Yu-Core/SwashbucklerDiary: 侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。"SwashbucklerDiary" is an open source cross-platform local diary app using MAUI Blazor .
侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。"SwashbucklerDiary" is an open source cross-platform local diary app using MAUI Blazor . - Yu-Core/SwashbucklerDiary
书香之家 - 可编程的换源阅读器 on the App Store
【书香之家】是一款个性化可配置的网络浏览器,本应用的目的是为了让用户有一个沉浸、舒适的阅读氛围。 我们不提供任何内容。所有的内容都是由用户从网络上搜索书源或通过其他方式添加的。 【纯净的阅读界面】 绿色无广告,给你最纯净的阅读体验。精致的阅读排版,让你的阅读畅通无阻。 【沉浸的品质阅读】 精致的阅读排版,舒适的字体间距,护眼模式的加入营造沉浸式阅读体验。 【最舒适阅读体验】 精心优化的页面,简洁舒适的字体 间距 段落,加上丰富的背景供你选择,让你的阅读体验如呼吸般自然。 【多样的阅读设置】 阅读设置随心调整,你想要的功能我们都有。 如果你在使用书香之家的时候,有任何意见或建议,可…
Gamma - Game Emulator on the App Store
You heard about Gamma, the best PlayStation(tm) 1 game emulator, now see it for yourself! Gamma is a fully featured video game console emulator that's simple to use. Play your favorite console games in seconds. Gamma has the best looking user interface, complete with instant cover artwork, custom c…
Delta - Game Emulator on the App Store
Delta is an all-in-one emulator for iOS and iPadOS. Delta builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, GBA4iOS, while expanding to include support for more game systems such as NES, SNES, N64, and DS. FEATURES Supported Game Systems • Nintendo Entertainment System • Super Nintendo Entertainment S…