USTC Open Source Software Mirror
iawia002/lux:👾 用 Go 编写的快速简单的视频下载库和 CLI 工具
👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go - Google 搜索
镜像使用帮助 - MirrorZ Help 致力于成为一个开源、开放、且持续更新的开源软件镜像的帮助文档整合站点,旨在帮助高校间推广开源软件的使用。
Releases · niuhuan/jasmine
A comic browser,support Android / iOS / MacOS / Windows / Linux.
Releases · Aidoku/Aidoku
Free and open source manga reader for iOS and iPadOS
Suwayomi/Tachidesk-Server: A rewrite of Tachiyomi for the Desktop
A rewrite of Tachiyomi for the Desktop. Contribute to Suwayomi/Tachidesk-Server development by creating an account on GitHub.
seven332/EhViewer: [DEPRECATED] An Unofficial E-Hentai Application for Android
[DEPRECATED] An Unofficial E-Hentai Application for Android
皮皮喵极速版,聚合检索阅读浏览器软件,自定义来源,创建/导入/订阅站点来源,拥有暗黑模式,大图切割,自由缩放,随意预览等多种实用功能和多种漫画阅读模式。 皮皮喵极速版是本地浏览器工具,不提供任何数字内容,通过用户自定义规则搜索、提取、整合数据,所有内容均来源于互联网,无限扩充网络资源,追踪最新章节。 更多资讯可以关注微信公众号tips21获取!
玩Android - - 常用网站
Word_PDF互转 【已更新】 - 『原创发布区』 - 吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|
==新版诞生==【注意:如果PDF内容很复杂 转换需要耗费较多内存 可能导致卡顿 请知悉】新版特性:支持PDF与Word互转 (P->W是Pdf转word)(W->P是Word转Pdf) ... Word_PDF互转 【已更新】 ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|
Krita 官方网站 | 自由开源的免费绘画软件
Krita 是一款自由开源的免费绘画软件。它无需注册、没有内购、广告、试用期或者商用限制,让画师可以有尊严地表达创意。支持 Windows、macOS、Linux 和安卓平板。它的功能齐全而专业,界面交互直观且可高度定制,笔刷引擎强大且种类丰富,支持数位板、色彩管理和 HDR。它的软件界面和全套文档备有完整的中文版。
Charles授权码在线生成 charles 激活码 charles license key generate charles 破解
Ant 下载管理器和音频视频下载器 | 蚂蚁DM
Free downloader of any Internet files. Audio, video capture and download from many video services (YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Facebook, Rutube, Twitter, Youku, etc...). Full integration to most popular web browsers.
P3TERX/aria2.conf: Aria2 配置文件 | OneDrive & Google Drvive 离线下载 | 百度网盘转存
Aria2 配置文件 | OneDrive & Google Drvive 离线下载 | 百度网盘转存
A Fast, Easy and Free Bittorrent Client For Mac, Windows and Linux
GitHub - monkeyWie/gopeed: 支持所有平台的高速下载器。
High speed downloader that supports all platforms.
yann0917/dedao-dl: 得到 APP 课程下载工具,可在终端查看文章内容,可生成 PDF,音频文件,markdown 文稿,可下载电子书。
得到 APP 课程下载工具,可在终端查看文章内容,可生成 PDF,音频文件,markdown 文稿,可下载电子书。
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GitHub - yogeshpaliyal/KeyPass: KeyPass: Offline Password Manager Application for Android
KeyPass: Open-source & offline password manager. Store, manage, take control securely. - GitHub - yogeshpaliyal/KeyPass: KeyPass: Open-source & offline password manager. Store, mana...
GitHub - helloworld1/FreeOTPPlus: Enhanced fork of FreeOTP-Android providing a feature-rich 2FA authenticator
Enhanced fork of FreeOTP-Android providing a feature-rich 2FA authenticator
GitHub - X1nto/Mauth: A Material You Two-factor Authentication app
A Material You Two-factor Authentication app. Contribute to X1nto/Mauth development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - authpass/authpass: AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible.
AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible. - GitHub - authpass/authpass: AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keep...
GitHub - Kunzisoft/KeePassDX: Lightweight password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way.
Lightweight password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way. - GitHub - Kunzisoft/KeePassDX: Lightweig...
GitHub - beemdevelopment/Aegis: A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens.
A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens. - GitHub - beemdevelopment/Aegis: A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step veri...
ModZilla - 改装大师
A Blog From ModdedGuru. Get the latest info about mods , and instructions...
GitHub - bitwarden/mobile: The mobile app vault (iOS and Android).
The mobile app vault (iOS and Android). Contribute to bitwarden/mobile development by creating an account on GitHub.