Digital Ethics

Digital Ethics

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Holding Twitter to account
Holding Twitter to account
The micro-blogging platform’s refusal to conform to amended IT rules led the centre to approach the Delhi High Court, which pulled it up. The company has now asked for more time to comply with the rules.
Holding Twitter to account
Robotar kan snart föröka sig själva: ”En artificiell evolution” - Syre
Robotar kan snart föröka sig själva: ”En artificiell evolution” - Syre
Inom kort finns robotar som förökar sig själva. Långt in i framtiden kan det leda till människoliknande robotar som fortplantar sig utan mänsklig inblandning. Det kan innebära stora möjligheter. Men också risker, menar forskarna. Kan användas till att utföra uppdrag i farliga miljöer ”Forskningen lyfter en rad frågor” Virginia Dignum är professor på institutionen för datavetskap vid […]
Robotar kan snart föröka sig själva: ”En artificiell evolution” - Syre
The Vital Need For Online Anonymity
The Vital Need For Online Anonymity
The dangers involved in forcing people to use real names online far outweigh the benefits.
The Vital Need For Online Anonymity
How to build an AI ethics team at your organization?
How to build an AI ethics team at your organization?
So you’re working on AI systems and are interested in Responsible AI? Have you run into challenges in making this a reality? Many articles…
How to build an AI ethics team at your organization?
Tamara Hinz on Twitter
Tamara Hinz on Twitter
When the hospital temperature sensor won’t let you into the building because it’s 38° and it thinks you have a fever 😑— Tamara Hinz (@hinz_tamara) July 2, 2021
Tamara Hinz on Twitter
When It Comes to Gorillas, Google Photos Remains Blind
When It Comes to Gorillas, Google Photos Remains Blind
Google promised a fix after its photo-categorization software labeled black people as gorillas in 2015. More than two years later, it hasn't found one.
When It Comes to Gorillas, Google Photos Remains Blind
Mar Hicks on Twitter
Mar Hicks on Twitter
do it. do the thing📱📱📱— Mar Hicks (@histoftech) July 2, 2021
Mar Hicks on Twitter
Mark Hurst on Twitter
Mark Hurst on Twitter
People finally realizing the "con" in Silicon Valley startups: a thread. 1/— Mark Hurst (@markhurst) July 1, 2021
Mark Hurst on Twitter
Cindy Gallop on Twitter
Cindy Gallop on Twitter
'A bio for Donna Strickland, the physicist who invented a technology used by all the high-powered lasers in the world, was created on Wikipedia. In less than 6 mins it was flagged for a “speedy deletion” & shortly thereafter erased from the site' @ftripodi— Cindy Gallop (@cindygallop) June 28, 2021
Cindy Gallop on Twitter