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md2pdf - Markdown to PDF
md2pdf - Markdown to PDF
Awesome Markdown to PDF! Still upload resume.md to stranger server? Try this Offline Web App!
md2pdf - Markdown to PDF
SwiftRead - Speed Reading Software
SwiftRead - Speed Reading Software
Download SwiftRead to speed read any text up to three times faster, while maintaining comprehension. Featured by Google.
SwiftRead - Speed Reading Software
numanzamandipuu/Notation: Notation is a browser extension that uses a special algorithm to highlight the first syllable of a word, allowing readers to focus on the highlighted parts and read up to 1.75x faster. With customizable font-weight and opacity, Notation enhances the reading experience on any website.
numanzamandipuu/Notation: Notation is a browser extension that uses a special algorithm to highlight the first syllable of a word, allowing readers to focus on the highlighted parts and read up to 1.75x faster. With customizable font-weight and opacity, Notation enhances the reading experience on any website.
Notation is a browser extension that uses a special algorithm to highlight the first syllable of a word, allowing readers to focus on the highlighted parts and read up to 1.75x faster. With customi...
numanzamandipuu/Notation: Notation is a browser extension that uses a special algorithm to highlight the first syllable of a word, allowing readers to focus on the highlighted parts and read up to 1.75x faster. With customizable font-weight and opacity, Notation enhances the reading experience on any website.
Vite App
Vite App
Vite App
Step-by-Step guide on how to rip books from archive.org
Step-by-Step guide on how to rip books from archive.org
by Pancakes / PanicN3xus Downloading the ACSM file / encrypted PDF file from archive.org Prerequisites Archive.org account (You can use temporary mails) If it's a "Borrow for 1 hour" book Go to the book you want to download in archive.org and click on the Borrow for 1-hour button. Sele...
Step-by-Step guide on how to rip books from archive.org
Jiffy Reader
Jiffy Reader
JiffyReady empowers you to read with greater attention, focus and stop re-reading. JiffyReader chrome extension provides a functional reading hack plugin to compliment your browsing experience and available on the chrome store and firefox add-ons
Jiffy Reader
Audible Tools
Audible Tools
Web site created using create-react-app
Audible Tools
Libby - 欢迎
Libby - 欢迎
All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries.
Libby - 欢迎
How to get Free New York Library Card to access Books and Audiobooks on Libby.
How to get Free New York Library Card to access Books and Audiobooks on Libby.
Note this only works for 14 days. You can just make new accounts with new temp email so it's not that bad. Anyways Go to https://www.nypl.org/library-card/new and click on Get Started When you are in there, it will ask you to enter your name,surname,email adress and dare of birth. In Name and S...
How to get Free New York Library Card to access Books and Audiobooks on Libby.
LazyLibrarian / LazyLibrarian · GitLab
LazyLibrarian / LazyLibrarian · GitLab
LazyLibrarian is a SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones-like application for ebooks, audiobooks and magazines
LazyLibrarian / LazyLibrarian · GitLab
SCRIBD.VPDFS.COM - Free Scribd downloader
SCRIBD.VPDFS.COM - Free Scribd downloader
Scribd.VPDFS.com is a scribd downloader online service allow user to get the documents from scribd instantly.
SCRIBD.VPDFS.COM - Free Scribd downloader