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Slate on Twitter
Slate on Twitter
Before you post your latest Wordle triumph, read this.— Slate (@Slate) February 7, 2022
Slate on Twitter
PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 on Twitter
PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 on Twitter
Joe Rogan argued for saying the N-word: “Don’t you think by not saying it, it becomes this ridiculously charged magic word?”Rogan predicted people would get in trouble for saying “the N-word,” just like they do for wearing “hoop earrings, braids, and dreadlocks.” #SpotifyKnew— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) February 6, 2022
PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 on Twitter
maxwell on Twitter
maxwell on Twitter
absolutely horrifying: amazon’s algorithm identified a product that people were using to commit suicide. it then started to recommend additional products that made the suicide easier to executte.— maxwell (@maxwellstrachan) February 4, 2022
maxwell on Twitter
duckrabbit on Twitter
duckrabbit on Twitter
So The British Journal of Photography sold out its twitter account with 250000 followers into a NFT marketing account called 'art3'.They started a new account for photography. Which has 836 followers.And in doing so destroyed their reputation and reach.— duckrabbit (@duckrabbitblog) February 2, 2022
duckrabbit on Twitter
LinkoVitch on Twitter
LinkoVitch on Twitter
Got a letter, the Police were to prosecute me for speeding! on a date I was home in a place I have never been. Called, all sorted out, but when they checked the vid it was a silver van, I have a blue Skoda. A quick look at the vehicle data would have flagged this immediately?— LinkoVitch (@Link2076) February 3, 2022
LinkoVitch on Twitter
Per Axbom on Twitter
Per Axbom on Twitter
This video is just… so very good. #DataPrivacy #SurveillanceCapitalism #surveillance via @worldsayer— Per Axbom (@axbom) January 31, 2022
Per Axbom on Twitter
A Premature Eulogy for Privacy
A Premature Eulogy for Privacy
Evan Selinger vehemently argues against the tenets of Firmin DeBrabander’s “Life After Privacy: Reclaiming Democracy in a Surveillance Society.”...
A Premature Eulogy for Privacy
Esther Schindler on Twitter
Esther Schindler on Twitter
In 1999, I asked David Gerrold to write a "future of computing" prediction for the magazine where I was Technology Editor. Here's what he wrote.
Esther Schindler on Twitter
Yung Tsai on Twitter
Yung Tsai on Twitter
@axbom Wow I've never seen this before, that is amazing that they had this vision of the future back then.
Yung Tsai on Twitter
We Live in the Uncanny Valley Now
We Live in the Uncanny Valley Now
I took (most of) January off from writing to take a step back and observe. Writing week in and out, as I did last year, keeps one pretty close to the subject — maybe even too close. And what I no...
We Live in the Uncanny Valley Now
David Krueger on Twitter
David Krueger on Twitter
Machine Learning lives in an uncanny valley btw Science and Engineering.It's the worst of both worlds.We don't care about understanding, just making things "work" (bad science).We don't care if things work in the real world, just on contrived benchmarks (bad engineering).— David Krueger (@DavidSKrueger) January 29, 2022
David Krueger on Twitter
CSS-Based Fingerprinting | CSS-Tricks
CSS-Based Fingerprinting | CSS-Tricks
Fingerprinting is bad. It's a term that refers to building up enough metadata about a user that you can essentially figure out who they are. JavaScript has
CSS-Based Fingerprinting | CSS-Tricks
AI’s 6 Worst-Case Scenarios
AI’s 6 Worst-Case Scenarios
In interviews with AI experts, IEEE Spectrum has uncovered six real-world AI worst-case scenarios that are far more mundane than those sci-fi robot apocalypses depicted in the movies. But they’re no less dystopian. And most don’t require a malevolent dictator to bring them to full fruition.
AI’s 6 Worst-Case Scenarios
Andrew Ng X-Rays the AI Hype
Andrew Ng X-Rays the AI Hype
AI pioneer says machine learning may work on test sets, but that’s a long way from real world use
Andrew Ng X-Rays the AI Hype
European parliament backs big limits on tracking ads – TechCrunch
European parliament backs big limits on tracking ads – TechCrunch
The European Parliament has definitively backed major limits on behavioral advertising during a plenary vote on amendments to the pan-EU Digital Services Act (DSA). The move looks set to crank up pressure on Big Tech business models that rely on pervasive tracking and profiling of users to target a…
European parliament backs big limits on tracking ads – TechCrunch
Meta removes Iran-based fake accounts targeting Instagram users in Scotland
Meta removes Iran-based fake accounts targeting Instagram users in Scotland
Facebook parent Meta Platforms removed a network of fake accounts that originated in Iran and targeted Instagram users in Scotland with content supporting Scottish independence, the company's investigators said on Thursday.
Meta removes Iran-based fake accounts targeting Instagram users in Scotland
Jason Kint on Twitter
Jason Kint on Twitter
A federal judge just ordered 13yrs of targeted discovery on all communications by Sheryl Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg related to a cover-up on their largest breach of trust in company history. I bet anyone this ends up badly for them considering they paid the FTC $5B to avoid it.
Jason Kint on Twitter
Max Schrems (NOYB) delivered a talk for UCL's Institute of Brand and Innovation Law in January 2022. Chaired by Professor Sir Robin Jacob (UCL) with an introduction by Amanda Harcourt (UCL) You can see the work of NOYB and support them at:
Current AI Practices Could Be Enabling a New Generation of Copyright Trolls
Current AI Practices Could Be Enabling a New Generation of Copyright Trolls
A new research collaboration between Huawei and academia suggests that a great deal of the most important current research in artificial intelligence and machine learning could be exposed to litigation as soon as it becomes commercially prominent, because the datasets that make breakthroughs possible are being distributed with invalid licenses that do not respect the […]
Current AI Practices Could Be Enabling a New Generation of Copyright Trolls
A Misdirected Application Of AI Ethics | NOEMA
A Misdirected Application Of AI Ethics | NOEMA
“It is detestable to consider the armchair mental gymnastics of ‘robot rights’ as a pressing ethical issue in light of real threats and harms imposed by AI today on society’s most vulnerable.”
A Misdirected Application Of AI Ethics | NOEMA
The Californian Ideology
The Californian Ideology

 'Not to lie about the future is impossible and one can lie about it at will' - Naum Gabo
The Californian Ideology