
Sparkle uses AI to create a unique folder system and organize every new file (and all your old ones) into the right place. It manages your folders so you don't have to.
Completely transform your computer in minutes. Simply download a verified Playbook, or use your own, and run it in AME Wizard.
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Debian -- 通用操作系统
Debian -- 通用操作系统
Debian GNU/Linux 是一个操作系统及自由软件的发行版,它是由一群自愿付出时间和精力的用户来维护并更新的。
Debian -- 通用操作系统
GitHub - BewlyBewly/BewlyBewly: Improve your Bilibili homepage by redesigning it, adding more features, and personalizing it to match your preferences. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
GitHub - BewlyBewly/BewlyBewly: Improve your Bilibili homepage by redesigning it, adding more features, and personalizing it to match your preferences. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
Just make a few small changes to your Bilibili homepage. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話) - BewlyBewly/BewlyBewly
GitHub - BewlyBewly/BewlyBewly: Improve your Bilibili homepage by redesigning it, adding more features, and personalizing it to match your preferences. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
Windows Server 2022 | Microsoft
Windows Server 2022 | Microsoft
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Windows Server 2022 | Microsoft
CLOUDUH/dual-wechat: 如何在Mac上通过脚本实现微信双开,并通过自动操作创建应用程序,修改图标后直接当作第二个微信使用,无需打开终端输入代码,且双开后无终端出现。
CLOUDUH/dual-wechat: 如何在Mac上通过脚本实现微信双开,并通过自动操作创建应用程序,修改图标后直接当作第二个微信使用,无需打开终端输入代码,且双开后无终端出现。
如何在Mac上通过脚本实现微信双开,并通过自动操作创建应用程序,修改图标后直接当作第二个微信使用,无需打开终端输入代码,且双开后无终端出现。 - CLOUDUH/dual-wechat
CLOUDUH/dual-wechat: 如何在Mac上通过脚本实现微信双开,并通过自动操作创建应用程序,修改图标后直接当作第二个微信使用,无需打开终端输入代码,且双开后无终端出现。
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免费天气 API - WeatherAPI.com
WeatherAPI.com free weather API and weather data and Geolocation API (JSON and XML) for hourly, daily and 15 min interval weather, historical data, bulk request, astronomy, sports and much more.
免费天气 API - WeatherAPI.com
Pasty - Smart Clipboard Manager for macOS
Pasty - Smart Clipboard Manager for macOS
Pasty is a free clipboard manager for macOS. Copy anything you like, search through an unlimited amount of items and paste anywhere you want.
Pasty - Smart Clipboard Manager for macOS
WizTree - The Fastest Disk Space Analyzer
WizTree - The Fastest Disk Space Analyzer
Official WizTree web site. WizTree is the fastest disk space analyzer available for Windows. It reads the Master File Table (MFT) directly from the disk, bypassing Windows and gaining a huge performance boost.
WizTree - The Fastest Disk Space Analyzer