At Starfall, children have fun while they learn - specializing in reading, phonics & math - educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for children K-3. is een videodatabase, gevuld met educatieve en informatieve videoclips, filmpjes, fragmenten, liedjes, animaties, lesvideo’s afleveringen, TV-programma’s, televisieseries, videoverzamelingen en afspeellijsten. Alle video’s zijn afkomstig van de Publieke Omroep (NPO), met name van de...
Start building your own kingdom of knowledge by solving quizzes and occupying the territory with your friends. Question bank of the school subjects make learning more fun and enjoyable!
Start building your own kingdom of knowledge by solving quizzes and occupying the territory with your friends. Question bank of the school subjects make learning more fun and enjoyable!