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How China surveils the world
How China surveils the world
The government taps into a vast global array of data sources through partnerships with both foreign and domestic firms.
How China surveils the world
Hazard Mapping
Hazard Mapping
The information architecture of ethics
Hazard Mapping
Is Saying "Dark" to Mean "Bad" an Offensive, Racist Metaphor?
Is Saying "Dark" to Mean "Bad" an Offensive, Racist Metaphor?
Is it racist or problematic to use the metaphor "dark" or "darkness" to describe something that is bad, sad, evil, or negative? Examples and arguments for why.
Is Saying "Dark" to Mean "Bad" an Offensive, Racist Metaphor?
Abolish racist language
Abolish racist language
At Intuit, content is why customers use QuickBooks, TurboTax, and other products. Our content design and strategy standards help customers succeed.
Abolish racist language
(At least) 4 Xs that aren't UX
(At least) 4 Xs that aren't UX
And why the original is still the best. Plus: Minecraft robot studies
(At least) 4 Xs that aren't UX
How to identify data related risks using your imagination
How to identify data related risks using your imagination
We know we should do a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) but how do we effectively identify the risks and potential impacts of the data processing we're planning, in a new project, service offer or policy? In this short video we explain 3 techniques to get your imagination working on the ways your processing could impact people in ways you might easily have missed. Presented by Clare Paterson, Director & Consultant at CP Data Protection, providing clear & practical data protection advice & training.
How to identify data related risks using your imagination
What Was the TED Talk?
What Was the TED Talk?
Some Thoughts on the “Inspiresting”
What Was the TED Talk?
Per Axbom on Twitter
Per Axbom on Twitter
Just published: How Nir Eyal's habit books are dangerous— Per Axbom (@axbom) September 17, 2019
Per Axbom on Twitter
J. Nathan Matias on Twitter
J. Nathan Matias on Twitter
A de-centralized web will only be safer, more understanding, & more equitable if we invest in those things—including the needed labor, representation, ethics, & social science.Without that, decentralization will be more dangerous, increase misunderstanding, & amplify inequality— J. Nathan Matias (@natematias) February 23, 2022
J. Nathan Matias on Twitter
Concoda.oof 💥 on Twitter
Concoda.oof 💥 on Twitter
And if a cryptocurrency is not pledging to create financial liberation, it's instead trying to merge with the legacy system. Among the altcoins, memecoins, and shitcoins, other quasi-cryptos like XRP (Ripple) were touted to be part of a new global payments system...— Concoda.oof 💥 (@concodanomics) February 23, 2022
Concoda.oof 💥 on Twitter
anildash on Twitter
anildash on Twitter
If you didn't care about helping the poor until you were convinced it was an opportunity for shilling crypto? I don't believe you. If you didn't care about gov't seizing assets of the vulnerable, but suddenly cared when it happened to white supremacists? I don't believe you.— anildash (@anildash) February 21, 2022
anildash on Twitter
Tinder anmäls - misstänks prisdiskriminera sina användare - Sveriges Konsumenter
Tinder anmäls - misstänks prisdiskriminera sina användare - Sveriges Konsumenter
En ny granskning av dejtingappen Tinder visar att en användare kan betala upp till 12 gånger mer än en annan -  för samma tjänst. Vad de varierande priserna bygger på är omöjligt för användaren att veta. Sveriges Konsumenter misstänker nu att det kan h...
Tinder anmäls - misstänks prisdiskriminera sina användare - Sveriges Konsumenter
The Economics of Spotify
The Economics of Spotify
Spotify’s recent Joe Rogan controversy has also deepened a rift between the platform and artists over pay.
The Economics of Spotify
Can Spyware Be Stopped?
Can Spyware Be Stopped?
Hello, friends,You may not believe me when I say this, but every year, spies and cops from governments around the world gather at a secretive trade show known as the “Wiretappers Ball.” There they buy spyware, surveillance software and hacking tools they use in spycraft and often on their own citizens.I first encountered the market for off-the-shelf surveillance software in 2011, when my team at The Wall Street Journal obtained the marketing brochures for companies exhibiting their wares at the…
Can Spyware Be Stopped?
Listen as Tech Companies Lobby the Cops
Listen as Tech Companies Lobby the Cops
Recordings from a Sheriff’s conference where people tried to sell robot dogs, facial recognition, and “drone stuff.”
Listen as Tech Companies Lobby the Cops
The Boys Who Cried ‘Dox!’
The Boys Who Cried ‘Dox!’
When Danny Casale tells me he is “completely, fully doxxed,” a series of nightmare images flash through my mind: videogame designers bombarded with rape and death threats, SWAT teams swarming the homes of innocent people, journalists inundated with crude photos. For me, and I imagine for most ...
The Boys Who Cried ‘Dox!’
Is the Face the Final Frontier of Privacy? | Revue
Is the Face the Final Frontier of Privacy? | Revue
Hello, friends,The U.S. Internal Revenue Service has begun requiring users of some of its online services to submit a selfie to a private company,, to verify their identity using facial recognition technology.The move marks one of the largest rollouts of the controversial technology and has been decried by critics as a violation of privacy. Activists at Fight for the Future called for the IRS to halt the use of “This is creating a massive database that government and law enforcemen…
Is the Face the Final Frontier of Privacy? | Revue
Jenna Burrell, PhD on Twitter
Jenna Burrell, PhD on Twitter
At a Duke administrative law conference (yes, this is how I spend my Saturdays). Cass Sunstein says the **most pressing issue** in law / public administration is (1) to reduce the impact of cognitive bias and (2) eliminate noise. For the record I absolutely disagree … (1/n)— Jenna Burrell, PhD (@jennaburrell) February 12, 2022
Jenna Burrell, PhD on Twitter
EE380 Talk
EE380 Talk
I was asked at short notice to fill in for a speaker in Stanford's EE380 course who had to cancel. Below the fold is a hastily updated vers...
EE380 Talk