Googles utsläpp av växthusgaser ökar med den datakraft som krävs för företagets utveckling av artificiell intelligens. Det visar företagets egen årliga miljörapport enligt AFP.
Figma disables its AI design feature that appeared to be ripping off Apple's Weather app | TechCrunch
Figma CEO Dylan Field says the company will temporarily disable its "Make Design" AI feature that was said to be ripping off the designs of Apple's own
Back to the future: How analog computing can drive AI | Electronics360
Analog computing has not disappeared, and its intrinsic value of speed and energy efficiency is the perfect match for the programmability and precision of digital computing.
The Turing Test is Bullshit (w/Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender — our opinions are correct
We're talking about the Turing Test, the grandmother of all tests for AI sentience. Joining us are AI researchers Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender, hosts of the Mystery AI Hype 3000 podcast. We discuss why the Turing Test is so influential in both fiction and reality – and why it is completely wrong.
LAION-5B is an open-source foundation dataset. It contains 5.8 billion image and text pairs—a size too large to make sense of. We follow the construction of the dataset to better understand its contents, implications and entanglements.
New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
As data centers swell in Ohio, facilities strain electric and water services
Central Ohio has become a big hub for data center facilities, but they have the potential to put serious strain on the electric grid and other natural resources.
Raiders of the lost aquifer - Storm Lake Times Pilot
Cheryl Tevis Bubbling up beneath the surface of the Iowa Utility Board’s pending decision whether Summit Carbon’s proposed pipeline is justified by “public convenience and necessity” is the equally critical question of whether granting permits allowing Summit to siphon significant amounts of public water resources meets the state’s legal standard of being “put to beneficial
New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
Apple and the satellite-based broadband service Starlink each recently took steps to address new research into the potential security and privacy implications of how their services geo-locate devices. Researchers from the University of Maryland say they relied on publicly available…
‘Who Benefits?’ Inside the EU’s Fight over Scanning for Child Sex Content
An investigation uncovers a web of influence in the powerful coalition aligned behind the European Commission’s proposal to scan for child sexual abuse material online, a proposal leading experts say puts rights at risk and will introduce new vulnerabilities by undermining encryption.
It turns out, that the EU's push to completely abolish digital privacy might not actually be an altruistic move to save children from abuse. Several tech companies, including one headed by Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, stand to profit substantially from the decision. Which is why they massively influenced it.
Foundational innovation in cloud technology and artificial intelligence will require more energy than ever before—shattering any illusion that we will restrict supplies.
Gerry McGovern on LinkedIn: Data centers create few jobs. Michigan wants to give them big tax breaks |…
AI and data center grifting: example 2345 Data centers create few jobs. Michigan wants to give them big tax breaks. Why do governments all over the world want…
Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov on LinkedIn: "The concept of efficiency — how much one can accomplish per unit of time… | 32 comments
"The concept of efficiency — how much one can accomplish per unit of time (or per dollar, etc.) — requires a quantitative numerator as well as a denominator… | 32 comments on LinkedIn
Memorization in large language models by Carlini et al. | Michael Bommarito posted on the topic | LinkedIn
"LLMs don't memorize things. They *grok*. They pattern match. But they can't replicate their input data." It's an argument I hear daily. It's a nice idea,… | 42 comments on LinkedIn
AI’s moral musings seem more convincing than humans’ | BPS
Could AI’s rhetorical edge lead us astray? New research suggests that we find computer-generated moral reasonings more appealing than those penned by humans.