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How ChatGPT Search (Mis)represents Publisher Content
How ChatGPT Search (Mis)represents Publisher Content
ChatGPT search—which is positioned as a competitor to search engines like Google and Bing—launched with a press release from OpenAI touting claims that the company had “collaborated extensively with the news industry” and “carefully listened to feedback” from certain news organizations that have signed content licensing agreements with the company. In contrast to the original […]
How ChatGPT Search (Mis)represents Publisher Content
School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety
School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety
Imagine your search terms, key-strokes, private chats and photographs are being monitored every time they are sent. Millions of students across the country don’t have to imagine this deep surveillance of their most private communications: it’s a reality that comes with their school districts’...
School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety
Drowning in Slop
Drowning in Slop
A thriving underground economy is clogging the internet with AI garbage — and it’s only going to get worse.
Drowning in Slop
Back from the dead: could AI end grief? – video
Back from the dead: could AI end grief? – video
Tech entrepreneur Justin Harrison is on a mission to fundamentally change how we experience loss, using artificial intelligence to recreate the essence of dead loved ones from their digital footprint. His company, You, Only Virtual is part of a growing worldwide 'grief tech' industry harnessing AI to attempt to replace what has naturally departed. The Guardian visited him and one of his clients to attempt to understand his aims, how realistic they may become as the technology develops – and what it says about humanity if we are to be so easily replicated digitally
Back from the dead: could AI end grief? – video
Artificial intentionality
Artificial intentionality
As the hype for generative models has been building, so has the colloquial corrective.
Artificial intentionality
NSA releases copy of internal lecture delivered by computing giant Rea
NSA releases copy of internal lecture delivered by computing giant Rea
FORT MEADE, Md. — In one of the more unique public proactive transparency record releases for the National Security Agency (NSA) to date, NSA has released a digital copy of a lecture that then-Capt.
The lecture, “Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People,” features Capt. Hopper discussing some of the potential future challenges of protecting information.
NSA releases copy of internal lecture delivered by computing giant Rea
Three Mile Island nuclear plant is restarting to power AI for Microsoft
Three Mile Island nuclear plant is restarting to power AI for Microsoft
Good news, everyone! The Three Mile Island power plant, site of the worst nuclear disaster in US history, is restarting to power AI for Microsoft! [Press release; Washington Post, archive; Bloomber…
Three Mile Island nuclear plant is restarting to power AI for Microsoft
Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art
Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art
To create a novel or a painting, an artist makes choices that are fundamentally alien to artificial intelligence.
Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art
Alltmer tyder på att AI riskerar kollapsa | Tobias Sundin | SvD
Alltmer tyder på att AI riskerar kollapsa | Tobias Sundin | SvD
Chat GPT:s väldokumenterade otillförlitlighet hör till de minsta problemen som vidhäftar AI. Teknikens enorma kostnader, ihop med att det fortfarande inte finns några användningsområden som är i närheten av att vara lönsamma, skapar intrycket av ett korthus på väg att rasa.
Alltmer tyder på att AI riskerar kollapsa | Tobias Sundin | SvD