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Behind a Secret Deal Between Google and Facebook
Behind a Secret Deal Between Google and Facebook
Facebook was going to compete with Google for some advertising sales but backed away from the plan after the companies cut a preferential deal, according to court documents.
Behind a Secret Deal Between Google and Facebook
Expect the Unexpected: Tech & Unintentional Consequences – Dr. Rebecca Parsons
Expect the Unexpected: Tech & Unintentional Consequences – Dr. Rebecca Parsons
Machines and technology are supposed to better humanity’s lot, but do they really do that? Industrial revolutions create a host of unintended consequences for people, systems, and culture. Learn what those are and our role in it all. Dr. Rebecca Parsons – Chief Technology Officer, ThoughtWorks ––
Expect the Unexpected: Tech & Unintentional Consequences – Dr. Rebecca Parsons
Brave: what it means to be an AI Ethicist
Brave: what it means to be an AI Ethicist
Despite there being a strong call for responsible technology, the path towards putting ethics into action is still yet to be fully understood. To help guide the implementation of ethics, we have seen the rise of a new professional title; the AI Ethicist. However, it is still unclear what the role and skill set of this new profession must include. The purpose of this piece is to offer a preliminary definition of what it means to be an AI Ethicist by first examining the concept of an ethicist in the context of artificial intelligence, followed by exploring what responsibilities are added to t...
Brave: what it means to be an AI Ethicist
Robodebt was a Morrison fiasco at every stage (Peter Van Onselen, The Australian, 21.11.20)
Robodebt was a Morrison fiasco at every stage (Peter Van Onselen, The Australian, 21.11.20)
The buck should stop with the PM, but he won’t be held to account. With summer just around the corner, this week’s $1.2 billion settlement of the Robodebt class action has shone a light on government failings. Scott Morrison and … Continue reading →
Robodebt was a Morrison fiasco at every stage (Peter Van Onselen, The Australian, 21.11.20)
This Was WhatsApp's Plan All Along
This Was WhatsApp's Plan All Along
WhatsApp sparked user outrage due to changes in its privacy policy as it relates to Facebook. What became very clear very quickly is that, while everyone agreed on being outraged, there was a bit of fuzziness on what they agreed to be outraged about.
This Was WhatsApp's Plan All Along
Cory Doctorow #BLM on Twitter
Cory Doctorow #BLM on Twitter
When we say that "an algorithm is biased" we usually mean, "biased people made an algorithm." This explains why so much machine learning prediction turns into phrenology.1/— Cory Doctorow #BLM (@doctorow) January 15, 2021
Cory Doctorow #BLM on Twitter
Joseph Peterson on Twitter
Joseph Peterson on Twitter
Maybe you've seen this Nuremberg Trials analogy making the rounds. It's an important point: we should hold violent extremists responsible, even if those extremists call it "divisive."/thread— Joseph Peterson (@josephwpeterson) January 14, 2021
Joseph Peterson on Twitter
Ros Atkins on Twitter
Ros Atkins on Twitter
So many issuing swirling around relating to the net and free speech. Parler struggling after Amazon and Apple acted, President Trump off facebook and twitter. Got stuck into all of this with @jeffjarvis. Thought-provoking stuff. @— Ros Atkins (@BBCRosAtkins) January 12, 2021
Ros Atkins on Twitter
Hans Kullin on Twitter
Hans Kullin on Twitter
Can’t remember passwords? Well this guy holds your beer...”Programmer has two guesses left to access £175m bitcoin wallet”— Hans Kullin (@kullin) January 12, 2021
Hans Kullin on Twitter
How to create a government that considers future generations
How to create a government that considers future generations
What the world can learn from Wales, the first place where sustainability is the organising principle of government, as well as what Wales is learning from the world about sustainability.
How to create a government that considers future generations
Human Rights Foundation
Human Rights Foundation
The past year has brought remarkable changes in the way we live our everyday lives. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, most governments have placed restrictions in order to curb the spread of the virus, forcing billions of people to spend more time online, and less time outside. The pandemic has accelerated many trends in […]
Human Rights Foundation
Google told its scientists to 'strike a positive tone' in AI research - documents
Google told its scientists to 'strike a positive tone' in AI research - documents
Alphabet Inc's Google this year moved to tighten control over its scientists' papers by launching a "sensitive topics" review, and in at least three cases requested authors refrain from casting its technology in a negative light, according to internal communications and...
Google told its scientists to 'strike a positive tone' in AI research - documents
Brent Toderian on Twitter
Brent Toderian on Twitter
“According to a detailed database of car crashes that Volvo has been keeping since the 1970s, who gets hurt in car crashes is changing [more pedestrians, people on bikes & kids in strollers] —and it’s forcing the company to rethink what car safety means.”— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) December 21, 2020
Brent Toderian on Twitter
Friction and the aesthetics of the smooth
Friction and the aesthetics of the smooth
The worship of data tries to eliminate friction: an ideology of the lesser resistance. However, friction is the key to dismantle this new wave of postivism.
Friction and the aesthetics of the smooth
Ajla Nesimovic🧑🏼‍🎄 on Twitter
Ajla Nesimovic🧑🏼‍🎄 on Twitter
How can we build machines that act rational, if the human, computing the machine, is boundedly rational?#Foucault— Ajla Nesimovic🧑🏼‍🎄 (@EilerNemo) November 4, 2020
Ajla Nesimovic🧑🏼‍🎄 on Twitter