StepBloc - Walk to unblock on the App Store
StepBloc let's you earn your screen time by doing Push-ups, Squats and other workouts. For example, you need to do 10 push-ups to use instagram for 10 mins. Just follow 3 simple steps: +Choose the distracting apps. +Set your goal with a number of push-ups, squats, or steps. +The apps stay blocked…
ozgrozer/ai-renamer: A Node.js CLI that uses Ollama and LM Studio models (Llava, Gemma, Llama etc.) to intelligently rename files by their contents
A Node.js CLI that uses Ollama and LM Studio models (Llava, Gemma, Llama etc.) to intelligently rename files by their contents - ozgrozer/ai-renamer
GitHub - simon-ding/polaris: Polaris is a TV/Movie tracking and downloading app, it has good support for Western TV series, as well as Japanese anime. it also support webdav as storage option. Polaris 是一个电视剧和电影的追踪下载软件。对动漫日剧美剧都有良好的匹配,支持webdav或者本地存储
Polaris is a TV/Movie tracking and downloading app, it has good support for Western TV series, as well as Japanese anime. it also has multi storage option support. Polaris 是一个电视剧和电影的追踪下载软件。对动漫日剧美剧都...