Brave: what it means to be an AI Ethicist

Digital Ethics
Amazon's Latest Gimmicks Are Pushing the Limits of Privacy
Privacy advocates warn that the Ring Always Home Cam and Amazon One both normalize aggressive new forms of data collection.
The Supply of Disinformation Will Soon Be Infinite
Disinformation campaigns used to require a lot of human effort, but artificial intelligence will take them to a whole new level.
Facebook's nudity-spotting AI mistook a photo of some onions for 'sexually suggestive' content
Facebook said the onion-seed ad had been removed for breaking its rules on "products with overtly sexual positioning."
Responsible Autonomy
‘Toxic’: Online abuse drives women, girls from social media
Column: Twitter's and Zoom's algorithms illustrate why diversity in tech matters
Many Top AI Researchers Get Financial Backing From Big Tech
Sarah T. Roberts on Twitter
Just spoke to @npr about what I’m now calling “content moderation-washing”: when platforms make a show of good citizenship by a. making an exceptional new policy b. enforced by the least empowered, most precarious workers that c. is relatively easy to implement.— Sarah T. Roberts (@ubiquity75) October 3, 2020
Vampiri-Calli Sucking Up Your Data on Twitter
I want to create a repository of some of the more relevant threads I've created over the years all in one easier-to-find spot, so here you go. Thread-ception. A thread of threads.For all your privacy, law, tech, and terrible movie needs.— Vampiri-Calli Sucking Up Your Data (@Iwillleavenow) September 27, 2020
The Data Age Is Here. Are You Ready?
A survey of 2,200+ global business and IT leaders shows how organizations can leverage the technologies driving a data revolution.
Devon Cantwell on Twitter
The ProctorU software— even the Review+ version— is harmful and invasive to students.— Devon Cantwell (@devon_cantwell) September 30, 2020
Facebook will start surfacing some public group discussions in people’s News Feeds and search results
This will be interesting
Rafiq Copeland on Twitter
Given that Facebook’s Community Standards Enforcement Report (CSER) is considered the industry gold standard, it may seem counterproductive to criticize it. But for outsiders wishing to assess Facebook’s enforcement of its rules the CSER provides little value. (1)— Rafiq Copeland (@RafiqCopeland) September 28, 2020
Transparency Without Accountability?
Fixing Facebook’s Community Standards Enforcement Report
Ai and ethics at the police towards responsible use of artificial intelligence at the dutch police 2019
From Stone to Phone: Modern Day Cobalt Slavery in Congo
James Melville explains why slavery isn't just a historic issue of statues and how your mobile phone contributes to the modern enslavement of 40 million people
The Algorithmic Colonization of Africa
The second annual CyFyAfrica 2019, The Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society [1] took place in Tangier, Morocco, 7 – 9 June 2019. It was a vibrant, diverse and dynamic gathering …
Click to agree with what? No one reads terms of service, studies confirm
Apparently losing rights to data and legal recourse is not enough of a reason to inspect online contracts. So how can websites get users to read the fine print?
Developing a Code of Ethics for UX Design: What We Can Learn from the Field of Architecture
UXPA's User Experience magazine: covering the broad field of user experience.
"I Have Blood On My Hands": A Whistleblower Says Facebook Ignored Global Political Manipulation
A 6,600-word internal memo from a fired Facebook data scientist details how the social network knew about specific examples of global political manipulation — and failed to act.
AI ethics - why teaching ethics and "ethics training" is problematic
We've been trying to teach "ethics" for years. Teaching AI ethics to organizations is proving to be just as problematic. Yet as the urgency of ethical AI increases, we need a way forward. What are the options?
Portland Passes Groundbreaking Ban on Facial Recognition in Stores, Banks, Restaurants and More
Historic legislation makes Portland a leader in a nationwide trend to regulate facial recognition technology.
Faulty Facial Recognition Led to His Arrest—Now He’s Suing
Michael Oliver is the second Black man found to be wrongfully arrested by Detroit police because of the technology—and his lawyers suspect there are many more.
Jason Kint on Twitter
Listen to @AOC.— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) September 4, 2020
The long, complicated history of “people analytics”
If you work for Bank of America, or the US Army, you might have used technology developed by Humanyze. The company grew out of research at MIT’s cross-disciplinary Media Lab and describes its products as “science-backed analytics to drive adaptability.” If that sounds vague, it might be deliberate. Among the things Humanyze sells to businesses…
The code I’m still ashamed of
If you write code for a living, there’s a chance that at some point in your career, someone will ask you to code something a little deceitful – if not outright unethical. This happened to me back in the year 2000. And it’s something I’ll never be able to forget. I wrote my first line of code at 6 years old. I’m no prodigy though. I had a lot of help from my dad at the time. But I was hooked. I loved it. By the time I was 15, I was working part-time for my dad’s consulting firm. I built websit
A futuristic data policing program is harassing Pasco County families
Families were subjected to around-the-clock visits from deputies, who often arrived without evidence of a crime.
These students figured out their tests were graded by AI — and the easy way to cheat
Edgenuity involves short answers graded by an algorithm, and students have already cracked it
Eight case studies on regulating biometric technology show us a path forward
Amba Kak was in law school in India when the country rolled out the Aadhaar project in 2009. The national biometric ID system, conceived as a comprehensive identity program, sought to collect the fingerprints, iris scans, and photographs of all residents. It wasn’t long, Kak remembers, before stories about its devastating consequences began to spread.…