Wallpaper Engine Wallpaper Gallery Create your own animated live wallpapers and immediately share them with other users. It is recommended to browse the Workshop from Wallpaper Engine to find something you like instead of this page. Learn More
There are already 1420 awesome wallpapers tagged with lights for your desktop (Mac or PC) in all resolutions: 3840×2160px (4K Ultra HD), 1920×1080px (Full HD), 1600×900px, 1280×800px, 1366×768px, 1024×768px, etc.
MyLiveWallpapers.com - Free live wallpapers for your PC and mobile phone. We have anime live wallpapers, cars live wallpapers and more! Use our FREE and software to apply live wallpapers on your PC fast!
最近很多操作系统都纷纷发布了新版本,比如 Windows 11、Ubuntu、Deepin、优麒麟、CentOS、Debian 等等,对喜欢玩系统的人来说绝对是盛宴。不过一般用 Rufus 等工具,一个 U 盘往往只能制作成一个系统的启动盘/安装盘,想要增加另一款系统,只能得重新刻录一遍,每次都要格式化超花时间。而最近发现了一款“多合一启动盘”的制作工具 Ventoy,简单到拷贝个 iso 文件进去就能用,堪称新一代的装机必备神器………