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Grammatica italiana ed esercizi
Grammatica italiana ed esercizi
Grammatica italiana, spiegazioni esaustive e tantissimi esercizi di italiano per imparare gratis on line la grammatica italiana.
Grammatica italiana ed esercizi
Cookup AI
Cookup AI
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Cookup AI
BAI Chat
BAI Chat
Discover BAI's suite of AI-powered tools for search, chat, extraction, image handling, translation, and coding, revolutionizing the way you interact with technology and information.
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Introducing Whisper
Introducing Whisper
We’ve trained and are open-sourcing a neural net called Whisper that approaches human level robustness and accuracy on English speech recognition.
Introducing Whisper
Gpt Demo - 发现最新最好用的AI工具
Gpt Demo - 发现最新最好用的AI工具
Gpt Demo - 发现最新最好用的AI工具
Munch | Content Repurposing Done Smart.
Munch | Content Repurposing Done Smart.
Munch allows you to create once. Repurpose to Dozens of pieces on every platform. Analyze engagement. Control Monetization. All On One Platform.
Munch | Content Repurposing Done Smart.
Introducing TextGPT, your AI messaging assistant for iPhone. Effortlessly engage with ChatGPT wherever you are, access expert information, and spark your creativity—all within iMessage. Find answers, organize trips, explore recipes, or simply express yourself, just a message away.
piglei/ai-vocabulary-builder: 一个使用了AI技术的智能生词本工具,特殊功能:自动添加生词、阅读故事助记词。
piglei/ai-vocabulary-builder: 一个使用了AI技术的智能生词本工具,特殊功能:自动添加生词、阅读故事助记词。
一个使用了 AI 技术的智能生词本工具,特色功能:自动添加生词、读故事助记单词。. Contribute to piglei/ai-vocabulary-builder development by creating an account on GitHub.
piglei/ai-vocabulary-builder: 一个使用了AI技术的智能生词本工具,特殊功能:自动添加生词、阅读故事助记词。
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2023年 翻墙(科学上网)的几种主流软件介绍 # Shadowsocks # 介绍:可以说是最经典的翻墙代理软件,至今依然活跃在第一梯队 ,并衍生出多个语言版本,俗称SS。另外有增加混淆的版本ShadowsocksR(俗称SSR,目前已停止维护)。 客户端:Windows、Android、macOS、iOS、Linux、Openwrt 网址 备注:部分人声称原版Shadowsocks已经被识别,但是也有人声称依旧可以使用,GFW识别不止是看协议,也和IP段和流量大小相关,不能一概而论。建议使用配合混淆插件使用(详情见 Shadowsocks + V2Ray),加密算法建议选择chacha20-ietf-poly1305,对手机等移动端设备更优化,在移动设备上加解密速度更快、更省电。 V2Ray # 介绍:支持多种网络协议和功能的网络工具,其中包含shadowsocks协议,配置较为复杂。 客户端:Windows、Android、macOS、iOS、Linux、Openwrt 网址 备注:V2Ray在混淆方面很专业,其原理就是伪装访问境外白名单网站(例如,实际是代理流量。 Trojan # 介绍:新兴混淆代理软件,不同于Shadowsocks和V2Ray自有加密协议,仅使用TLS(网页加密协议)加密,原理也是伪装为访问正常网站。 客户端:Windows、Android、macOS、iOS、Linux、Openwrt 网址 备注:简单轻量化的代理软件。 Shadowsocks + v2ray-plugin # 介绍:Shadowsocks-libev是Shadowsocks的C语言分支,新增了插件特性,可以通过装插件拓展功能。Shadowsocks本身不支持将代理伪装成正常流量,但是通过插件就可以引入伪装的功能,官方就提供了v2ray-plugin插件。 客户端:Windows、Android、macOS、iOS、Linux、Openwrt 网站: 备注:其实不止是Shadowsocks + v2ray-plugin的组合,也有Shadowsocks + obfs、Shadowsocks + tojran的组合,暂不过多介绍。 Brook # 介绍:Brook代理软件使用了一种名为"Brook Protocol"的自定义协议。与Shadowsocks和V2Ray等其他代理协议相比,Brook的设计更加简单和直接,使得其性能优越。Brook可以绕过网络审查、防止网络监控,并保护用户的网络隐私。 客户端:Windows、macOS、Linux、Android、iOS、Openwrt 网站: 备注:内置需要脚手架,配置非常简单,甚至可以一键搭设旁路由 Hysteria # 介绍:Hysteria基于QUIC协议,这是一种基于UDP的多路复用和零往返时延传输协议。QUIC协议的优势在于它可以加速连接建立时间、减少网络延迟并提高吞吐量。此外,Hysteria还采用了一系列安全措施,如TLS加密,以确保用户数据的保密性和完整性。 客户端:Windows、macOS、Linux、Android、iOS 网站: 备注:QUIC是亮点 总结 # 目前建议个人搭建使用Shadowsocks + v2ray-plugin的组合,配置较为简易,支持也比较完善,详情见2022年使用Docker自建shadowsocks + v2ray-plugin翻墙教程。
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Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain recordings | bioRxiv
Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain recordings | bioRxiv
A brain-computer interface that decodes continuous language from non-invasive recordings would have many scientific and practical applications. Currently, however, decoders that reconstruct continuous language use invasive recordings from surgically implanted electrodes[1][1]–[3][2], while decoders that use non-invasive recordings can only identify stimuli from among a small set of letters, words, or phrases[4][3]–[7][4]. Here we introduce a non-invasive decoder that reconstructs continuous natural language from cortical representations of semantic meaning[8][5] recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Given novel brain recordings, this decoder generates intelligible word sequences that recover the meaning of perceived speech, imagined speech, and even silent videos, demonstrating that a single language decoder can be applied to a range of semantic tasks. To study how language is represented across the brain, we tested the decoder on different cortical networks, and found that natural language can be separately decoded from multiple cortical networks in each hemisphere. As brain-computer interfaces should respect mental privacy[9][6], we tested whether successful decoding requires subject cooperation, and found that subject cooperation is required both to train and to apply the decoder. Our study demonstrates that continuous language can be decoded from non-invasive brain recordings, enabling future multipurpose brain-computer interfaces. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-3 [3]: #ref-4 [4]: #ref-7 [5]: #ref-8 [6]: #ref-9
Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain recordings | bioRxiv
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Zubtitle - Add Subtitles to Videos & Edit Videos Online
Zubtitle is an online video editing tool powered by AI that makes it easy to subtitle videos and get them ready for social media. Resize, trim, and animate videos in minutes.
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ChatGPT Prompts | PromptVine
ChatGPT Prompts | PromptVine
Discover the best chat prompts and products for ChatGPT. Save, submit, and your favorites and share with your friends.
ChatGPT Prompts | PromptVine