时代100人:本世纪最重要的人物(英语:Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century)是在1999年时,美国著名杂志《时代》整理并发表的20世纪的100位重要人物,整个列表共分成“领袖与革命家”、“科学家与思想家”、“创业家与巨擘”、“艺术家与演艺人”和“英雄与时代象征”五大类组,每一个类组又挑选出20名成员。 1999年12月31日,《时代》杂志为犹太裔理论物理学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦发表专文,将其列为20世纪风云人物;另外印度国民大会党领导人圣雄甘地和美国总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福则被列为风云人物亚军,同样也有专文报导。 在全部100名影响20世纪的重要人物中,包括美国企业家比尔·盖兹、天主教教宗若望·保禄二世、南非反种族隔离革命家纳尔逊·曼德拉和美国电视脱口秀主持人欧普拉·温芙蕾,则在后来2004年开始举办的年度时代百大人物评选中亦有上榜,温芙蕾更是时代百大人物排行榜中上榜次数最多的人物。
Social and cultural phenomena specific to the Internet include Internet memes, such as popular themes, catchphrases, images, viral videos, and jokes. When such fads and sensations occur online, they tend to grow rapidly and become more widespread because the instant communication facilitates word of mouth transmission. The below partial list focuses more on Internet phenomena that is not restricted by regional Internet laws; other countries such as China or Pakistan do have Internet phenomena specific there that is not blocked by regional laws. These are covered in List of Internet phenomena in China and List of Internet phenomena in Pakistan.