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raj457036/copycat_clipboard: Copycat Clipboard is an intuitive clipboard manager designed to enhance your workflow. Seamlessly switch between documents, apps, and devices while keeping all your copied items organized and accessible and synced.
raj457036/copycat_clipboard: Copycat Clipboard is an intuitive clipboard manager designed to enhance your workflow. Seamlessly switch between documents, apps, and devices while keeping all your copied items organized and accessible and synced.
Copycat Clipboard is an intuitive clipboard manager designed to enhance your workflow. Seamlessly switch between documents, apps, and devices while keeping all your copied items organized and acces...
raj457036/copycat_clipboard: Copycat Clipboard is an intuitive clipboard manager designed to enhance your workflow. Seamlessly switch between documents, apps, and devices while keeping all your copied items organized and accessible and synced.
易采集EasySpider,又称Easy Spider,是一个可视化爬虫/浏览器自动化测试软件,可以使用图形化界面,无代码可视化的设计和执行爬虫/浏览器自动化测试任务。只需要在网页上选择自己想要爬的内容并根据提示框操作即可完成爬虫/浏览器自动化测试任务的设计和执行。同时软件还可以单独以命令行的方式进行执行,从而可以很方便的嵌入到其他系统中。
NaiboWang/EasySpider: A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化蜘蛛软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行蜘蛛任务
NaiboWang/EasySpider: A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化蜘蛛软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行蜘蛛任务
A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。 - NaiboWang/EasySpider
NaiboWang/EasySpider: A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化蜘蛛软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行蜘蛛任务
AdBlitz - Turbocharge Your YouTube Experience
AdBlitz - Turbocharge Your YouTube Experience
AdBlitz enhances your YouTube experience by automatically skipping ads, skimming through non-skippable ads, handling multiple ads seamlessly, and providing a lightweight, hassle-free viewing experience. Download now for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or other Chromium-based browsers.
AdBlitz - Turbocharge Your YouTube Experience
dikshantrajput/adBlitz: AdBlitz automatically skips skippable ads and accelerates non-skippable ones, ensuring you enjoy uninterrupted content seamlessly. Remember, it's not an *ad blocker*;
dikshantrajput/adBlitz: AdBlitz automatically skips skippable ads and accelerates non-skippable ones, ensuring you enjoy uninterrupted content seamlessly. Remember, it's not an *ad blocker*;
AdBlitz automatically skips skippable ads and accelerates non-skippable ones, ensuring you enjoy uninterrupted content seamlessly. Remember, it's not an *ad blocker*; - dikshantrajput/adBlitz
dikshantrajput/adBlitz: AdBlitz automatically skips skippable ads and accelerates non-skippable ones, ensuring you enjoy uninterrupted content seamlessly. Remember, it's not an *ad blocker*;
hanydd/BilibiliSponsorBlock: 一款跳过B站视频中恰饭片段的浏览器插件,移植自 SponsorBlock。A browser extension to skip sponsored segments in videos on, ported from the SponsorBlock
hanydd/BilibiliSponsorBlock: 一款跳过B站视频中恰饭片段的浏览器插件,移植自 SponsorBlock。A browser extension to skip sponsored segments in videos on, ported from the SponsorBlock
一款跳过B站视频中恰饭片段的浏览器插件,移植自 SponsorBlock。A browser extension to skip sponsored segments in videos on, ported from the SponsorBlock - hanydd/BilibiliSponsorBlock
hanydd/BilibiliSponsorBlock: 一款跳过B站视频中恰饭片段的浏览器插件,移植自 SponsorBlock。A browser extension to skip sponsored segments in videos on, ported from the SponsorBlock
App Store 上的“爱阅记”
App Store 上的“爱阅记”
‎爱阅记,一个小巧轻便,但功能强大,支持云端同步,细节夸张到极点的阅读器。虽然不提供内容,但是关于阅读的一切功能,您几乎都可以得到满足!App主打就是自定义,可定制化功能绝对能满足您的需求。默认提供了多种不同的配置方案,更提供了细致的自定义操作界面以便您自行修改!以下是关于App的大概功能 1.支持格式:txt,epub,pdf,docx,mobi,azw,azw3,azw4,pdb,prc,zip,rar,ttf,oft,png,jpeg,jpg,bmp等。可自动从压缩文件中解压出其内不同格式的文件,包括内嵌zip或rar 2.支持EPUB书籍样式的开启或关闭,目前支持图片,字对齐,加粗,边…
App Store 上的“爱阅记”
uPaste - Mac Best Free Clipboard Manager - Oka Apps
uPaste - Mac Best Free Clipboard Manager - Oka Apps
uPaste - uPaste, Best Free Clipboard Manager Mac, Smart clipboard manager. uPaste records and organizes your copy/paste history automatically. It lets you use your pasteboard content anytime or anywhere. uPaste features a beautiful and elegant, easy-to-use UI.
uPaste - Mac Best Free Clipboard Manager - Oka Apps
xieyumc/YuYuWechat: 一个让微信定时循环发送消息(使用cron表达式任务可以精确到分钟),批量群发消息的小工具🚀,并且提供了一个简易直观的界面,可部署到任意平台
xieyumc/YuYuWechat: 一个让微信定时循环发送消息(使用cron表达式任务可以精确到分钟),批量群发消息的小工具🚀,并且提供了一个简易直观的界面,可部署到任意平台
一个让微信(非WEB版)定时循环发送消息/文件(cron表达式精确到分钟),批量群发消息,定时检查聊天记录的小工具🚀,提供了简易直观的界面,并支持邮箱报警等功能,可部署到任意平台 - xieyumc/YuYuWechat
xieyumc/YuYuWechat: 一个让微信定时循环发送消息(使用cron表达式任务可以精确到分钟),批量群发消息的小工具🚀,并且提供了一个简易直观的界面,可部署到任意平台