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Ben Silbermann: How Pinterest is trying to make its users feel better — Recode Decode
Ben Silbermann: How Pinterest is trying to make its users feel better — Recode Decode
Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann talks with Recode’s Kara Swisher about deliberately engineering happiness into the site, expanding into commerce, and competing with larger social and commerce tech companies. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at the National Retail Federation’s annual conference, the Big Show, in New York City. Featuring: Ben Silbermann (@8en), CEO, Pinterest Host: Kara Swisher (@karaswisher), Recode co-founder and editor-at-large More to explore: Subscribe for free to Reset, Recode’s new podcast that explores why — and how — tech is changing everything. A...
Ben Silbermann: How Pinterest is trying to make its users feel better — Recode Decode
Ryan Sullivan on Twitter
Ryan Sullivan on Twitter
Last month I canceled a random charge for $4.99 per month from HP called "InstantInk". Wasn't sure what it was for. I've had it for over a year but had no idea what it did.I just found out what it did— Ryan Sullivan (@ryandonsullivan) January 17, 2020
Ryan Sullivan on Twitter
Frank Pasquale on Twitter
Frank Pasquale on Twitter
Airbnb has a patent for AI that crawls and scrapes everything it can find on you, then judges whether you are conscientious & open or show signs of "neuroticism, involvement in crimes, narcissism, Machiavellianism, or psychopathy." Good luck challenging these judgments, too!— Frank Pasquale (@FrankPasquale) January 17, 2020
Frank Pasquale on Twitter
NowThis on Twitter
NowThis on Twitter
‘This is some real-life ‘Black Mirror’ stuff’ — @AOC called out the hidden dangers of facial recognition tech, especially for people of color— NowThis (@nowthisnews) January 15, 2020
NowThis on Twitter
EU mulls five-year ban on facial recognition tech in public areas
EU mulls five-year ban on facial recognition tech in public areas
The European Union is considering banning facial recognition technology in public areas for up to five years, to give it time to work out how to prevent abuses, according to proposals seen by Reuters.
EU mulls five-year ban on facial recognition tech in public areas
Amazon's Rekognition shows its true colors
Amazon's Rekognition shows its true colors
Mix together a bit of freely accessible facial recognition software and a free live stream of the public space, and what do you get? A powerful stalker tool.
Amazon's Rekognition shows its true colors
Robot Rights? Let's Talk about Human Welfare Instead
Robot Rights? Let's Talk about Human Welfare Instead
The 'robot rights' debate, and its related question of 'robot responsibility', invokes some of the most polarized positions in AI ethics. While some advocate for granting robots rights on a par...
Robot Rights? Let's Talk about Human Welfare Instead
This App Lets Us See Everywhere People Drive
This App Lets Us See Everywhere People Drive
BlackVue has an app that shows the location of drivers that opt-in. The creators say it shouldn’t be possible to track its users in bulk; we found otherwise.
This App Lets Us See Everywhere People Drive
Drew Harwell on Twitter
Drew Harwell on Twitter
A group tested Amazon's facial-recognition software on Denver City Council members. Nine of them were falsely identified as sex offenders, and in some cases the system was 92% confident they were a match @JessicaDenver7— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) January 14, 2020
Drew Harwell on Twitter
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad on Twitter
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad on Twitter
1. [thread] We are filing legal complaints against six companies based on our research, revealing systematic breaches to privacy, by shadowy #OutOfControl #adtech companies gathering & sharing heaps of personal data. #privacy— Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad (@finnmyrstad) January 14, 2020
Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad on Twitter
Blackbox AI – State Regulation or Corporate Responsibility?
Blackbox AI – State Regulation or Corporate Responsibility?
“In the past a lot of S&P 500 CEOs wished they had started thinking sooner than they did about their Internet strategy. I think five years from now there will be a number of S&P 500 CEOs that will wish they’d started thinking earlier about their AI strategy.” Andrew Ng Introduction Artificial intelligence changes our […]
Blackbox AI – State Regulation or Corporate Responsibility?
How “Good Intent” Undermines Diversity and Inclusion
How “Good Intent” Undermines Diversity and Inclusion
Telling people to “assume good intent” is a sign that if they come to you with a concern, you will minimize their feelings, police their reactions, and question their perceptions. It tells marginal…
How “Good Intent” Undermines Diversity and Inclusion
Ethics is Objective
Ethics is Objective
Ethics is a funny topic. It runs deep with a lot of people.
Ethics is Objective