Digital Ethics

Digital Ethics

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Blueprint discussion paper 2023
Blueprint discussion paper 2023
Combining Human Expertise with Artificial Intelligence: Experimental Evidence from Radiology
Blueprint discussion paper 2023
Another robo-debt disaster’s inevitable if we give AI too much autonomy
Another robo-debt disaster’s inevitable if we give AI too much autonomy
AI is only as good as the algorithm that operates it, the data that trains it and the law that underpins it. If these are ineffective, as with robo-debt, then calamity can ensue.
Another robo-debt disaster’s inevitable if we give AI too much autonomy
The Human Cost of Bad Design.
The Human Cost of Bad Design.
Product First is a failure. Sustainable value comes from the pursuit of strong Customer and Employee First cultures.
The Human Cost of Bad Design.
AI Deepfakes of True-Crime Victims Are a Waking Nightmare
AI Deepfakes of True-Crime Victims Are a Waking Nightmare
TikTok accounts are posting artificial intelligence-generated clips of murder victims — mostly children — describing their own ghastly demise.
AI Deepfakes of True-Crime Victims Are a Waking Nightmare
I'm Quitting AI Art
I'm Quitting AI Art
► The Summer Sale is over, but you can still get Full Time Game Dev for 45% off with discount code "LATESUMMERSALE23"!► Enroll in my FREE 3D course!► Get my 2D Game Kit Free:► Learn my secrets to $100,000 as a game dev:► Learn Game Dev (Get 25% off with code LETSGO):► Learn 2D Art (Get 25% off with code LETSGO):► Wishlist "Twisted Tower":► Edited by:► Follow Thomas on Instagram:► Follow our 3D artist, Felipe:► Follow our sound designer, Hector!► Play Neversong:► Play Pinstripe on Switch or Steam:► Check out my games:► Ask a question on my subreddit:► My Studio Set-Up:
I'm Quitting AI Art
Philipp Hacker on LinkedIn: FAccT Paper out: Regulating ChatGPT
Philipp Hacker on LinkedIn: FAccT Paper out: Regulating ChatGPT
Excited that our #FAccT paper on Regulating ChatGPT has now been officially published in the proceedings – open access for all! In the main paper, we analyze…
Philipp Hacker on LinkedIn: FAccT Paper out: Regulating ChatGPT
Extreme Heat, Drought Drive Opposition to AI Data Centers
Extreme Heat, Drought Drive Opposition to AI Data Centers
With drought spreading around the globe, battles over water are erupting between AI companies seeking more computing power and communities where their facilities are located.
Extreme Heat, Drought Drive Opposition to AI Data Centers
‘Thousands of Dollars for Something I Didn’t Do’
‘Thousands of Dollars for Something I Didn’t Do’
Because of a bad facial recognition match and other hidden technology, Randal Reid spent nearly a week in jail, falsely accused of stealing purses in a state he said he had never even visited.
‘Thousands of Dollars for Something I Didn’t Do’
AI By the People, For the People
AI By the People, For the People
This startup wants to help millions of people whose languages are marginalized online gain better access to AI tools
AI By the People, For the People
FTC Launches Anticipated Investigation of OpenAI Inc.
FTC Launches Anticipated Investigation of OpenAI Inc.
It was only a matter of time before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) initiated a law enforcement investigation focusing on artificial intelligence (AI).
FTC Launches Anticipated Investigation of OpenAI Inc.
The White House Already Knows How to Make AI Safer
The White House Already Knows How to Make AI Safer
The US already has a road map for the deployment of AI systems. Biden's promised executive order just needs to put these guidelines into practice.
The White House Already Knows How to Make AI Safer
Extreme Heat, Drought Drive Opposition to AI Data Centers
Extreme Heat, Drought Drive Opposition to AI Data Centers
With drought spreading around the globe, battles over water are erupting between AI companies seeking more computing power and communities where their facilities are located.
Extreme Heat, Drought Drive Opposition to AI Data Centers
If Your Company Uses AI, It Needs an Institutional Review Board
If Your Company Uses AI, It Needs an Institutional Review Board
Companies that use AI know that they need to worry about ethics, but when they start, they tend to follow the same broken three-step process: They identify ethics with “fairness,” they focus on bias, and they look to use technical tools and stakeholder outreach to mitigate their risks. Unfortunately, this sets them up for failure. When it comes to AI, focusing on fairness and bias ignores a huge swath of ethical risks; many of these ethical problems defy technical solutions. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, companies should look to the medical profession, and adopt internal review boards (IRBs). IRBs, which are composed of diverse team of experts, are well suited to complex ethical questions. When given jurisdiction and power, and brought in early, they’re a powerful tool that can help companies think through hard ethical problems — saving money and brand reputation in the process.
If Your Company Uses AI, It Needs an Institutional Review Board
Understanding Gender and Racial Bias in AI — ALI Social Impact Review
Understanding Gender and Racial Bias in AI — ALI Social Impact Review
Dr. Alex Hanna from the Distributed AI Research (DAIR) Institute explains some of the causes of gender and racial bias in AI and discusses using a community- and value-based approach for AI development to improve equity outcomes.
Understanding Gender and Racial Bias in AI — ALI Social Impact Review