Ayam Jago

Ayam Jago

Snack Favorit
Snack Favorit
Snack Favorit May 20, 2021 at 06:51AM   Roma Sandwichi Chocolate Bon Bon https://wisata-makan-enak.blogspot.com/2021/05/snack-favorit.html
Snack Favorit
Sejuta Manfaat Buah Tomat
Sejuta Manfaat Buah Tomat
Sejuta Manfaat Buah Tomat May 19, 2021 at 05:53AM Buah ini kayak akan lycopen, yaitu antioksidan yang bisa mencegah dan mengurangi resiko anake jenis kanker, utamanya kanker leher rahim, ginjal, dan pankreas. Kandungan vitamin A dan C dalam tomat berperan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Menyantap 100 g tomat ukuran sedang sudah bisa memnuhi setengah dari total kebutuhan vitamin C tubuh. Kandungan garam mineralnya yang tinggi bisa meningkatkan nafsu makan dan merangsang aliran air liur sehingga memungkinkan makanan dicerna dengan baik. Mengkonsumsi tomat secara teratur membantu mengobati penyakit anoreksia (kehilangan nafsu makan) https://etalase-kuliner.blogspot.com/2021/05/sejuta-manfaat-buah-tomat.html
Sejuta Manfaat Buah Tomat
Love May 18, 2021 at 05:47AM   https://www.pixabay.com   https://island-junction.blogspot.com/2021/05/love.html
Telur Dadar Daun Bawang
Telur Dadar Daun Bawang
Telur Dadar Daun Bawang May 17, 2021 at 01:00PM Bahan: 4 butir telur 2 batang daun bawang, iris halus 1 sdt garam ¼ sdt merica bubuk minyak untuk menumis Cara membuat: 1. Pecahkan telur, kocok lepas. 2. Masukkan irisan daun bawang, garam, dan merica bubuk. Aduk rata. 3. Panaskan minyak pada wajan anti lengket, beri satu sendok sayur adonan… https://www.griyakuliner.com/telur-dadar-daun-bawang/ https://desapermai.tumblr.com/post/651404388900929536
Telur Dadar Daun Bawang
Apa Itu Bahagia?
Apa Itu Bahagia?
Apa Itu Bahagia? May 17, 2021 at 06:56AM Bukan bahagia yang menjadikan kita bersykur tetapi dengan bersyukur akan menjadikan hidup kita bahagia. Bahagia tidak harus mewah, melainkan berasal dari hati yang sederhana. https://markotop-hebat.blogspot.com/2021/05/apa-itu-bahagia.html
Apa Itu Bahagia?
Dede Home Studio Denpasar
Dede Home Studio Denpasar
Dede Home Studio Denpasar May 16, 2021 at 03:35PM Apakah anda sedang mencari tempat rekaman music termurah di kota Denpasar? Ingin recording namun bingung harus konsultasi kemana? Tenang! Kini anda telah berada di tempat yang tepat! Dede Home Studio akan memberikan solusi terbaik dari permasalahan anda! https://bijikelapa.wordpress.com/2021/05/16/dede-home-studio-denpasar/
Dede Home Studio Denpasar
Pentol Ekonomis Asam Pedas Manis
Pentol Ekonomis Asam Pedas Manis
Pentol Ekonomis Asam Pedas Manis May 16, 2021 at 01:00PM Bahan: 2 sdm kecap manis 1 sdm saus tiram 1 sdm saus tomat 1 sdt cabai bubuk 1 batang daun bawang, iris halus minyak untuk menumis Bahan pentol: 100 g tepung terigu 100 g tepung tapioka 80 ml air panas 1 sdt garam ¼ sdt merica bubuk Bumbu halus: 5… https://www.griyakuliner.com/pentol-ekonomis-asam-pedas-manis/ https://desapermai.tumblr.com/post/651313801070837760
Pentol Ekonomis Asam Pedas Manis
5 Tips for Starting Your Own Studygram Account
5 Tips for Starting Your Own Studygram Account
5 Tips for Starting Your Own Studygram Account May 15, 2021 at 07:17PM  5 Tips for Starting Your Own Studygram Account   Studygram is a study community based on Instagram whose members are spread all over the world. The same community was on Tumblr where people would post a photo of a note containing a beautified summary. 1. Create a studygram account that suits your learning style Adapt the notes you take to your learning style, without having to try to follow someone else’s way of learning. For example, you like to jot down details because it helps you to know more so that’s okay, or if you like to make a mindmap to get to the bigger picture, that’s fine too. 2. Provide useful and interesting content For example, after planning your content, you decide to share school notes, your daily activities, and motivational quotes. Apart from sharing useful content, aesthetics or beauty is no less important. The tip is to keep notes that are neat and easy on the eyes. Use a combination of ballpoint pens, markers, and highlighter in different colors. The process of taking pictures for upload is no less important, try to take pictures in a place exposed to natural sunlight. After that, the image can be edited in the application to enhance the color, detail the writing, and adjust the contrast. Before uploading, you can first set what your Instagram feed will look like. 3. Be active in the study program community For your account to grow quickly, it is important to interact with other studygrams that have been in the community for a long time. Follow studygrams that you find interesting, and invite them to get acquainted because many studygrams are open to making friends. 4. Be consistent Starting an account is sure to go through difficult times such as few followers and likes. But if you consistently share content, your followers will slowly increase, even though it takes time. Tips for speeding up the number of followers are to use hashtags such as #studygramindonesia and #studyblrindonesia. 5. Be yourself By having a distinctive feature that stands out, the hope is that your account will be more memorable than others. Being a study program and joining a positive and supportive community in achieving goals is fun.     https://studygramathome.blogspot.com/2021/05/5-tips-for-starting-your-own-studygram.html
5 Tips for Starting Your Own Studygram Account
Orak Arik Kubis Wortel Telur
Orak Arik Kubis Wortel Telur
Orak Arik Kubis Wortel Telur May 15, 2021 at 01:00PM Bahan: 1 buah kubis ukuran sedang, iris halus 1 buah wortel import ukuran sedang, kupas, potong korek api 3 butir bawang merah, iris tipis 1 siung bawang putih, geprek, cincang halus 1 buah cabai merah besar, buang bijinya, iris halus 3 butir telur, kocok lepas 1 sdt garam ¼ sdt… https://www.griyakuliner.com/orak-arik-kubis-wortel-telur/ https://desapermai.tumblr.com/post/651223202976186368
Orak Arik Kubis Wortel Telur
Susu Almond Gula Lontar
Susu Almond Gula Lontar
Susu Almond Gula Lontar May 14, 2021 at 01:01PM Bahan: 100 g almond, rendam selama 12 jam 500 ml air 50 g gula lontar Cara membuat: 1. Masukkan almond yang telah direndam selama 12 jam dan air ke dalam blender. 2. Blender selama kurang lebih selama 1 menit. 3. Saring dengan saringan kain. 4. Masukkan gula lontar ke dalam… https://www.griyakuliner.com/susu-almond-gula-lontar/ https://desapermai.tumblr.com/post/651132634450280448
Susu Almond Gula Lontar