whisper.cpp/models at master·ggerganov/whisper.cpp --- whisper.cpp/models at master·ggerganov/whisper.cpp 的中文翻译为:whisper.cpp/models 在 master·ggerganov/whisper.cpp 上。
Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++. Contribute to ggerganov/whisper.cpp development by creating an account on GitHub.
一次性地址 (InstAddr)
Multipurpose free email addresses. Any number of addresses at one time, no limits. No need to register either.
专业电商Ai智能文案系统 - 97文案
97文案(97wenan.com)是一家专业赋能电商Ai智能文案平台,服务中小商家在抖音、小红书、微信生态等全平台文案撰写,可帮您用 Ai生成广告文案、Ai生成短视频脚本、Ai生成商品卖点等等。
Goethe-Institut | Sprache. Kultur. Deutschland.
Das weltweit tätige Kulturinstitut der Bundesrepublik Deutschland✓ Deutschkurse✓ Interkulturelle Begegnungen✓ Informationen über Deutschland✓
editGPT | Proofread, edit and track changes to your content in chatGPT.
DreamFace - Powerful Photo Animating App | AI Face Editor
Code Translator
Use AI to translate code from one language to another.
honjow/FEhViewer: An e-hentai/exhentai app make on flutter --- honjow/FEhViewer:一款基于Flutter开发的e-hentai/exhentai应用程序。
An e-hentai/exhentai app make on flutter. Contribute to honjow/FEhViewer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Infinity 新标签页 (Pro) - Chrome 应用商店
Infinity New Tab Pro allows you to customize your New Tab page
Papercup - AI Dubbing and Video Translation Software
Next-gen AI Dubbing service that automates video translation. Now you can localize your videos into multiple languages with a human-sounding voiceover at scale.
Microsoft Designer - Stunning designs in a flash
A graphic design app that helps you create professional quality social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, graphics, and more. Start with your idea and create something unique for you.
www.10zv.net - 电脑DIY圈导航
AI 提示生成器和提示库
Explore Hero GPT's AI Prompt Library featuring AI-powered tools, including ad copy generation, image and post idea generators, automation scripts, and more. From marketing to cybersecurity, SaaS startups, and more.
SS/SSR 简介 介绍 SS 的全称是 Shadowsocks,是一种加密的传输方式(一种基于 Socks5 代理方式的网络数据加密传输包);SS 是目前主流的科学上网方式,是目前最稳定最好用的科学上网工具之一。 SSR(全称 ShadowsocksR )是 SS 的修改版,也算是增强版,是在SS 的基础上做了些功能的增加和修改。 有很多的 SS 客户端,但是仅仅有 SS 客户端还不能翻墙,还得...
GET3D: A Generative Model of High Quality 3D Textured Shapes Learned from Images
sailist/chatgpt-enhancement-extension: To provide additional features to enhance the ChatGPT experience, including converting replies to markdown strings, uploading files, and automatically asking questions based on regular expressions.
An all-in-one plugin to improve your ChatGPT experience!
Alles von Relevanz. - Deutschlandfunk Startseite
Alles von Relevanz - Informationen, Hintergründe, Analysen aus Politik und Kultur.
PEECH | Smart Automatic Video Editing Platform
With Peech, any marketing team can create more and better videos, as part of an overhaul marketing strategy. Peech transcribes, brands, edits, translates and optimizes your videos at scale so you get the most from your video content and improve your marketing results. Get started today!
Chat | FinChat.io
FinChat.io is powered by ChatGPT. Using AI, FinChat generates answers to questions about public companies and investors. To generate accurate answers, FinChat provides reasoning, sources and data.
Cookup AI
Discover AI apps for every usecase | Create & distribute AI apps
abcmiao/kkndme_tianya: 天涯 kkndme 神贴聊房价
天涯 kkndme 神贴聊房价. Contribute to abcmiao/kkndme_tianya development by creating an account on GitHub.
pearOS - Official Website
pearOS is a linux distribution that aims for UI and UX, offering a mac like feeling, now even on older PCs. Why hackintosh when you can pearintosh? Try it now, it's free!
Glasp is a social web highlighter and annotation tool. You can collect your interest from the web, connect with like-minded people, and leave your digital legacy for future generations.
免费的作谱软件 | MuseScore
rime/squirrel: 【鼠须管】Rime for macOS --- 鼠须管:【鼠须管】macOS 上的 Rime
【鼠鬚管】Rime for macOS. Contribute to rime/squirrel development by creating an account on GitHub.