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PoSend - 免费快捷回复软件 - 官网
PoSend - 免费快捷回复软件 - 官网
PoSend 是一款永久免费的快捷回复软件,相对强大的客服聊天助手,支持话术存储,软件用于提升客服聊天效率,高标准统一迅捷回复,达到一名客服效率为五名的效益转化.同时支持QQ微信千牛品多多的快捷回,易歪歪持续研发新功能,努力做到行业领先
PoSend - 免费快捷回复软件 - 官网
易歪歪 - 免费好用的聊天助手
易歪歪 - 免费好用的聊天助手
易歪歪 - 免费好用的聊天助手
kimmknight/remoteapptool: Create and manage RemoteApps hosted on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP and Server. Generate RDP and MSI files for clients.
kimmknight/remoteapptool: Create and manage RemoteApps hosted on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP and Server. Generate RDP and MSI files for clients.
Create and manage RemoteApps hosted on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP and Server. Generate RDP and MSI files for clients. - GitHub - kimmknight/remoteapptool: Create and manage RemoteApps hosted on Windows 7...
kimmknight/remoteapptool: Create and manage RemoteApps hosted on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP and Server. Generate RDP and MSI files for clients.
解压缩软件:Bandizip 7.29 企业/专业版 | ZAPRO · 杂铺
解压缩软件:Bandizip 7.29 企业/专业版 | ZAPRO · 杂铺
Bandizip 是一款可靠和快速的压缩软件,它支持 WinZip、7-Zip 和 WinRAR 以及其它压缩格式。它拥有非常快速的压缩和解压缩的算法,适用于多核心压缩、快速拖放、高速压缩等功能。Bandizip支持Win与Mac,操作方式跟WinRAR相似,支持rar、zip、7z等主流格式,完美支持XP-Win10...
解压缩软件:Bandizip 7.29 企业/专业版 | ZAPRO · 杂铺
Releases · no5ix/sux
Releases · no5ix/sux
An alternative to Alfred+Wox+Listary+OneQuick+CapslockPlus.一个只有2M+大小的强大效率工具
Releases · no5ix/sux
xushengfeng/eSearch: 截屏OCR搜索翻译以图搜图贴图录屏 Screenshot OCR search translate search for picture paste the picture on the screen screen recorder
xushengfeng/eSearch: 截屏OCR搜索翻译以图搜图贴图录屏 Screenshot OCR search translate search for picture paste the picture on the screen screen recorder
截屏 离线OCR 搜索翻译 以图搜图 贴图 录屏 滚动截屏 Screenshot OCR search translate search for picture paste the picture on the screen screen recorder - GitHub - xushengfeng/eSearch: 截屏 离线OCR 搜索翻译 以图搜图 贴图 录屏 滚动截屏 ...
xushengfeng/eSearch: 截屏OCR搜索翻译以图搜图贴图录屏 Screenshot OCR search translate search for picture paste the picture on the screen screen recorder
WizFile - An extremely fast file finder
WizFile - An extremely fast file finder
Official WizFile web site. WizFile finds files by name, size and date on your hard drives instantly. It uses the same high speed disk scanning functions of WizTree.
WizFile - An extremely fast file finder
首页 · 厨具
首页 · 厨具
Biniware Run is the best portable tool to save and organize your favorite website addresses, files and folders in one place.
首页 · 厨具
Logitech Options国内高速分流下载
Logitech Options国内高速分流下载
Logitech Options 可增强您的罗技鼠标、键盘和触摸板,是一款功能强大而又容易使用的应用程序。使用 Options 可自定义您的装置,并完成超乎您想象的多种工作。 但是,罗技官网似乎对国内的网络支持不太好,下载这个应用非常慢...
Logitech Options国内高速分流下载
Free keyboard macro program. Supports hotkeys for keyboard, mouse, and joystick. Can expand abbreviations as you type them (AutoText).
The customization marketplace for Windows programs. Customize your programs with available code snippets or create your own customizations.