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Diy portable battery storage spot welding machine pcb circuit board welding equipment spot welders for 18650 26650 12v Sale -
Only US$16.99, buy best diy portable battery storage spot welding machine pcb circuit board welding equipment spot welders for 18650 26650 12v sale online store at wholesale price.
Amatör Telsiz Röle İstasyonları – Google My Maps
Tutorial: Setting up a Low Cost QRP (FT8, JT9, WSPR etc) Monitoring Station with an RTL-SDR V3 and Raspberry Pi 3
QRP is amateur radio slang for 'low transmit power'. QRP digital modes such as FT8, JT9, JT65 and WSPR are modes designed to be transmit and received across the world on low transmit powers (although not everyone uses only low power). The special design of these modes allows even weak signals to be decodable by the receiving software. Released in 2017, FT8 has shown itself to now be the most popular mode by far with JT9 and JT65 taking a backseat. WSPR is also not as active as FT8, although WSPR is more of a beacon mode rather one used
Low pass filter design for 146Mhz ideal for Raspberry Pi
Ham Radio Equipment
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Handheld two-way radios for preppers (and other curious folks)
firatsoygul/TurkiyeBandPlani: Türkiye Amatör Radyo IARU 1. Bölge Band Planı Bilgi Grafikleri
Türkiye Amatör Radyo IARU 1. Bölge Band Planı Bilgi Grafikleri - GitHub - firatsoygul/TurkiyeBandPlani: Türkiye Amatör Radyo IARU 1. Bölge Band Planı Bilgi Grafikleri
Amatör Radyo Türkiye Band Planı Bilgi Grafikleri
Yazılım, bilişim, elektronikle ilgili araştırma ve notlarım.
Radio Mobile Online
Dipole Calculator | Antenna Length Calculator
Our dipole calculator allows you to compute the length of a simple dipole antenna.
Amatör Radyo Uyduları - Tüm Geçişler
Satellite predictions and other astronomical data customised for your location.
Başbakanlık Mevzuatı Geliştirme ve Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü
2+3 element 2m (145 MHz) and 70cm (435MHz) duoband ultra portable yagi’ by ok1cdj - Thingiverse
Tape measurement yagi. The longest part is 530 mm, easy fit to your backpack. Very easy and fast deploy. Great for SOTA and portable operation. Can be used in horizontal or vertical polarization. Not good for windy weather.
USB configuration of TYT TH-UV88 - Resilience
Configuration USB du TYT TH-UV88 : Comme nous l'avons fait pour l'UV-5R, nous allons aujourd'hui attaquer la configuration du TYT TH-UV88
DIY: 2m Tape Measure Yagi Antenna – Everyday Ready
This is going to be a quick tutorial on how to build an inexpensive, but very effective Yagi Antenna for the 2m band. I am copying a design made by NT1K with a couple of changes. You can find his d…
Running OpenWebRX on balena to remotely monitor local radio spectrum
Use a Pi and an inexpensive SDR (Software-Defined Radio) dongle to create a remote monitoring device that visualizes and streams surrounding radio spectrum.
Wide-band WebSDR in Enschede, the Netherlands
SDR ile Üstümüzden Geçen Uçakları Takip Etmek – toygarvarli | programlama & elektronik kırıntıları
N5DUX Ham Tools
Gpredict: Free, Real-Time Satellite Tracking and Orbit Prediction Software
Gpredict: Free, real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction software for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
Category: SWL kısa dalga dinleyicisi | Furkan ÖZEN
Tüm Türkiye'nin (EN GÜNCEL)VHF,UHF,Röle,Echolink,Aprs Frekans Listesi - TA amateur radio Repeater frequency list (all band)
Amatör VHF – UHF Frekans Planı | Trakya Amatör Telsiz
Websdr in Attica-Athens-Greece
Baofeng ve Bazı Telsiz Modellerin Hazır Röle Kayıt Dosyaları - TA1LSX
TA1LSX Röle Röle kayıt dosyaları
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