lab are joining forces to launch a global Council on Extended Intelligence (CXI).
AI Experts Want to End 'Black Box' Algorithms in Government | WIRED
Researchers at AI Now say algorithms increasingly used by government can be opaque and discriminatory.
Ai now institute 2017 report